Shingeki no Kyojin

It's not sure yet, but there's a HIGHchance.

was there a timeskip? i haven't read like the last 8

Translation when?

Using the Coordinate to start a revolution in Liberio

yes, almost 4 year timeskip

who here hates Armong like me? and there are people ehre who actually claim Armong is the "brain" of the SC....

Give Marley a grim reminder.

>being this retarded
That leg would be smoking and would be a dead giveaway. Just because the anime doesn't have the budget to put in regen smoke for an entire episode like the last episode, doesn't mean that's how it works.

Armin and Mikasa are not with them.

Titan shifters are able to control when the heal and when they dont. Eren is not letting himself heal so he does not get caught. He wants to know whats going on