This chapter alluded to Kurapika's two weaknesses.
Hunter x Hunter
You mean Bandit's Secret?
You can bet Kurapika is going to suffer some serious drawbacks from overusing Emperor time.
>you have never consumed Hunter × Hunter material
Criticize it all you want but you can't possibly say it's not an accurate adaptation. The only significant difference of any sort is that Maha Zoldyck doesn't appear
not to mention it steals aura as well as the hatsu.
His hatsu is better than a shitload of people we have seen and it's only one of five
Reading is too hard.
How do you go from this
to this?
What's his end game?
Hair grease
Here we can see the typical 99fag coming out of the woodwork to shove his disfunctional opinion down everyone's throats.
They feel like if they repeat it enough it means they are right. See pic related.
Don't worry it happens every time the manga comes back, they'll soon get bored and leave the threads because they don't truly care about HxH.