Ok Sup Forums what makes this anime good
Ok Sup Forums what makes this anime good
Being drunk.
Babby's first 2deep4u show.
Not pandering to the otakus
I honestly don't know. I watched it and it was really boring. An entire episode of a kid asking himself retarded questions. Nothing ever happened, angels show up, they get beat, repeat.
Anime was a mistake.
That pic answers your question
>doesn't see the file name
waifufags can't read lol
what makes any anime good,
if popularity doesnt determine whether something is good cause my hedonism do you go by tolstoy or what metric do you actually use to say whether one idea employed is better then the other serious question
Character development?
Good pacing?
Wrong thread
pacing depends on the show ever seen texhnolyze or lain or something,logh. Fucking character development sometimes characters don't develop and they just become more fleshed out I mean is there an actual standard for it. Execution is where you can find some actual ground to stand on with sound design, music but even then what seperates one from the other. Technical exectution works but what seperates clang from another song you know. The truth is out there but its fucking hard
EVA 01, Misato and Rei
Execution in the literary sense
Consensus and certain established elements, like innovation, polishiment, consistency, believability, direction, ost, editing, pacing, dialogue, art, animation. You can say this is all subjective, but truth is that most people can recognize true quality when they see it.
If I show a Makoto Shinkai movie and Dragon ball Super to 1000000 people, I guarantee that 99,9% of them will tell me that Shinkai movie looks better, so many times the ''muh opinion'' argument is bullshit.
Of course you can't tell what's the BEST show in a completely objective way. However, you can at least determine what's good and what's bad with certain ease.
Almost everything here is animation related and not related to Story, Characters and other aspects. Where it tends to suffer.
It is a god tier anime. But there were two ways that could make it better
>Give Asuka less lines
>Give Kaji more lines
I'd love for both Kaji and Rei to survive, but that would attempt against the story
Nothing. They only like it because of
>muh waifu
Sup Forums likes to pretend it's deep but it's shallow as fuck compared to shows like Hyouka.
I'm not sure what do you mean. It's easier to use animation as a metric to tell the quality of something compared to using story or character, because even the most clueless retarded learns to distinguish pretty from ugly ever since his first years of life, but writing can also be objectively measured to some extent, don't be fooled.
Alright but look at anime that are seen as great through time. The techniques change but superiority of elements to another adds an extreme layer of complexity. Music and sound direction especially.
Look what measuring stick do you use to determine god tier directing for example and believably is heavily context dependent and rarely an absolute requirement.
Consistency might be important but cowboy bebop, and a few several other notable anime also have poor consistency exploring diffrent thematic elemnents for example space dandy. Obviously there might be some elements that stick but how do you determine whats important tin that case.
I for the most part have to agree with you though but I hate the circle jerk around the great animes past like 70% completion of its objectives and just general guide lines its exceptionally difficult to seperate great animes from good ones and subjectivety really starts to play alot heavier role
Cowboy bebop is actually a very consistent and methodical anime. Exploring different themes doesn't mean at all lack of consistency. Mushishi might be one of the most consistent anime out there and it's basically a episodic show that explores different shit each episode.
Also, like I said quality in art isn't something you measure with 100% certainty and no room for debate, it's difficult to distinguish what are the best anime or what's the better anime when comparing between 2 good shows. I'm just saying that the ''it's all subjective'' fallacy is false and some things have inherent and absolute qualities that literally anyone can recognize.
It doesn't matter if it's pretty if it's boring and doesnt have at least a slightly intelligent set of characters to back it up
Okay...? Not sure what you are arguing here. I agree with you
You can make a intelligent story using stupid characters, Madoka Magica and LWA are good examples.
Why is that tranny wearing a swim suit?
Good depiction of mental illness
Boobs and vagina bones
The penguin.