Hunter x Hunter

Who else will he use Steal Chain on?

What happens if he steals Skill Hunter?

reminder that itis a plane no a dolphin

Chwurorf Lucirfur

Kurapika is such a Gary Stu. So many great powers without drawback.

Look at the contrast to that guy whose power he got. Controlling insects with a magic ball that's apparently difficult to use! What the fuck, how do you even come up with something useless like that. And who gets the idea to turn into an aura sucking vehicle?

t. Killuafag

>And who gets the idea to turn into an aura sucking vehicle?
You forgot about Tsubone?

When will the true main characters be back?

He even got a dolphin with an AI he can talk to that can perfectly analyze the stolen power. That alone is worthy of being someones Hatsu.

Daily reminder that 2011 is garbage in art design, direction, "animation" and every other possible aspect

If you only ever watched 2011 you have never consumed Hunter × Hunter material

This chapter alluded to Kurapika's two weaknesses.

You mean Bandit's Secret?

You can bet Kurapika is going to suffer some serious drawbacks from overusing Emperor time.

>you have never consumed Hunter × Hunter material

Criticize it all you want but you can't possibly say it's not an accurate adaptation. The only significant difference of any sort is that Maha Zoldyck doesn't appear

not to mention it steals aura as well as the hatsu.

His hatsu is better than a shitload of people we have seen and it's only one of five

Reading is too hard.

How do you go from this

to this?

What's his end game?

Hair grease

Here we can see the typical 99fag coming out of the woodwork to shove his disfunctional opinion down everyone's throats.
They feel like if they repeat it enough it means they are right. See pic related.

Don't worry it happens every time the manga comes back, they'll soon get bored and leave the threads because they don't truly care about HxH.

To become a woman.

>we're going to have to sit through 7-8 years of this succession war bullshit


killua boy pussy

99' vs 2011 arguments and Pitou genderposting are probably the most annoying thing in this fandom. With both, people need to just stop arguing about it and let everyone just think what they want to think, who cares. I hope people at least getting some enjoyment constantly arguing about it, otherwise it's just pure cancer.

I thought Bandit's Secret was the book, but Skill Hunter was the ability to steal abilities?

>tfw Kurapika can steal O MY RUBBER NEN

control killua to control alluka

Bandit's Secret is Skill Hunter's alternative name. Like Bungee Gum's alternative name is Elastic Love.

>Kurapika will never dominate you

Reminder that Killua will grow up to look like Zzigg Zoldyck, not his father.

he was already overpowered to begin with

what the fuck

Bill best boy


Togashi hiru, I'm pranning on turning wan of eitheru Gon or Kirua into a girru, whichu wan shudu I du?

You say as it is a bad thing

Killua. Killua's cuter.

Both, that's the only way it can stay gay

>Since when were you under the impression that I only have five fingers?

More red than blue

Get your shit together

Shalnark died, didn't he?

On a similar note, fuck you Togashi for restarting the series with another wall of text chapter

>forbidden love in MY Jump

I swear, if Kurapika reveals he has chains on his other hand I'm hunting Togashi down like a dog.

>chain on his dick

It was a nice chapter, consistent with the rest of the arc.
What did you expect?

Gon's cuter and already looks like a girl.

>implying he has a dick

But if it were straight, which one would be the girl? I'd say Killua, personality wise too.

Would kurapika pierce his dick

I want to see Kurapika die by using his chain on a spider that temporarily quit the Troupe just for this trick to work.

So that's what Gon really wanted? To be a girl (and essentially follow Kaito again)? What did Ging say when he found out?

Halkenburg's nen beast looks so savage.
I wonder what its ability is.

Do nottu wuri, dei wirru stirru habu the soul of kawaii boys. But the evirru WSJ bossu wirru not lettu me writu a gay end, verry anti-faggotu, justu raiku wittu my gay basebarru manga, so I mustu turn wan into a girru

Either could be. Killua may look a bit more feminine, but he also has a much more 'boyish' way of speaking, while Gon is a lot more polite.


Probably tearing his head off in the next chapter

This is true yes. This is harder than I thought. I guess trying to decide quickly on this issue when could work either way, was a bit more than I could chew. I've decided that from now on I'll pursue such topics on my own terms.

And I'm not just talking about topics related to HxH.


O...kay user, not sure what that's supposed to mean, but sure. But why you gotta try to make it straight. Embrace the homo-ness of hxh.

Kuroro looks like that retard from The Office.

>Shalnark died, didn't he?

I fucking despise you peeps commenting about genderbenders instead of discussing about the chapter




Gon is polite and cooks and cleans.
Best waifu.

Bill is a good friend. A nice boy.

Killua definitely has more female personality traits and a more female character role. Gon is stubborn, confident, naive, and leads. Killua is usually submissive to Gon and just likes being around him, and is much less confident, more of a female trait/character role

Halk's beast being some kind of cyclopian wendigo eagle certainly doesn't help alleviate the fact that he's a TWOSCOOPS DRUMPH expy.

Top 10 anime nen beasts

That would make no sense since the owner of the beast dies means the beast itself dies. The beast in itself doesn't give a fuck about the succession battle, it just want to preserve its source of food.

I didn't think I'd like Gon more as a female. She's perfect

Going along with Gon's plans because he didn't have a goal of his own doesn't make him 'submissive'. He acted pretty bossy towards Gon too (gave in plenty, sure, but he's always come across as more of a leader). But none of this makes either one more feminine anyways, that's completely stupid. Have Gon be the girl then so it's like every other idiotic shounen trope out there, or better yet, both of them.

He is three character could use health power ... other are Pitou and alluka.

It's not that it makes him more feminine it's that the role he occupies in the story is more often given to females. And yes I would say he's pretty submissive on the whole, I mean learning to be less submissive and more confident was a major part of his character arc

>tfw Kurapika will never bully you and guilt-trip you
>tfw Kurapika will never tackle you to the ground
>tfw Kurapika will never tell you "don't talk to me."
>tfw Kurapika will never tell you to shut the fuck up
>tfw Kurapika will never chain you down
>tfw Kurapika will never abuse in every sense of the word in order to get informations
What's even the point anymore.

True, but then all the more reason that Gon should be the girl in this hypothetical, so it at least somewhat bypasses the typical female shounen character trope.

Don't forget about me, user-san

t. Bisky

bubble butt

>no female gon pounding pussy to death

Who's a hotter girl Chrollo or Hisoka

wtf i love Kurapika now

>He thinks Kurapika won't have chains on his left

>More Kurapika shit
Wake me up in 12 years when this mary sue extravaganza is done.

wtf stop posting this genderbent shit im getting confused

Now I have to see Tserreidnich's and Benjamin's

Confused as to what?

Yeah because we so need more Gon or Killua right? Fuck off pedo Kurapika and Leorio are the MCs now and there's nothing you can do about it.

>Wake me up in...
Don't worry, user. We won't.

>The properties of both saline and silicone.

>12 years

That's optimistic.

This manga has so many asspulls

Kurapika's powers are broken and complex with so many rules but then again, he has to fight so many enemies. He's a mafia boss' right hand man, enemy of the Ryodan, and is on a boat trip to DC. He's trained and gotten stronger and needs to be the way he is to face enemies.

All boys I wanted to fuck died.
First Pokkle.
Then Shalnark.
It means the next one is Tiger

You're thinking of when your dad pulls out of your ass to cum on your dick

The only girl I wanted to fuck also died, she deserved better.

Nobody cares about kurapika and his asspull abilities. Just give Leorio a damn fight already togashi you fucking hack

Killua and Gonna are both considered to be practically peerless nen geniuses by everyone they meet for getting so adept with Nen in such a short amount of time. Kurapica makes them both look like chumps.

Leorio is going to save lives, not end lives.

and camilla