ITT anime Sup Forums hates for no reason

ITT anime Sup Forums hates for no reason

But it's objectively shit.

luluco or kiznaiver?

Sup Forums showed a weird amount of dislike for Ookami Shoujo imho.

Kiznaiver is incredibly mediocre except for its character design, so it's not like people dislike it for no reason.

Luluco has equal amounts love and hate because it's just a polarizing series.

It was fucking boring and awful.

It deserves every ounce of hate it gets.


I Actually liked Kiznaiver
I like Kagepro as a concept the anime was bad though
This shit however is fucking terrible

It really triggered the autists here. The scifi aspect would have worked better in another series; Okada clearly preferred a romance drama.

No, that was the very definition of "botched adaptation"


I mean, sure, Kiznaiver wasn't a bad show, but it's pretty clear why Sup Forums hates it, Sup Forums would irrationally hate anything with "Mari Okada" name in it, it's like being a Kyoani show, it will automatically get tons of shitposters just trying really hard to hate it, the difference here being that Kiznaiver doesn't have a fanbase to defend it.

Technically the reason is that Sup Forums and casuals like it.

Kiznaiver had a godtier op. That alone makes it 10/10.

>This shit however is fucking terrible

>Good looking male lead

Thanks for proving my point.

Nah fuck you. I tried giving Mari Okada a chance by watching this shit, but it was just as bad as every other piece of garbage that she had written before.

Kiznaiver was very good, fight me.

Kiznaiver was a bad anime but I enjoyed it.

The anime is a terrible adaptation and has horrible animation with a bullshit ending. They clearly didn't try.

Sup Forums loved it before the anime aired.
Sup Forums liked it after season 1
Sup Forums hated it after season 2

I went into Kiznaiver thinking it would be shit because of Okada and Trigger (right now I don't hate them but I did at the time because KLK was garbage) doing it but was pleasantly surprised. Tone-wise, it felt like the most "Evangelion" show the Gainax/Trigger team made since Eva itself.

Even Luluco was more Evangelion-like than fucking Kiznaiver

Luluco was fine. Kiznaiver was irredeemable even with Fairy-chan.

>Sup Forums is one person

But Sup Forums likes this shows too.

>no reason
>Chidori and Tenga's incredibly annoying drama
Autismo adn Autisma were fine.
Fairy was fine.
Masochist was fine.
Maki was nice after her bullshit lesbo drama and Yuta was ok in general.
But the redheads single-handedly ruined the series.

Being made for the Sup Forums audience is the reason, space blandy a shit.

I don't hate it, it's just awful shit and one of the worst Trigger shows (Ninja Slayer is worse though)

I gave it a chance, even broke my 3 episode rule just because it's a Trigger original, but shit kept getting worse I had to drop it. It had nothing going for it.

The OP is the only good thing about it

Nah, mostly just the writing.