This is Arthur Pendragon(male)

This is Arthur Pendragon(male)

Other urls found in this thread:

where is manaka

Took them long enough


This is my wife (male)

>Dual Magnums/Pistols/Chuuni Guns
Has this meme gone too far?

>Frilly sleeves

Already have the superior regular saber. But I don't play that grindfest anymorez Just glad I never spent any money on it.


Excellent taste.

Just because you're a man doesn't mean you don't have to look good.

FGO fags are superior to the Extella fags Sup Forums regularly attracts though.

Let them fight.

Fate would have been better if it stuck with this.

scientists are still baffled

I can't fucking wait for Hollywood to be so creatively bankrupt that they make 7 movies about ancient heroes and then ala avengers do a Fate/Prototype movie starring each hero as a particular Servant.

nothing wrong with absorbing mana from a comrade

Replace the girl with Shirou and make it a bromance with gay undertones.

>Already have the superior regular saber.
This is the superior verison though. Regular saber a shit. She's been kinda shit for years.

Why dont came with Brunhild.
I every stay.

>Why dont came with Brunhild.
Its White Day in Japan, which is males day. Which is why all the CE's and gatcha at the moment are male only.

No shit.




Yaoi girls .
It bad Culture.


Otome hero design

I ironically like Arthur more than Arthuria.

It's a shame Nasu is too afraid to make anything that isn't otaku pandering waifubait.

I don't think too many of us are being ironic when we saw we've burned out on Arthuria years ago and something about her just feels shitty at this point. The only ones who typically rate her the highest are secondaries who have only seen the anime or something, or people that just vote for main heroine up top no matter what.

Whatever quality she had at one point has been eroded by endless clones and being kinda boring or badly written route in the first place. There's just a dozen clones that each fill a certain niche, and all of them make her feel like less of a character in the first place. Not that she really feels like much of one anyway lately.

Its like she's a character with cool shit around her, you want to see more of that stuff, but she herself is not that cool. She's got her moments, but also they've ruined it years ago and the more they try to shove her down our throats harder the more I can't like it anymore.

Male Arthur feels like his own thing at least, you can see in prototype he's not the same character. He's boring as well, but he's not burned out yet at least.

Anime when

Kill yourself, fujoshit.

Later coming?

Saber in FSN or FZ is a legit character, and she's not bad, the problem is when you make her cheap as fuck by clonning and milking non-stop like Nasu does.

Sakura clones feel like vastly different characters, so its hard to associate them at all and they can't change anything about the original one in feeling. They' all have their own trait and feeling foremost. Even if they're silly, they are at least original characters in feeling.

Rin clones as well, they've got their own shit going on, they don't draw to the original entirely. You don't entirely associate them.

Arthuria clones feel like fuck ups, because its like "What if Arthuria, except if she appealed to this fetish instead. And was slightly different". they innately do associate with the original one each time. It feels like there's a few problems with them that impact upon the original or feel cheaper.

Does FGO have a gaijin mode yet or is everything still in nip?

And make something that's otaku pandering fujobait?

You're just jealous because you know you could never make it work


I can't wait for them to dd Strange Fake servants to the roosters.

At this point there's too much dialogue to translate so they'll never get around to it, especially when it's keeping itself more than afloat just fine with JP money only.

Emiya Kuro

There is literally no Extellafag who is not also a braindead GOfag, I refuse to believe that.

>there's too much dialogue to translate so they'll never get around to it
Yet virtually the entire game has been translated independently.

I'm sure it's quite possible for some publisher to release an English version if they actually wanted to do so.

>you'll never go super hero so hard that when a turbo slut fucks you over you'll get BLACKED

Nasu hates gaijin and doesn't want it translated, and they probably don't think they can make enough money to make it worthwhile when no one knows about Fate.

Just how Yen Press does it? Give it up, user. Official works will always work at a snail's pace than fanworks becasue they have to put a lot of work in the things they do. To make a Gaijin mode not only would they have to translate the dialogue but also code the entire thing to be fir for it and that is more work than anyone is willing to put.

Is it really that bad to enjoy F/GO? Waifufaggotry aside a lot of this characters and concepts would never have seen the light of day if it weren't for the game giving Nasu free reign to give them life. They'd be kept away int he confines of his mind because there isn't enough Spin-off to give them a proper story.

King Hassan, Moriarty, Hessian Lobo, Solomon, I can't honestly see him using them in any other story without taking years upon years to complete it.

EMIYA (Alter) should have been like this instead of being black.

>Make a ton of good waifu designs
>Struck gold with Papa Bones
>Then this shit

We had the most dapper Archer and the Headless Wolfman in the same gatcha so I can't complain too much honestly.

Yes, and he would have done a much better work in all those years, without any of the cancer GO brought about. It was actually a crime to waste perfectly good characters and ideas on a mobage that is largely a shitstain. Reconsider your priorities if you feel like defending it.

I had no intention of saying that it will happen; I was simply saying that it could happen.

>claiming that Solomon and his plot was wasted in GO
Fuck you. He's the best male character in the entire franchise. Gil is the second best, of course - but there's a sizeable gap between them

does he have a masculine vagina

>That Enkidu

Absolute garbage taste, sasuga GOfag.

Read the VN, then watched the adaptations, then read Zero, then watched Zero, then read HA, then read SF (LN), then read SF (manga), then *read* all the text of GO; I've never played it. Don't give me shit about being a "GOfag".

>not liking the broest magician of all time

>inb4 'muh merlin'-posting

Fuck off merlinfags.

But does he belive in gravity?

In other words, your opinion on wether the character was wasted on the medium is 100% meaningless because you never even experienced the pile of trash of a game we're talking about, and only took the"good parts" out of it.
Why did you bother replying again?

That was essentially what I said.

>you ... only took the"good parts" out of it.
What part of "all the text" is so difficult to understand?

I have watched the game as well, if that is the answer you sought. These things were not concurrent, but that is inconsequential.

Holy shit shota iskandar looks badass.

"All the text" is not FGO.
Reading all dialogue in a videogame is not playing it.
This might be a concept too hard for you to comprehend though.

Yet again, you seem to have not read the actual entirety of my post. How odd.

That's still better than the other option.

Keep Saber as a girl, but give her the personality of a typical western female lead.

>That enkidu

Fucking hell.

Watching a videogame is not playing it either.
And even if you consider it equivalent, if you have actually "watched" all of FGO, including all events and all of the trashcan-tier Servant designs and concepts, and still appreciate it and don't think it was a waste for some good characters to be mixed with that shit, then you are a bona-fide GOfag, which is exactly the point you were arguing against.
Sweet logic error nigger.


You created the logic error on your own by building a path which you insist must be my perspective.

The dichotomy is 'appreciate or not appreciate', not 'appreciate or dislike'. And there is no reason or need to find only one way to view the entire work as a unit, especially under the terms 'appreciate' and 'dislike'. I *acknowledge* all of Fate: Grand Order as a unit; any further word on the work understood as a whole is inane. I do not appreciate Grand Order's portrayal of a female Oda Nobunaga. Yet, I also find no egregious fault in the depiction of the Grand Time Temple chapter. I dislike Ishtar, yet I appreciate Babylonia-era Gilgamesh. I acknowledge the work.

I shall liken this to the original VN. I don't particularly care for mollusks. But I like Ea. I despise the cooking and school segments more than anything else that I have ever read. But I enjoy Cu's character. I acknowledge the work.

By my eyes, there is nothing wrong with something good existing alongside something bad. I do not find that it is a "waste" for the story of Solomon and Goetia to be told in Grand Order. I find that it is what happened and acknowledge it, instead of complaining about the unknowable.

So, you accept it as OK for those parts to coexist, and liken the slower sections of FSN to the bottomless shitpits of FGO.
100% a GOfag.

To liken is not to equivocate, puppet.

One is an integral, if sloppily written part of its work.
The other is nothing but a detriment that only cheapens the experience.

I'm still waiting for my boy Achilles

I think it's Rama.

Gawain, why are you cosplaying as your king?

He is Arthur's nephew after all.

He kind of sucks though. At least his animations look nice.

>Proto Merlin voiced by Kawasumi

Mate, if cygames could translate GBF, which has a metric shitton of text then Sony could translate fucking FGO.

Gay Archer is here now.

We already have Kotomine Shirou

How does Alter equate to "dress like Kotomine"?

Is this a jojo reference?

I want to fuck Enkidu

Will Sakurai ever marry Ayako?


Wrong redheaded shota.

priest here ask me anything

I think it's less a matter of "they can't" and more of a matter of "they really don't see any reason to"

What's your major issue with it? It sound like it killed your parents.

>GBF, which has a metric shitton of text
I'm pretty sure FGO has surpassed GBF in word count by now. Maybe a few times over, even. There's a lot of text, and a lot of the text uses terminology and references that require knowledge of other TM works to fully grasp. It's a lot of work.

What went wrong?

The gacha happened.

Zecchan is the cutest.

>Good day Mrs.
>Your Son calls me mommy too.

She wants to please uncle Moriarty, not crossdressing bullshit with Alters.

It's a gacha mobage primarily targeted to waifufags, but also tries to tell a serious story and mess with universe-level lore that other fans actually care about.