Pornography should be illegal...

>People should be able to choose what they want to watch
Yes, except for porn.

Put on a meme flag

Sup Forums literally gives you an image search option, use it you fucking brainlet.

communist detected


I was ironically memeing brainlet, I actually am doing nofap right now so it's against my religion to touch my peepee

>liek everyone’s an individual bro! You don’t know what’s best for me! Mind your own business, like fuck rules and shit, I’m gonna go smoke weed while Tyrone fucks my sister, can stop me huh, bigot?!

>Oh shit we cant make slaves out men through their balls what do we do about it.

No faggot, people should be able to watch anything they want, including porn
I can almost guarantee you’re a waste of oxygen breedfag

Of course. Unfortunately our goyshit people are so heavily brainwashed, there is no chance of banning it within our lifetimes. And this sexbot craze makes it clear it will only get worse.