if America couldn't win in Iraq or vietnam how could they be expected to ever beat canada we are smarter we have more places to hide and we could easily blend in with you
America btfo
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oh and not to forget most of you can't handle our winters
We could sanction you into submission, 80 percent of your economy is reliant on us.
not once weed is legal
I’ve spent 5 years living among the leafs. They’re too damn smug about not being burgers to blend in with the burgers. Worst insurgents possible, they’ll just out themselves if you even for a second think they’re burgers.
90% of your population is on our border idiot. Bait harder
The only trouble we had was self-inflicted by restraining our military from total war.
Extermination camps, mass rapes, tactical nukes... This is what we have planned for you, Canadian scum.
We'll just release our dogs first, then shoot you while you're all busy fucking them.
Quality leafpost
This, if we went full scorched Earth, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, they'd all be our bitches. And Canada would be even more so being weaker than each of those
Fuck off. They are brothers.
If the American Government is actually in support of the war, and isn't holding their forces back for political point scoring and placating an Anti-War minority, you're fucked.
That's why Vietnam was a pull out and Iraq was a blitzkrieg with a wet dishrag follow through.
>we have more places to hide and we could easily blend in with you
And so can we Ahmed.
you would get fucked over in the winter that's when we would strike back
How does Canada expect to win an all out war with America when Canada has already been defeated through socialist liberalism?
Just imagine Sup Forums
>Be me
>20 year old maple drinker faggot
>On a secret intelligence interception mission assigned by fuhrer truedae himself
>Scouting out the situation
>Figure out that there are two armed guards and three snipers steady upon the entrace
>See there is a permission ID check at the entrace
>Go to entrance
>"Hello americans I am a fellow American! I love the guns and the burgers as well!"
>The guards look at you funny and shurg it off as a mere jest
>They confirm your fake ID and you are about to go in but then
>Start to explain your entire plan to the burgers
>Proceed to call them racist for considering you to act even remotely American
>Tell them you are sorry for tricking them and hope they have a wonderful day
>They look at each other then look back at you
>You are now a prisoner of war and their officer is currently attempting information out of you
>You tell them everything because its the nice thing to you
>You are then killed and your body is buried with the rest
>MFW you are a individualist leaf
Then the question is, how does America actually achieve a decicive victory?
You are so hamstrung by war weary politicians and a populace that actively protests wars, as has been the case in every major conflict since ww2.
Is it actually a realistic possibility for the US to fully mobilize behind a war effort?
I can only imagine a war with China or Russia achieving that melding of military and people.
This retarded shit is parroted too often. Scorched Earth does not work. You tried it in Northern Afghanistan, against the Taliban, in the 90s. This is pre-911. The only thing that worked was when Iran/Northern Alliance/you put boots on the ground. You cannot bomb mountains. It doesn't work.
Most of the states is below freezing. Heck even Texas is lucky to get 5 degrees around winter now.
humm... smart use of space, as russians.
>Canada vs USA
Our militaries are basically fully integrated already, dumbass. Canada is a part of NORAD and the USA can order Canadian Air Force to do things. We basically already conquered you.
Dumb fucking leaf can't count stars can he? Or tell they are a different colour.
No wonder you changed your flag, only one leaf to count.
It was the guerrilla fighters giving us trouble not the armies. If the US actually used counter-insurgent tactics instead of trying to fight conventionally then they would easily win. Just look at the Afghanistan War. It will never end because it is a loop. The more innocent lives the USA's bombings take the more the locals hate us. The same locals end up becoming terrorists and more terrorists = more bombs.
the CF 18's are barely air worthy and over 30 years old.
Let's be honest, the US isn't as successful in military campaigns, as the public thinks they are.
The problem with Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, is difficult logistics.
Given that US and Canada border each other, in a hypothetical war, I see the US totally rolling over Canada (sorry Commonwealth buds).
>implying the Australian-American Union wouldn't be unstoppable
What are you to be sorry for kangaroo bro?
the US always lets politics get in the way. Vietnam was ridiculous because they never truly went after the supply lines. And the White House decided on aerial targets every morning instead of letting commanders in theatre do that.
Don't make us do it again, burgers.
>counter-insurgent tactics
hurrr duuur, what the fuck does that even mean? You're going to dress up whitey in turbans and play taliban? Do you know how many ethnicities exist in Afghanistan? Do you know how many languages are spoken? That's not even going into the tribal shit they do. The West's idea of war doesn't work in Afghanistan.
Because your entire urban population hugs the northern US border and is linked to our infrastructure system.
Most of us cant even handle the winter, dumbass.
Cut off power and gas for a winter, see how much of our population is left in the spring.
Goes both ways. Why do you think the Gauls left Italy after BTFOing Rome?
The US pulled too many troops from the South early on to bolster the Iraq invasion. It's the biggest blunder they let the Taliban establish a base of operations in late 02.
There might be a million hard chargers. But honestly most of the country is commie pinko. Why would any potential resister want to fight an insurgency against the US? All the gun owners would see it as a Liberation and join up as militia.
>British troops stationed in Bermuda passed through Canada and BTFO US.
You might as well say Poland invaded Russia in Operation Barbarossa.
Those Gauls were from northern Italy, not much colder than Rome. Plus many of them fought naked. They left because they had no concept of conquering territory, they invaded because were offended at Roman diplomatic insults and were appeased when they were given stuff.
Counter-insurgency are tactics designed to fight against Guerrilla warfare and yes they are generally effective.
>stopping at the white house
Burn all of DC.
>we could easily blend in with you
Maybe if you gain like 140lbs, twigleaf.
>we are smarter
well idk what proof supports that claim.
>we have more places to hide
I reeeaaallllyyy doubt that but feel free to tell me why you believe this.
>we could easily blend in with you
You cant blend in with the amerimutt. Nobody can it is impossible they are not human it is scary please help.
who you calling a twig I'm just as fuckin fat as the next
"I love the guns" implying? There are a shit ton of guns in Canada we just don't have niggers killing each other with them (well not at the same scale). Canada is no different to USA, go to a city and you will see pure cancer but go to any other place in the country and you will find normal human beings.
Now I kinda want to see some yanks and Canadians deal with dixie or southwestern weather (hot and humid or really hot, but no humidity)
>They left because they had no concept of conquering territory
This is the most absurd. Brennus was not only a superior General, but a superior diplomat to the ones used by the Romans. Brennus knew very well about conquering territory - it was Rome interfering with his conquest of Clusium that started the war in the first place.
Unironically this
I didn't know my 5 dollar water gun counted as a gun
>speaking about anything this confidently from the 4th century BC, let alone the intentions of a cisalpine barbarian general
Holy shit, forgot to change flag back after ironically LARPing in the commie thread.
> All the gun owners would see it as a Liberation and join up as militia.
This is probably the biggest problem with defending Canada from the US.
The sort of people that would stand and fight, and have the means to do so, would often welcome American annexation.
Buddy, an AR 15 with a max of 5 rounds isn't a gun, it's shit. (Low key, take out the pin or smuggle in nice pmags pre shtf or happening)
However, there is one gun that Canada allows but the USA doesn't, and that's shotgun in the size of a pistol... a nice meme
Why the fuck would we want to fight you?
Protip: get rid of your shitty gun laws
Wouldn't you? The Muslim Brotherhood (which is banned in most of the Arab world) is running Trudeau's government and immigration policies.
If Socialist Liberalism is to be defended let the socialist Liberals who want total gun bans to defend themselves.
To seize control of the maple mines and put Quebec to the torch
Also anything Norinco.
I have 4 gun stores within a 20 minute drive of my house and there is a good chance I own more firearms than you do.
Canada has a strong gun culture, the problem is our government and media refuse to admit it.
Fair enough, I’m in.
They did not inherit the tradition from the Middle East of knocking out the local rulers and taking over extant societies themselves. Otherwise they would have realized that they could have installed themselves as local lords of Rome with virtually no resistance. The Gauls wanted to set camp in Clusian lands, and sent diplomats to negotiate for land rights. The Clusians called Rome for help, the Roman diplomat murdered a Gallic chieftain, thus sparking the war.
You’ve got great places like Marstar. Also, you can get Norinco shit.
>an AR 15 with a max of 5 rounds isn't a gun, it's shit
The problem isn't the gun, its the mags. We can have most of the same guns that the US can.
Well no shit, we are working on it.
Yes, very much so and for a lot more reasons than just the guns.
>we are smarter
Explain this
reported to trudeau
Canada US war scenario. I know not what the catalyst would be but dumb Trudeau would seem to think Canadians would all die for him against Trump.
Citing massive Chinese ownership of the Canadian economy and Trudeau's financial backers (Chinese pay for players) Trudeau invites the Chinese military in to defend their business / oil interests in Canada and attack the US.
Trudeau and the Chinese try to claim some U.N. narrative for removing Trump as President.
Marstar is low tier, literally every other online gun store is better.
I hope you do, guy needs to stop trying to pretend Canadians dont like guns.
I would even bring the guy out for a nice, politics free, day at the range. Im only 2 hours north of Ottawa, its totally doable.
Quality>Quanity leaf
Say "boat"
Really? I’ve seen it have some neat stuff. Just like unusual or rarer stuff, not like new stuff.
The problem isn't that we've lost our stomach for taking casualties. It's that every country that we've fought in since WW2 was basically a third word shit hole and we've lost our willingness to commit mass genocide to quell the occupied population. If a IED or a sniper caused a casualty in Iraq and we immediately responded by liquidating a three block area around the shooter women and children and all. The sand coons that lived would stop supporting the insurgency or there would stop being people to support it real quick. The fact is nobody is better at nation unbuilding than us, but when it comes to laying down the new law and building a new nation in the olds place. We lack the stomach to slaughter a few tens of thousand civilians like the commies would in order to make it work.
If we have to do this shit again there are only a few working options.
1. Maximum violence. kill everything that puts up a fight and it's next of kin until they get the fucking hint.
2. Huxly style mind control. Dope em and brainwash them like the world has never seen. Might work, might not. It has never been fully attempted before.
3. Bomb the fuck out of them dresden style snatch or kill any heads of state we don't like and then leave. Eventually they will get sick of getting bombed upto or back to the stone age and they will stop pissing us off.
4. Full mercenary dictatorship. Blackwater would have been more than happy to murder every fighting age male in mosule for a fee. They'll run out of sons before we run out of money to pay for mercs bullets and coke.
The problem with all of these is that it costs us much more diplomatically globally than a country full of goat fuckers is worth. Plus then who's going to grow our oxycodone for us? The fact of the matter is Hussain singed his own death warrant the second he tried to fuck with the petrodollar. Everything that happened after that was just the cost of enforcing the WBO's status quo.
You seem to be confused about what those wars were actually about. Winning is not the goal
>implying Canadians have the will to survive
Iraq was just a civil war mess between violent religious sects.
Vietnam was primarily nationalistic and wanted all foreign powers out.
Canada is a cuck nation, as evidenced by your PM.
They are all great stores.
>Actual gun store, good selection, mostly various kinds of rifle
>Gas station/gun store, even more guns than real gun store, most pistols Ive ever seen in one place, cheapest ammo in Canada.
>Local outfitter, high end hunting rifles/shotguns, hunting ammo
>Canadian tire, low to mid range hunting rifles/shotguns, good ammo selection
America keeps trying to fight wars with "civility" so not to tarnish their image. The reality is the US could turn any country into a big glass crater if it went all out.
> could easily blend in
I've been hearing from the pic related you were the epitome of whiteness
And as I just realized you were probably referring to my own guns, most were given to me by my grandfather, the 5 Ive purchased since then have all been good firearms.
Canadians are so smart.
Well refuted moran :^)
No finish your reading homework and go to bed.
>having to go full throttle on second world militaries with outdated weaponry to win decisively
The memes write themselves.
You have to do that to win any war, if you don't kill people faster than they can be replaced, the war just lasts forever.
Get anything good from him? My understanding is that Canada has a sort of legacy system, where otherwise prohibited guns can be owned if they’re passed down.
I couldn't do that until she took a 15 minute shower
syrup is fucking disgusting, its sticky and almost always gets in places you don't want it to be.
fuck syrup
This sadly. Thanks to orgs like the U.N. and our own weak faggots and sense of morality back home, we cannot actually go full scorched earth. Even Putin has said that nobody can beat us offensively. (Which is also why russia has some of the best anti missile systems in the world.) We have enough aircraft and munitions to bomb an entire country in a non stop rotation for weeks on end. We have aircraft that can put a round in every square inch of a football field with one pass. What we lack is the willingness to do what needs to be done.
>I don't study war but this seems like common sense so I'll pass it off as truth
>this post
We don't have to beat you through force of arms. All we"d have to do is cut off trade relations and you'd all starve to death in a week or two
Prohibs can only be passed down one generation and unfortunately he sold is Luger 20 years ago to an old German man.
I did get some cool stuff though, the Remington 1903 and a very nice Swedish mauser are probably my favorites.
When was the last time we didn't do that yet still clearly won a war.
Canadians will never blend in with Americans. One apology and your cover is blown.
Careful brother, I hear they can smell a quarter pounder with cheese from 10 kilometers
>implying they would even bother fighting back against the Americans
Maybe if we keep taking in Syria refugees, we'll have enough sand niggers to fight them Taliban style.
>Leafs would blend in
American soldier: "Say 'about'.
Canadian spy: "Aboot"
American soldier: "What's the last letter of the alphabet?"
Canadian spy: "Zed...fuck, Zee!"
American soldier: "You're under arrest."
Canadian spy: "Oh, I'm so seewry."
>Scorched Earth does not work. You tried it
... No, dipshit, we didn't try it. We've always restrained ourselves, even against the Nazis and Japanese we were borderline Jesus-like with mercy.
Also "scorched earth" isn't the same as "total war". You sound like a moron.
In a total war the loser does not exist to whine about their treatment later. It's literally a mass extermination. There are few examples of it in history, because the history is erased. They're fucking gone except for some tools and fossilized shit that your faggy professor dug up on his field trip last summer.
>bigger than the US with less population than california
>starve to death
There's a reason why you never hear Trump talking about Canada's trade deficit. If it wasn't for our water the whole western seaboard would have burned down by now.
I thought the US had a trade surplus with Canada.
Chill out just yanking your chain Leaf, I am just pointing out how strict your gun laws are that you might as well be using an old mounted soviet standard LMG
>having to go full throttle
Anything less is stupid. Germany and Japan should have been erased from the Earth, just like the Muslims should have been as well.
Had we annihilated Germany, the Korean War and Vietnam wouldn't have happened. Had we nuked North Korea, Vietnam wouldn't have happened. Had we nuked Vietnam, Iraq wouldn't have happened.
We're constantly fighting expensive half-wars because we're too cowardly to make the world terrified of us with a single gruesome mass extermination. We should have murdered every Japanese person alive.
Hey its all good, its just that the "Canada doesn't have guns lol" thing often discourages firearms ownership in Canada, which I see as a real shame.
I just want Canadians to know that not only can they own a gun, they can own (almost) all of the really fun ones and its not even that hard if you aren't poor or a criminal.
That's right. The only countries whose economy depends on the US are the ones that make your shitty yeezies