Just because you're a man doesn't mean you don't have to look good.
This is Arthur Pendragon(male)
FGO fags are superior to the Extella fags Sup Forums regularly attracts though.
Let them fight.
Fate would have been better if it stuck with this.
scientists are still baffled
I can't fucking wait for Hollywood to be so creatively bankrupt that they make 7 movies about ancient heroes and then ala avengers do a Fate/Prototype movie starring each hero as a particular Servant.
nothing wrong with absorbing mana from a comrade
Replace the girl with Shirou and make it a bromance with gay undertones.
>Already have the superior regular saber.
This is the superior verison though. Regular saber a shit. She's been kinda shit for years.
Why dont came with Brunhild.
I every stay.
>Why dont came with Brunhild.
Its White Day in Japan, which is males day. Which is why all the CE's and gatcha at the moment are male only.
No shit.