JoJo Thread

Trivialize and entire part or arc with "muh x"
Ex: muh identity

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>it actually plays the intro music

Oh wow.

muh 4

>muh file resolutions
>muh board

Let the voice of love take you higher and higher!

>he wants dio to be his mind waifu tulpa
Fuck. This autist is trying to go schizo. Sorry for blogposting bu I dont understand wanting such a tulpa.

muh dead dad

But DIO is a good guy.

> ywn hold S&W in your arms


Did you purposely shrink the picture in order to annoy everybody?

>muh hand fetish

>muh bad brutha

Scooby: 「Fear of the Dark」 Self explanatory
Shaggy: 「Summer in the City」 I feel like he needs a classic 60s song.
Fred: nailed it with 「Tangerine Dream」
Daphne: 「Walking Boots」
Velma: 「Edge of Seventeen」

No clue about what the stands would do

>muh big fat gay aztec wedding

I did tangerine dream first.
Use another song.
Also, Nazis with stands wanting to grow the forbidden fruit tree again>>> your shit

>not wanting to watch Scooby's Bizarre Adventure: Mystery Machine is Not Crash

>John Cena's Stand
Obviously Achtung Baby.

Tangerine Dream is a pony in Blossom's Bizarre Adventure, a Jojo/MLP crossover fanfiction.

So maybe you should use another song.

>muh napkin

is it only me or does S&W looks kinda small in this?

Not 「You Can't See Me」

>literal Jojonies

Can't make this shit up

Give me examples of wounds characters should have died from

Mine's still better
It have tigers.

Jokes aside, a jojo part in the WWII will be amazing.
Imagine if Stroheim wasn't killed by regular soldiers in stalingrad, but by stand users.
There's a stand called Mein Kampf
and another one called Übermensch

Russians don't need Stands to defeat Nazis. They are Russians.

Nazi tech vs German superhuman body

BBA has a stand called Chemical Romance that shoots out a gas that makes people fall in love.

So you know. There ya go.

Polnareff. No, pick a wound. Any wound.

Except for maybe the tonguing he got from Enya and her zombies, but that whole fight was just there for closure on the Geil arc anyway.

Uh, how do you know this?

How about the cut on the leg he got from Devil?

Because there's a wiki.

There's always a wiki.

Nice. I am just worried the tulpa will manipulate him. That said, if I was patient enough maybe a personality like that would be interesting to interact with. I remember a greentext about an accidental Dio tulpa who made life hell.

Small & Wet

Pucci turning his own head inside out to defend from Anasui's attack.
Pucci getting impaled by Weza's blood spikes.
FF should have been able to kill Pucci when she shot her own head.

>this has better animation than the part 4 anime
lol Davidfags

>not Death in June

is the davidbashing naranciafag the same as the old naranciafag

Narancia is my best friend and together we're going to brutally take down David. April 18th is drawing near, the Davidfags will be swallowed by God's own cock.

no, just an imposter
decent shitposter tho, don't mind him much

>just an imposter
Fuck you fucker. You're fucking asking for it Davidfag.

I don't even like the anime

Is Kira the Styil Magnus of JoJo?


>It's another Naranciafag civil war thread

It'll all be over by April 18th

Are you gonna fucking bomb David?

You better fucking deliver since its tomorrow you hack

Nah, he's just going to push the date back, to May.


>xfag is going to do something on the 18th
>same day as the new JJL chapter comes out
>He wants everyone's attention

Trust me, i'll have your attention . video will be uploaded too for those who miss it\april18th

What, is it going to be just you, burning David merch or "BDs?" Riveting.

Are you going to cum on a picture of Narancia while you burn a printed paper with David Productions logo?


Narancia is cute! I hope nothing fence related happens.

I didn't say you could take over, did I fucker? Wait until April 18th has passed and I'll allow you to post on this thread again

What style should a part 6 anime soundtrack have? I feel like it needs a blues/blues rock feel to it.

muh ants

So, is it just circle jerking and name drops around here?

What the fuck did I just read

Get Jesus -> Get power -> Get laid

These steps can be taken in any order.

Did DIO and Pucci homosex each other?

It's been 13 hours since I started edging waiting for the spoilers.
When the fuck are they coming out?

>13 hours
D-DIO-sama is that you

I think I did that once





They are invincible.


Jolyne a waifu Pucci a shit

Go to bed, Anasui.

What's the most depressing part?

My life.

5 or 6, definitely.

Most sad: part 1
Most mad: part 6

Like the entire part 5 is reflective of Araki's depression. 70% of the cast dies most of the time in a gruesome way, La Squadra cry for their comrades and all die like dogs without accomplishing a single thing, Narancia is a MC but dies like nothing and gets nothing, Diavolo was revealed to be abused until his psyche couldn't take it anymore, Doppio's final words are how lonely he is without Bossu after getting pumped full of bullets, Diavolo gets an infinite loop death and loses his mind, and it ends with Giorno looking like he's about to commit suicide with no real closure for the part.

>giorno about to suicide
Wtf user he became boss

If the anime doesn't add Giorno bringing Narancia back to his hometown I'm not watching it

Wait for the Purple Haze Feedback ova

Forget that.
Part 5 should just be skipped entirely.

But you'll have to watch till the end to learn if he does, dumbass

You can't skip fate forever, Boss.

Pretty much

>Implying that a non-canon POS will get an OVA
It misses the point of the themes and characters of the part really badly, dude

is doppio manly?

Diavolo's extra hair migrates to Doppio's body when he's in that form, so yeah, Doppio's manly as hell

Part 7 for me. Johnny, Gyro, HP and Diego all have depressing back stories

He has big balls for a small guy.

Which Jojos are better?

Dead Jojos or alive Jojos?

Definitely the dead ones

Joseph is still alive

>Dead: Jonathan, Jotaro, Jolyne, Johnny
>Alive: Joseph, Josuke, Giorno, Gappy
It could honestly go either way, depending on your personal taste. Jonathan and Giorno drag their sides down, but Jolyne, Johnny, Josuke and Gappy pull them back up again.

Jonathan: +0
Jotaro: +3
Jolyne: +5
Johnny: +5

Joseph: +2
Josuke: +4
Giorno: -1
Gappy: +3

spoilers when


thanks halohorka artakgi for nothing jojaliino was a mistake

It's here