I’m a libertarian. I used to be able to have conversations with people I disagreed with online, but now everyone has a knee jerk reaction of calling me a Brownshirt every time I say something that they disagree with. I went on Reddit today to just give it a try. I tried to be respectful, I didn’t act like a partisan at all, but I still get called a Nazi. This has been the only place I can actually have anything resembling an actual meaningful discussion...It isn’t always that way but at least the opportunity is there. What happened?
What happened to political discourse?
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There, there. I'm an old RON PAUL HAPPENING guy, and everyone here thinks I'm a communist simply because I think Trump is a fat fraud.
They all got brainwashed by Marxism.
This always happens right before a bloody civil war
>Sup Forums
>political discourse
hurr releese da memo
hurr everyone who doesn't agree with me is shillz
hurr baiting and shitposting in every thread
Real nice political discourse you got there
Just a brainstorm cause it's a good questions
1) Gerry mandering radicalized politics
2) no common enemy we were never anything other than facists and when we don't have an external threat we turn inward for an enemy
3) Parts of the US , CA versus Midwest, need different policies, federal government too powerful so we are stepping on each others toes
Wtf I realized it was her turn now!
if you dont agree with me your a nazi or commie.
t. current political state
2 party meme has no place in a country of 300 million people
Marxism happened. Not to mention a generation brought up to believe that everyone gets a trophy and that everyone is a special snowflake, those people came of age.
In some cases when they do engage in political discourse its always with people that agree with them and their worldview. They are always use to getting their way in life and when someone's views don't line up with their own...they lose their shit and call you a Nazi or a Fascist. It's all they got really. Which is pretty sad.
>mfw getting called a nigger is better discourse than talking with the left.
It’s not always a circle jerk. Reddit has turned into straight up cancer. I’m for smaller government and I get called a right wing authoritarian by everyone over there because I don’t think trump is that bad. And no way I’m going over to the_donald, those faggots are retarded.
Even though I'm not a fan of nazism, I accept the fact that I'm a fascist. Welcome to Sup Forums
>I went on Reddit today
For fucks sake have some damn self respect, user. Pathetic.
>What happened?
As the average citizen is given the privilege of voice on the internet, hug boxes and echo chambers are becoming more prevalent allowing those who can't grasp the idea of opposing ideas to band together and engage in groupthink mentality.
Agreed. I remember when I was shitposting with my pack of chattel back before the great civil war. Some of them had escaped and made it across the mason-dixon before the musket rounds began to fly, and were trying to tell me how much better life was in the big cities up north. I chortled at their newfound slavery to the debt of renting a posh spot on the York strip, only to have to work harder to pay for it than they ever had to do on my cotton farm. Silly negroes never learn.
Its not much better in the right wing camps, though. On here, I frequently get told that I will be gassed because I advocate some moderate or centrist views. It is called polarisation, and it tends to come just before a clash, a conflict or most likely a war.
Most people don't actually want to discuss politics. They are just interested in the dopamine high they receive from social validation. There are just more people talking about it so you interact with more idiots.
You could try making a new board called "honest politics" or something with an emphasis on actual debate if its that important to you.
Commoners just want validation they don't want you to crucify them with rhetoric.
>ID: HawtMom
Also, I'm gonna need proof of your ID's claim. Mammytits or gtfo.
Marxism is dead. There are no significant Marxist parties holding any power anywhere in the West. You will find "New Labour" and social democratic forms, which are seen as the main enemy of the few remaining (actual) Marxists.
Libertarianism is babby's first ideology, accept fascism
Yeah I guess the reason I have better luck here is because I lean to the right a bit. So I guess this is the way things are now. Everyone has to be in two camps and it doesn’t matter that I want small government, the only people who will talk with me without freaking the fuck out are far right people. It’s a shame things turned out this way.
kek witnessed
That's humans for you. Some people calm down and discuss after a minute or so, but if they don't, you just find someone else to talk with. Even if only 10% of the population can have a reasonable discussion, you can find them. Perhaps the problem is the demotivating feeling from 9 failures per success.
Not disagreeing with you, but they aren't going away just because they don't hold power. The Democratic party in the States in certainly making an effort.
Do you actually think that the Democratic party is in any sense Marxist? Have you read any Marx, user?
Yeah, its a toxic environment. I don't know who I hate more: holocaust denying nazi faggots, or SJWs, but I sure hate them both.
tits or gtfo
It's the echochamber mentality of the internet. Everyone sorrunds themselves with people they agree with. People stop discussing. Both sides only throwing buzzwords at eachother. It's pretty sad actually.
They are marxist in at least a few ways. For one thing, they view society in terms of the oppressors vs the oppressed. And they think inequality is evidence of the oppression. And they think the solution is an all-powerful government (I'll grant some marxists don't think this is a necessary part of marxism, but in practice it seems to be.) They believe that rich people got rich by cheating the poor. Etc, etc.
The problem is normies build their identity around things like political views and taste in music, sports, movies etc., so the discussion gets personal the moment someone disagrees about anything remotely important.
Very much so. Their party platform is supportive of redistribution of wealth and some members of it openly back Antifa. That's close enough.
hot mom lel
That's Sup Forums's immune system.
Now kys faggot.
I probably wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for my father being assaulted by some asshole when he went to a trump rally before the election. He had a rock thrown at his head by some people waving a Mexican flag when he was leaving the rally. My father served in the military and he got attacked by what I assume were non citizens. In our country. And the left openly supports those actions. So I have found myself going further and further right than I ever thought I would.
Marxism is a totalizing and radical ideology. It simply doesn't work in moderate versions. That would no longer be Marxism.
Marxists are revolutionary. They see the conflict to be specifically between those owning the means of production, and those that do not. Equaling any conflict oriented theory or ideology with Marxism is really lazy. That would make Fascists the same as Marxists for instance. Or Nazis, for that matter. All ideologies sees conflicts and oppressed groups, including most right wing orientations.
No, it is not Marxism. That is just an attempt to smear the Democratic party. That does not mean I agree with left wing policies though. But it sure as hell isn't Marxism.
I've thought of trying to make a website for politics discussion where you somehow win points for convincing people who are on the other side. Something like you don't just upvote or downvote, but you have to judge a post as left or right wing. Or somehow it keeps track of whether a poster is left or right wing and those who receive high votes from people who disagree with them get promoted but those who get high votes from those with the same opinions don't do much. Also all info about the user would be anonymous like here, as far as others can see, but it would be kept track of internally. You would just get posts promoted / see how people voted on posts. Maybe impossible to work well, just something I thought of.
Some whites got tired of letting everyone else be first class while they got bent over and demonized for existing. Then everyone shat themselves because Jews run media and sent every single kike and shabbos shill into shut it down overdrive.
The end result is that every shitlib and minority had been gaslit to the moon. They're essentially ready for Red Guard style murder of the hated white male enemy and Jews are loudly braying for them to do just that as soon as possible to obfuscate the fact that their corruption has become so obvious that anyone remotely sane can see the fact that kikes destroyed or are destroying everything good and decent in the world.
nah, the Internet changed is the problem. We've been through at least 3 major waves of mass immigration and none of them were fully assimilated. The biggest, worst and most recent was the smart phone wave. We have MUCH worse in store for us if China ever joins the Internet at large, I don't understand why more people aren't worried about China.
>Equaling any conflict oriented theory or ideology with Marxism is really lazy.
It's much more specific than just a "conflict oriented theory" however. It's conflict between different subsets of the same population based on inequality. It may not be exactly what Marx had in mind, but it's obviously sourced from his work. If you have a better name for it, I'm listening.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but weren't some of the first fascists communist themselves? I know Mussolini started out that way, but weren't there others that started out on Marxist theory and then drifted on to fascism?
>It's conflict between different subsets of the same population based on inequality.
Isn't that the basis for like 99% of revolutionary movements ever though?
You have used wrong think and must be called out buy lefty's
You can say anything you want here and get called a nigger jew faggot.
Sup Forums has no like button because we're not addicted to approval of others
But think of how bad you think the Jews are right now
There worse
Lets have a respectful discussion right now then you fucking nigger
Hey Al.
Sure, I think that the so-called "horseshoe theory" does have some validity. But of course, there are some very real aspects of Fascism that is different, or even opposite, from communism. But it is important to note that there was pre-Marxist communist, too.
My point was merely that the "Marxist" label is terribly inaccurate, and it doesn't serve anyone any good - at least not if you value a precise language.
Of course he's a fat fraud, but like most conmen, he's actually very capable.
Sure maybe he's bluffing his way through shit, but it turns out nobody he's up against has a very good hand.
>Isn't that the basis for like 99% of revolutionary movements ever though?
A large number of them since Marx's time, yes. But not really before that. There was the French Revolution, but that was itself the origins of Marxist thought regarding equality.
this nigger gets it
Ok. Why are the Jews a problem?
All of this is why you should just become an actual nazi. Fuck these people, let's just kill them all.
Because the left is so afraid of losing power and the narrative they created that their down to personal attacks.
Are jews a problem? I don't find them to be as problematic to my daily life as the motherfuckers who drive 15 under speed limit on clear roads in daylight.
So basically Marxism also plays a foundation for Feminism because it talks about the inequalities between men and women.
Really makes u think.
Well surely the whole concept doesn't revolve around Marx then? I mean are you sure you're discrediting the democrats by making this connection and not the other way around. To my eyes the modern narrative is even worse than the original Marxist movement, that did actually have a justifiable motive unlike the identity politics of today, which seem more like cynical political opportunism and populism than an actual cause.
you're literally arguing with people 20 points of IQ lower.
There's no point.
>So basically Marxism also plays a foundation for Feminism because it talks about the inequalities between men and women.
Yes, you'll note that feminism appears after Marxism, and that the Soviets and Maoists catered to it.
Sounds like a site I would make multiple accounts for and use them accordingly.
>Well surely the whole concept doesn't revolve around Marx then?
We need a name for it, and he's the political philosopher most instrumental to it. Again, if you have a better name, feel free to share it.
>To my eyes the modern narrative is even worse than the original Marxist movement, that did actually have a justifiable motive unlike the identity politics of today, which seem more like cynical political opportunism and populism than an actual cause.
Right, I would agree that the modern version is even worse than the original. Part of that being its embrace of hedonism, and another part being it's total disregard for function. It may be, as you say, mostly political opportunism.
They [RNC/DNC] figured out that by working together they could polarize the dumber and more malleable members of their collective flock and create an environment where people are compulsive and reactionary in their thinking and behavior. Social media cracked a few key codes to habituate people to constantly focus on their profiles and social standing inside an artificial social construct. Tech companies determined the right technological trajectory to ensure a constant quarterly and yearly purchase cycle that's predicated around keeping people in contact with their social media presence.
These groups are all tied together via the intelligence community who act as high level behind the scenes power brokers.
The Trump Hillary dichotomy is just a mid level consequence of this structure. Their personal ambitions are harnessed and directed by this structure. We are ignorantly embroiled in this side effect of a larger struggle.
too many stormfags
Good point there - modern social justice and leftist movements are best understood as a combination of radical individualism, determinism, and egalitarianism.
Everyone thinks they are unique, powerless to determine their fate, and conclude that they all deserve the same fate, standard of living, and respect regardless of their decisions.
At least thats what all of the people who espouse blaming the white man would have you believe is at the root of all of this
Hey guys, have been disconnected from american politics for a long time...
Is God emperor Trump actually doing anything against the commies?
Or at least has he stalled the situation Yuri was talking about?
Not surprised.
You can thank No Child Left Behind and Common Core. Or you can blame George Bush and Barack Obama, your choice.
This was always their endgame, nigger. They just hid it better in the days of old, but they've gotten to arrogant and played their hand to early. Now their only option is doubling down, so they only get crazier. You're not gonna get anywhere being 'respectful' with automated NPCs.
>hurr release the memo
Yet it was released.
They don't know how to play Trump's game. They're used to the same old formula. He's changing the rules and it fucks with heads. He's fucking walking-talking chaos.
The negro still doesn't realize it traded a benevolent master for a master that benefits only from their death and depravity. Inevitable of course, but almost sad none the less
Too Marxist for America at the very least
>complains about shit tier discourse
>actively provides shit tier discourse
KYS hypocrite
Nonsense. You must understand the differences in people. The ones saying you'll be gassed for giving a nuanced view will most likely not be the leaders of an actual movement. They're just the Authoritarians playing their roles, like Congress people, cops, and military guys do now. They don't question the leadership and that's why it's crucial to make sure the leadership is running the way it should. When it isn't you get what we have today
If you think Sup Forums is toxic then I'm sure you shouldn't be here. For all the left likes to pretend this is a (((safe space))) it certainly isn't. All opinions will be heard here. Many will be laughed at, and if you can't take it you're just a pussy
Exactly. They don't actually understand their ideology to it's core, but they believe so wholeheartedly in it they become almost physically ill when even challenged. But that's typically the way lemmings have always been
Its in the rules of some Marxist handbook.
Screech abuse and victim shame anyone that says the truth or questions the ideology.
MKULTRA at its finest.
Send them to Africa.
>it doesn't work in moderate versions
That's why it's failing now. So they'll either ramp it up or die slowly. And they've spent too much money to just die and give up power
>aren't worried about china
That's why we have you Tojo we'll let you crazy ass nips kill em all like we should've done in the first place. No worries man!
Then what would you have us call it honestly? I enjoy and am conscious of precise language and try to use it wherever I can. What label would you believe to be more accurate?
>are Jews a problem
If you aren't a Jew they are. Don't take traffic so seriously
He's upset the apple cart for sure. But as far as lasting change we will see. So far so good but this is a long game.
The dreaded memo got released today. A looooot of salt one of global top trending on Twatter is even hastag Yomemojokes or some shit like that. Even social media is getting in on the damage control brigade. Bigly too
But he's far from stopping our decline, and honestly, he's only the beginning if that is truly to happen
Democrats are in a panic because The People are abandoning the (((leftist agenda))) en-masse. That’s why they call everyone to the right of Stalin a Nazi, because nazis are bad and you don’t want to be a Nazi do you? Well then you better vote D or you’re no better than hitler
See OP, I used to be a democratic libertarian and all that, and then I realized that capitalism goes directly against the concept of equality. By extension, that means liberty as well goes against equality. Then I realized that liberty doesnt mean much when society in of itself is garbage and most times liberty is taken advantage of and abused.
Long story short, now Im a monarchist
We all found out the Liberals were lying and corrupt and not in the 1980s all politicians meme kind of way. The truth has proven to be a mutherfucker for the left. They are still flying through the shitstorm not sure how to get out. Its pottery.
Thanks for the answers, memetics really did seem to work. The focal point is the communication system.
They saw the backblast from the shock tactics during the election and they are putting in censorship on social networks.
We need to find other tactics to move freely in -that is- enemy territory. Internet is enemy territory.
People are far more extreme, now, and within the last few years, generally. At this point, it is as though political discourse was already very different in 2012, just prior to the mass-homosexual agenda of 2013 by the reelected President Obama and his Administration.
like mollymeme said: time for discussion is over. we better prepare ourselves for the coming civil war. every commie must hang.
nice cherrypicking, this website is still the only place where people can argue politics without begging for mod censorship
>as a libertarian
I mean really OP if you can't make up your mind at this point maybe politics isn't for you, take up knitting.
Reddit is normie cancer and a nerd jizz faucet dude I can't even ask a question there without being basically deleted
His main strategy for fighting them has been to deliberately provoke, troll, and enrage them at all opportunities to drive them ever farther into apoplexy, self-parody, and self-destruction, rapidly eroding their credibility with the 80% of the country *not* suffering from serious mental illness. He uses basically the same strategy with the media, to great effect.
He understands that he can never directly hurt these people as much as they can hurt themselves.
>This has been the only place I can actually have anything resembling an actual meaningful discussion
LMFAO the only place where you can go to have actual discussions/debates/arguments without being censored/silenced/banned is this nazi containment board. oh, the irony
As i was saying earlier in another thread
I wouldn't really be a fascist.. I am more towards a consitutional government but with what we have on the playing field right now. That is people who can't have enough IQ to be approached to free thought.
Fascist memes are the only thing that can bring them further from communism and maybe closer to forming an opinion of their own, if ever such a thing can be accomplished after years of brain damage.
If this shit keeps getting bogged down we might have to pull off the return of the roman empire.
The left went full retard.
We need a mission.
Humans as a species have never had it better, but we can't stand not having problems. We always have to be fixing something, and it always has to seem like the world depends on our success. Getting fired up about trivial crap, especially in politics lately, is one way of satisfying that need.
this is why I keep coming back