Oh hay guyz! Who's gonna watch the big foo'baw' match in a couple days

Yeah, the Patriots are so black

>Anyone want to throw back some craft brews at my place and eat conventional snack food?
>We can criticize the coaches and players!
>Don't forget your polo shirts, and rehearse small talk about kids and work while we pick at chips and pretzels while standing.
>Then the ladies can sit among themselves and talk about girl stuff.
>Then I, the host, will say: "Well, shall we?" And lead us to the room with the television.
Feel free to converge on a point.

Only if you have those beef lil Smokies in the Crock-Pot with the barbecue sauce.

I could care less about football. I want some flesh......

Okay, what does a funky soul brotha like you do for the Superbowl?

I'd like that user, what time?

How bout them Stillers bro? Those millionaire blacks sure represent the dead blue collar roots of our city. They'll be my team forever

Ack! You just stirred a memory.

As a kid, my dad used to get something he called "smokie links"

However, for the life of me I can't think of the name brand.


I could go for some of those.


Game time.

"Hey, Jen, we gotta get going. Babysitter is expecting us..."

Be sure to say that at least 30 minutes before you ACTUALLY want to leave. You know how wimmin are.

>died in the wool
