Pornography should be illegal...

Pornography should be illegal. Having images like this so easily accessible for people to masturbate to can only damage society. No civilized culture should ever accept this sort of behavior.

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What's wrong with masturbation?

It's not really up for you to decide, goy. You are powerless.

The people in power wants porn to exist and be widespread among you. So you better just accept it.

>Some people lack self control
>Ban it
why do you want a nanny state so badly

>why do you want a nanny state so badly
Because porn is evil and does nothing but harm.

(((Fuck off)))


He said, posting a pornographic image he downloaded on a nsfw image board

>he actually believes his opinion matters

People should be able to choose what they want to watch you commie faggot

>People should be able to choose what they want to watch
Yes, except for porn.

Put on a meme flag

Sup Forums literally gives you an image search option, use it you fucking brainlet.

communist detected


I was ironically memeing brainlet, I actually am doing nofap right now so it's against my religion to touch my peepee

>liek everyone’s an individual bro! You don’t know what’s best for me! Mind your own business, like fuck rules and shit, I’m gonna go smoke weed while Tyrone fucks my sister, can stop me huh, bigot?!

>Oh shit we cant make slaves out men through their balls what do we do about it.

No faggot, people should be able to watch anything they want, including porn
I can almost guarantee you’re a waste of oxygen breedfag

Of course. Unfortunately our goyshit people are so heavily brainwashed, there is no chance of banning it within our lifetimes. And this sexbot craze makes it clear it will only get worse.


>masturbation damages society
Explain this argument. I say its harm is negligible in comparison to things such as no-fault divorce, pre-marital sex, and adultery. Tell me how masturbation is worse.

You can't.

Porn is actually a good thing to fix society as many weak men are wasting their energy on it. only strong men will seek women for sex and have children instead of masturbating every minute in front of their computer.


>everyone who disagrees with (((capitalistic individualism))) is a commie

>Mind your own business
You should, why don’t you fuck off out of other people’s lives? What makes you think you know what’s best for them when you’re a nobody oxygen thief?

If people like me did not blow our load, people like you would be dead.
No shit.
If you worked out regularly, lifted heavy weights, trained for a fighting sport all year round, then you could easily blow 5 loads every day and still not be phased.

But if you don't blow your load, then you can quickly become agitated with the world very quickly.

I want to make all those things illegal too though.

Masturbation is worse because it causes those things. It saps you of your dignity, and thus by extension honor and integrity, you become apathetic, you degrade your very soul become like an animal, you become complacent.

Before you all get too hard on libertarians, just remember, you too were mentally retarded when you were 17

Problem: Mexicans are flooding the country
Solution: Build a Wall

Problem: Terrorists are using the internet to communicate with each other
Solution: Internet censorship

Problem: School shootings
Solution: Gun control

Problem: Porn is degenerating society
Solution: Internet censorship

Broke it yesterday, and the weekend before. Feels bad man.

Nothing. I think the point he is making is that when combined with pornographic images or videos it escalates and has a huge impact on the brain that can often by very negative.

i get a semi just thinking about the porn ban starting in 3 months, a whole generation freed from the evil of porn, healthy relationships and the growth of the white british race

if I had a child I would not try to prevent it from watching but explain him the consequences, what it does to the brain etc.
the rest is up to him. I have started since 12 and I'm still quite bluepilled sexually I don't like weird stuff

You’ll be the first to hang
>mind your own business
Then you are against all forms of advertisement? All these assaults upon my eyes from people putting up images of softcore pornography?
>like just don’t look xdddd
>fuck out of my life
Into the gas chamber

If there is strength in numbers, you want all your men at their best.

thats a hot ukrainian /russian
would lick pussy everyday, holy shit

Fucking statists smfh

kikes spotted

"If you say that someone is politically incorrect, you mean that they do not care if they offend or upset other people in society"

>it’s better to be a peaceful docile and cowardly soygoy than a high test alpha who kills people just for looking at him

btw found her name

Koika Metart

That doesn't take a ban on porn, that takes ethnic cleansing

>muh relationships
>muh breeding
I hope you get your face skinned you primitive breedfag. You should have all your limbs broken, then sliced up? then cut off, then have your tongue and teeth removed, have your eardrums burst, and then finally have your eyes cut out last so you’ll have been able to see everything happening to you. Do you honestly think you matter?

hey, retard, will you actually present an argument or will you keep thinking that your unsupported dogmatic announcements matter? do you have delusions of relevance?

Hey virgin, when you finally get a woman that will let you stick your pee pee in them, you are going to quickly find out that the average pussy can't take a beating for a few day after. So what am I supposed to do till then?

Exactly, now fuck off homo.

Reminder: If you aren't on an eternal no-fap -- fucking kill yourself you degenerate cuck.

I agree, but i think interracial is worse than anything else.

Kikes behind companies like BLACKED should all be executed.

Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

this post is what happens when you let african americans on the internet

Don't forget that we're being invaded by the worst of humanity, too. They see all of this and think they can do whatever they want to women.

It's not an argument, it's a fact.


its mostly spics/nigs/sandnigs who treat women like shit.

especially spics have no respect for women

you can tell when someone is a shitty human being, by observing how bad he treats a woman

Some dumbfucks said the same thing about drugs some decades ago. Look how well that has turned out. No one uses drugs and the world is better off because they are outlawed, right? Mexico is a drug free paradise.

People posting images on a 18+ image board isn’t advertisement. You won’t do shit you fucking pussy. I hope you’re forced to kill your entire family by ripping out their throats with your teeth.

It's just the free market _oy.

This. Anime and porn should be banned

Oh okay, sorry user. Good luck with your journey on becoming the Messiah.

Don't see a lot of fascists supporting this. It's a lot harder to condemn something that is degenerate when you enjoy it yourself.

t. Jew

Because it's like dangling heroin infront of a drug addicts face 24/7. At some point the addict will crack under pressure, it's human nature.

It's virtually impossible for a young single man, born and raised in the internet era, to resist the temptation of porn. It's being pushed on you everywhere you go.

I'll say it again. Porn kikes need to be executed. I'll even go a step further and have the pornstars executed as well...

> freedom to be a cuck
> freedom to have access to dindus having sex on camera

Not surprised coming from you Amerimutts, the cancer of this world.

>I have to be a degenerate sex addict otherwise I’ll turn gay
>fuck off schlomo

Until repression breeds some new degeneracy.

It’s real funny how you call me a Jew, yet I’m almost certainly whiter than you. I bet your hair is shit brown

pussy is such a strange thing.
It is fucking ugly, but yet we men will dive face first into it with happiness.
Must be the pheromones.

Repression of what? Your disgusting urge to jerk it off to boi pussies? You're better off without it faggot.


So, you saying that the only value between man and woman that keep them together is sex? And if we will lost this value there will be no more families? You're smart person desu.

It makes you lose time on nothing, and creates perverts.

>trying to be edgy
>is also stupid
I don’t think this is the place for you, Reddit or 9fag seems more your speed.
I meant when you see a Victoria’s Secret advert next to the highway, or a car or bar advert and there’s always a scantily clad busty woman on it.

It’s inappropriate.
>muh moral fag
This is why you belong in the gas chambers, you are a failure to your line, your children will be the last children to ever descend from your line, if you even have children that is.

Muh freedoms to watch porn and play the lackin’ challenge

So does posting here.

jesus brits are fucking ugly

>Alcohol should be illegal. Having a drug like this so easily accessible for people to drink can only damage society. No civilized society should ever accept this sort of behavior.

Brown hair comes from Neanderthals.
My hair is light brown, like a dull orange.
Anyway, it’s very interesting that you attack my whiteness in an attempt to discredit me, very Jewish of you.

Porn matter this much to you, that you turn into a psychopathic subhuman?

Monkey see monkey do, probably mistook this conversation for a porno and so he starts to get violent against well meaning people, it’s best if we just put him down.

You virgin white knight faggot, those girls are enjoying the time of their lives and getting paid for it. There is a reason ur forever virgin, and chad fucks your mother


>Then they find out their on the Muslim's side again.

the hero we deserve

I agree with that, alcohol is degenerate

Pornography has always existed.

It isn't the problem.

Thinking a woman's mouth had any worth outside of sucking dick is where we fucked up.

>"If you say that someone is politically incorrect, you mean that they do not care if they offend or upset other people in society"
No it doesn't, political correctness is just following the correct political opinion of the time you live in. If you lived in Germany 1938 and said that Gypsies should be deported to protect the purity of the aryan race that wouldn't have been politically incorrect, even though some people would get hurt from that comment.

>enjoying the time of their lives
Is that why they all end up becoming heroin and coke addicts who kill themselves?

The solution to the nu male manchild epidemic

Can confirm, but I want to stop of my own free will, not have the government do it for me.


kike subversion at its near pinnacle

So should we ban alcohol too? Remember how well that went last time?


>Koika Metart
meh ugly tits

It actually went pretty fucking well you Jewish shill. If it had been given more time we might have gotten rid of drunks entirely.
We tried it literally once, and for a short period of time.

>trying to be edgy
Not trying to be edgy faggot. I really only want you to feel pain for the rest of your pathetic life, because that would bring me great joy. People like you don’t deserve to live.
>I don’t think this is the place for you, Reddit or 9fag seems more your speed.
>even though he’s a pussy who gets triggered by seeing underwear ads
>I meant when you see a Victoria’s Secret advert next to the highway, or a car or bar advert and there’s always a scantily clad busty woman on it.
So how do you want them to advertise bras and underwear faggot? Have a picture of a girl in a traditional dress and her 10 kids next to a pair of the items being advertised?

Pol in a nutshell

>If you ban guns they'll just be more demand for illegal guns. They won't go anywhere, they'll just be a crime.

Also pol

>Banning porn means porn will disappear.

>I’m not trying to be edgy
>is unnecessarily edgy
A simple “I don’t like you” would suffice.
Maybe by saying “we sell women’s apparel” or “car lot” “Oreilly’s bar next exit” would work.
Maybe we shouldn’t appeal to sex as a form a selling things.
Seems like something a merchant would do, degrade sex into consumerism.
That’s what pornography does, reduces sex into mindless consumerism.
Gluttony and Lust are the same sin.
You should kys desu, save me the trouble when the day of the rope comes.