Individualism is Pragmatic

Imagine you are in a group. Then the group wants the complete opposite of what you want and want many things to ruin your life. Now what is the point of cooperating with the group?

You may say other groups judge you for being a part of the group you're in but still if you fight with your group for things you don't personally want you lose even if you have the numbers.

>individualism is pragmatic
No it's not.

>Now what is the point of cooperating with the group?

Sometimes, the group will make others do what you want.

It is pragmatic if the group wants the opposite of what you want and is willing to hold back your life in its name. You may say well other groups will judge you and hate you but in that case isn't my group just as much my enemy if it's willing to hold me back so much? If the outcome is bad either way it makes sense to side with myself

>The group wants to opposite of what yo want
You form a new group. This how nations have been formed since the dawn of time retard, how are you going to stand up to a group that wants you dead alone?

Not if you are born having almost no status to the group.

Your frame of world view is wrong. Get over it.

How is it wrong?

Because groups will always win over individuals

Most people are retarded and don't understand the difference between collectivism and community. What the average retard here wants without realizing it is a system of individual rights with a strong community. That is not collectivism.

If your group wants to ruin your life and wants to form hostile policies and other groups are hostile towards you, what is the point of joining a group?

If you're well prepared you can win against the groups and get away with things over and over again.

Yes exactly. You can have both.

Okay, so go against the group if you want. The group will win against an individual.

The individual can covertly break the rules or laws of the group
The individual can also organize other individuals who are disatisfied with the status quo and want individualism

I don't know what else to tell you, m8. I'll let my previous straightforward comments stand on their own.

If the option is lose happy and doing what I want and lose sad and doing what the group wants, I choose lose happy doing what I want.

Which confirms everything I said. Enjoy losing happily

If the group wants the opposite of what I want how is that a win?

You grow up and get with the program

If the program is against me why should I?

if if if if if if if i f sage. You dont have a single specific anything. Obvious bait is low quality and obvious.