How much of the LN is out and how much is translated?
Youjo Senki
There are relatively few flight mages, and at best you have a fhandful of wings shifting around between different fronts. Comparitively, I'm betting that they still assume a large amount of casualties from artillery and gunfire, so the fact that trenches aren't exactly protected against mages are probably only a minor consideration.
It contradicts everything I know of history. War heroes, especially those that were for propaganda, were always kept in the back line once they are designed as the country's heroes because if they died in front line, it will cause a huge drop in morale and endanger the whole operation.
7 volumes are out, only the 1st one is translated tho.
The Empire was being fucked hard, they wouldn't just let Tanya being a guinea pig in the Training Division while they were invaded by the François Republic.
Well, I think I understood that she gets quite infamous in her own army.
They basically wants to use her as much as possible, because she's infamous even in her own army.
Empire titters over a war on two fronts and desperately tries to stop the current war or at least to kick the enemy hard enough it will stop full scale operations and go to skirmishes. It doesn't have a luxury of dropping one of the best commanders and the best flight mage into rear duty.
Probably the only thing that can lead Tanya to rear duty is critical wounds. Like loosing half the limbs and both eyes.
mee too, It's a very bad decision for the story, but some anons in previous tread said that things will develop this way. Wanna see adult Tanya
I like her... I just hope it does not become the usual excuse for Yuri. In truth i'm sorry even for the two unlucky dogs. I would have enjoyed if they had remained part of the team.