What's Eren's endgame?
Shingeki no Kyojin
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God, why did Eren turn into a greasy old man. He should have been a cute girl (male).
End game right here
Why isn't he just regrowing his fucking leg?
I bet he smells even worse than Hanji now.
Memories of his dad banging his mom fucked him up for good
because that would blow his cover
Is that really supposed to be Eren, or are you guys just memeing? I've been out of these threads for a while.
He already showed up last chapter.
It's definitely him. Only question is, is he alone or does he have Armin and Mikasa as backup?
at this point if it's not eren people would be legit mad, because everything indicates to that, out of the whole group of fatties he's the only one drawn a bit better and intentionally hidden his face
It's not sure yet, but there's a HIGHchance.
was there a timeskip? i haven't read like the last 8
Translation when?
Using the Coordinate to start a revolution in Liberio
yes, almost 4 year timeskip
who here hates Armong like me? and there are people ehre who actually claim Armong is the "brain" of the SC....
Give Marley a grim reminder.
>being this retarded
That leg would be smoking and would be a dead giveaway. Just because the anime doesn't have the budget to put in regen smoke for an entire episode like the last episode, doesn't mean that's how it works.
Armin and Mikasa are not with them.
Titan shifters are able to control when the heal and when they dont. Eren is not letting himself heal so he does not get caught. He wants to know whats going on
>That leg would be smoking and would be a dead giveaway.
Reiner walked around with an injured arm for a night and nobody noticed....
>i can predict future
he unfortunately cant, especially when fighting two enemies with who knows what up there sleeves
with enough practice shifters can control their regeneration, or else they'd never be so good at hiding themselves, they probably did get injured during the training days
He didn't want Eren to get kidnapped. I really like Armin, like very much. He is precious.
There's a difference between pretending your arm is injured and pretending you don't have a leg. Unless the regeneration can be controlled somehow.
you haven't been in fights IRL right? when faced with 2 enemies, you create as much space between you and them and try always just face one. Armong otoh told Eren to get closer to the wall and Berthold. Which is I guess exactly what a pussy like him with no real world exp in fighting would advise to do....
>He didn't want Eren to get kidnapped.
well his plan jobbed on that front then innit?
he didn't pretend. when he revealed himself to eren he took off the bandage and the injury was visible and started steaming as he conciously started healing himself.
why do people keep talking about jews and nazis?is there some connection in the story?
Isayama is being really subtle here and turning the whole thing into ANOTHER fucking hamfisted WWII analogy
Reiner could move his consciousness into his spinal cord. I don't doubt that it's possible to slow down or stop the titan healing process if that level of control is possible.
the eldians in marley are living in ghettos, being occasioanally fed to dogs for sport by marleyans - that's somewhat akin to the Jew-Nazi relationship....
so the eldians are jews?
I used to call annie a kike to piss of an anniefag I knew but this was way more than I expected.
Been at exams, did spoilers drop?
Isayama we know what you did here
they're living in a ghetto and being treat like shit for "the guilt of your devilish race" sth sth
someone called their similarities last chapter, many faggots said "they look nothing alike"
I bet those fags got BTFO hard
what? he looks nothing like her
Welp, pieke is the final boss meme seems more real with each chapter
Eren's end game
Who had the honor to cut off Erens leg?
My guess is Levi or Hanji.
>what? he looks nothing like her
explain, what the fuck is your meme
Then he wouldn't put the armband on the wrong side.
>what? he looks nothing like her
Being a mangled corpse in a huge tomb?
Reiner's ass.
Endgame right here, brothers.
So since you are memeing this so hard, what do you make of it? Are they related? Will Eren try to eat Pieck? Will Eren use the invalid excuse to try to befriend Pieck/the Marley gang?
You need more than reaction images to convey a plot theory.
>You need more than reaction images to convey a plot theory.
Holy fuck Mikasa needs to kill all the manlets and womanlet so she can be with Eren doesn´t she?
Petra edit when ??
>Big Bro Zeke
Reiner is so handsome.
30 minutes are over and these are the results.
You feel satisfied /snk/?
I'm loving that ass
Erwin is still the best!
Marry Reiner and get him to cum inside at last.
>annie was a jew all along
>actually has a jew nose too
Now this is 2deep4me
She was around since she was a kid. She trained with BRA. We saw her clean and walking away with two legs 2 pages before we saw hobo Eren with one leg with the rest of the PTSD crew. Also pretty sure Falco would notice if this was a one legged version of Pikke.
Calm down bert
It means Pieck=Ellen
He still lives in my heart
Mikasa not impressed user
the channel youtube.com
has released some of the AOT S2 soundtrack in full
get hyped brothers
>a dozen votes
Kill yourself
You know what would be way more useful than razor-like swords and spider-man hooks, and would demand less technology? Gas/Hot-Air Baloons and giant-sized guillotines
Eren kissed Reiner in another timeline.
I'm trying, but it's not working
what did he mean by this
I wish
Seriously user, how about you just clear your mind of all preconceptions and just view both images and see their similarities
when is the ost coming out? i need the transformation version of vogel im kafig
Ask and you shall receive, be sure to take your pants off before listening because 4:57 will leave you fucking cumming mate
read the thread, the biggirl tt is the remix of Vogel.
We will never forget.
Forget who?
What is the meaning of that page? That Annie is a crazy sociopath?
>current events in the manga which place both characters at the same location, each with a different number of legs
>'B-but they both used a crutch!'
If you had another theory, like Eren trying to use this disability to earn the pity of Falco or something I would have bought it, but this is just not believable.
Maybe some light terrorism aimed at Marley fucking shits.
He was trying to make a point of Annie being isolated from the others and not really caring about what's going on.
She would rather kill bugs than listening to Bert.
We will never forget Erwin. He is in our hearts forever and always.
That she was always a bit fucked in the head due to her dad's training, which is why she smiled while killing all those soldiers.
Also she lacks empathy towards animals, the usual precursor for most murderers.
I would love to see this animated. Best moment of his character.
Wrong. Annie accidentally stepped on the bug and regrets that she barely even noticed killing it.
Annie is an angel, praise her.
Speedreader here, is Hanje now the new commander replacing Erwin?
I swear that was the most exciting part of the episode.
It will be very sad though knowing what comes next. I like the moment when he gives Bert that extremely determined look before he cuts Eren free. I believe we should be seeing that next week or the week after.
Can someone calculate how fucking tall he is right now? Use the bucket or something as reference. Even hunched over and with a crutch he's still the tallest one there. If he stood up straight with both legs he'd be like a fucking bear. Just as shaggy, too.
>They're going to animate the stampede led by Erwin this week with youtube.com
LM soon.