Last Jedi now 2nd place

We already have sisters of battle, but games workshop doesn't update them because no one gives 2 shits about women in warhammer 40k, if they did then games workshop would bother making the molds to make new sisters of battle, because games workshop loves to milk money from its fanbase.

I'm absolutely befuddled by this shit. Don't they get that the whole point of 40K is that everything sucks and all you can hope for is that the local commisar blams you before the dark eldar can rape you to death? leftists are so high on marxism they can't let anything remain unpozzed, even when it doesn't make any fucking sense. Yeah the imperium is a brutal authoritarian regime where life is cheap, for good reason mind you, but they're super pro women and gays and shit.

I remember seeing another one of these articles where some pink haired fuck was droning on about 40K super puritan sexual norms because Slannesh will make you explode into shitting dick nipples if you don't have missionary sex exclusively. Nevermind that Slannesh is all about excess not nessicarily sex. Maybe if you could only get it up while listening to the agonized screams of 666 people being tortured for 6 hours straight she'd have an interest. I'm starting to think these people don't even know anything about the lore, they just hear there's something that isn't catering to them and start screeching.

oh lame, that was only 8?
i was hoping that was the last one

Don't forget when PETA started a petition to ban furs in warhammer 40k worn by the space wolves. Of course games workshop told them to fuck off.

PETA. Trying to ban furs in video games & tabletop games- in a sci-fi universe... where people wear other people's skin as trophies.

>these people don't even know anything about the lore
yeah thats kinda the point. everything they try to destroy, they arent even fans of that thing.. IF THEY WERE, THEY WOULDNT WANT IT SHITTED UP

Feminist and space Negro's

Maybe they're inferring that things could be worse in in the 40k Verse, if only they had feminism.

They didn't get my money.

"Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, you can't get fooled again."
-The Woke George Bush Jr.

My bottom dollar says they'll have to blow up [NOT THE DEATH STAR] in Episode IX

It makes sense for them as a propaganda tactic, they were hoping to get on those sweet Gamergate patreon bux and UN invites.

>locate niche hobby of dudes enjoying themselves
>shit all over it in the dumbest and most public way possible
>cry misogyny & nazi when the inevitable backlash occurs
>All your bullshit goes viral to the armpit hair braiding and numale footstool crowd, free advertising achieved.

Basically similar to what Trump does on Twitter (except he has a rational and constructive purpose behind pissing off the correct people), leftists have been doing it a long time now.