ITT anime Sup Forums hates for no reason
ITT anime Sup Forums hates for no reason
But it's objectively shit.
luluco or kiznaiver?
Sup Forums showed a weird amount of dislike for Ookami Shoujo imho.
Kiznaiver is incredibly mediocre except for its character design, so it's not like people dislike it for no reason.
Luluco has equal amounts love and hate because it's just a polarizing series.
It was fucking boring and awful.
It deserves every ounce of hate it gets.
I Actually liked Kiznaiver
I like Kagepro as a concept the anime was bad though
This shit however is fucking terrible
It really triggered the autists here. The scifi aspect would have worked better in another series; Okada clearly preferred a romance drama.
No, that was the very definition of "botched adaptation"