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Anime #1595
OPT-One Page Tread
Series you want to livewatch with Sup Forums again
3/4 said new thread so new thread it is
Space Dandy
Why is that Berubetto is such a better MC than Sorey and Meebo?
Frame Arms Girls
Post girls who didn't deserve to be bullied
Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Dragon Ball Super
Has there been a single anime that has topped this in terms of comedy?
Shoukoku no Altair
You now remember the thrill of discovering that ulquiorra was only the 4th ranked espada
Kumiko's fat thighs
Have you ever had a deaf kid in your class growing up? Were they bullied as badly as Shouko...
I've never seen or read Berserk before...
Weekend Waifu Drawthread
Yuragi Yuuna 70
Post your unpopular anime opinions
JoJo Thread
WaSuYu/YuYuYu/Yuki Yuna
Fate Apocrypha
Are most slice of life anime on this level
Magipoka Thread!
Knights & Magic
Dragon Ball Super - /dbs/
Princess Principal
21 episodes in
Takagi-san Thread 3
Would you a centaur, Sup Forums?
Post 10/10 Sad Anime OSTs. I'll start
Witch Craft Works C.63
He watches seasonal anime instead of focusing on clearing his backlog
Shingeki no Kyojin
What's the best cyberpunk anime?
On a scale of one to ten, how cute would you say Konata is? I think about 8.6
Is there a single anime girl with cuter panties than Megumin?
You wouldn't ravioli a dragon loli, would you?
Kemono Friends
Made in Abyss
Boruto Chapter 14
Berserk Predictions?
I hate when anime characters use english words, its so cringey
It was a good movie, the only problem is that it tries to be Ghost in the Shell while not being Ghost in the Shell...
My Hero Academia Thread
Is he maddest man of all time
Why is Usagi Drop so fucking disgusting?
The Promised Neverland
Action Heroine Cheer Fruits
TRIGGER meta thread
What's your favorite hairstyle?
ITT: Anime moments that made you cry
Little Witch Academia
The season has started. What are you watching?
No re zero ep today
Battle Girl High School
Fate Apocrypha
What's the best show airing this season, Sup Forums?
Buyfag thread
What is Sup Forums opinion on Serial Experiment Lain
Ballroom E Youkoso: Welcome To The Ballroom
Princess Principal
Has your country's myths been defiled in an anime yet?
Named shouta
Dragon Ball Super
Atom: The Beginning
ITT pure girls only, slutfags fuck off
Thousands of years from now archaeologists will dig up the remains of ancient society and find your anime collection...
Why don't fansubbers finish the shows they start anymore?
ITT: Post the "O MY RUBBER NEN" moment of the respective series
Friendly reminder that if you like "fun" anime you are the cancer killing anime
Any good?
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Rose of Versailles
How hard did it flop?
Is there any studio with better visuals than Ufotable?
ITT: Post your own anime you thought of or pulled out your ass
Fate Apocrypha
Geez why you guys are still pirating? you guys want the industry to die? use some legal stream site already
What are you thinking about when you see this image?
Dragon Ball Super
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Fapbait you've beaten yours raw to
Shingeki no Kyojin
Why did Asuka come back at the end of EoE if she was eaten instead of tanged?
Princess Principal
What the FUCK was this guys problem?
Post 10/10 edgelords
Seisakuru no Kado
ITT: Chuuni done right
Dragon Ball Super
Froppy bread
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun
This is simply not a good idea in 99.9% of cases, when will this dumb meme end?
Taishou Wotome Otogibanashi
Are Pochacos boobs too big Sup Forums?
Why are 99% of MC of harem/comedy anime, always pathetic naive losers...
China dress with a girdle over it
Congratulations to France for finally hosting the nephew of their most famous thief!
Hunter x Hunter
Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ
Just connect my shit up, senpai
Would you drink your waifu's pee?
Flip Flappers was by no means a masterpiece but it was an enjoyable experience and I kinda miss the show
Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake
Mousou Telepathy
What's the point of a low iq girl having a big butt?
Anti-purityfag thread. Only characters that have canonically had a penis inside them are allowed in this thread
Shinka is still single, why don't you make a move?
Post anime with legit perfect soundtracks
What does "Panzer Vor" mean?
Hajimete no Gal
There were plans in the 90s for a Sailor V anime, but it never happened
Why is all anime so shit nowadays? There haven't been any interesting or fun show for like two seasons
Murenase Ch. 30
Oh hey, the edgy card game manga updates
Aikatsu and Pripara thread
Ahogaru: Clueless Girl
Dragon Ball Super
My Hero Academia
Can lolis love shotas?
Co-workers start talking about anime
Is k-on good or a series that isn't worthy of being watched?
You hear it, you lose
Have you ever received a warning from your ISP by torrenting anime or other Japanese media products?
What went wrong?
I like All Might
Side Characters in Koe no Katachi
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super
Little Witch Academia
Shingeki no Kyojin/SnK
Who gonna be the final boss of HxH ?
New Manga
Centaur no Nayami
Zamasu may be connected to the world of the void or it's a manifestation of him?
Describe an anime you never actually saw, others guess
Totsukuni no Shoujo
Fat gyaru elf
Cinderella Girls Gekijou second season coming october
More girls with physique like these
What would Lust get arrested for?
One Piece
Dead Tube
Otome Sensou
Why is Madhouse the best studio?
Gakkou Gurashi
Dragon Ball Super
It's time
New Game Thread
What is the lore behind the way he dresses?
>while trying to save nishimiya from committing suicide...
Would Sup Forums prefer a deaf waifu or a blind waifu?
It's not like I wanna say hardwork always wins against talents or pays off...
Princess Principal
Boku no Hero Academia
Made in Abyss
Dragon Ball Super
ITT: Male characters more gorgeous than females in the series
Weekend Waifu Drawthread
Which rabbit would be the best fuck?
Saki tanoshii
Remember when anime girls were beautiful? The fuck happened?
If Shirou's wants to become a hero of justice. Then why doesn't he become a fireman, doctor, or a Solicitor?
Precure Thread
Has there ever been a more hideous artstyle in anime?
Is Monogatari a ripoff of Haruhi?
After all these years, Spice and Wolf is finally announced! Who hype here?
Harem thread
This is a Japanese otaku
Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
It's been 2 years since it aired and still nothing has topped it
ITT: character that you try to mimic irl
I'm going to continue my (vain) attempt to get Sup Forums to love short form manga, by dumping a chapter...
Dragon Ball Super
Hard Mode: Don't write a Keit-Ai plot. Write an anime plot instead
Love live sunshine
What was Sup Forums like 10 years ago?
Horimiya 80
Seiyuu thread
Little Witch Academia
Who nailed up Misato's cross, and how did they come to possession of it?
ITT: used goods
Why does he jerk off here and how does he do it while standing?
Smiles You Couldn't Save
Dragon Ball Super
Keion S3 soon?
BLAME! Thread
Shingeki no Kyojin
Unconvential waifus
What went right?
I am writing this post to share my views on Chrollo, and see what other people think...
Sub positioning?
Why don't fansubbers ever finish anime they start anymore...
Who would win in a fight between Saitama and Mob at his 100%?
Are you manwhores, Sup Forumsnons?
What an overrated pile of crap...
We Can't Study/We Never Learn
Boku no Hero Academia
Two Page Spreads
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super
Yuuki Yuuna / YuYuYu
You favorite loli gives you this look
Things that are very important:
Grand Blue 37
Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ
Why doesn't Sup Forums ever discuss Grimgar?
Takagi-san thread
Last last anime you watched is now the same genre as the last movie you watched
Anime webm thread
I want to give Kanna a __________
How much muscle is too much muscle?
ITT:Things you never get tired of
Dragon Ball Super
Castlevania anime
Antagonist is losing
Best Yukino?
Lies anime taught you
Kemono Friends
Dragon Ball Super
Give me ONE (1) reason why he wasn't able to melt luffy
JoJo Thread
Isekai in Another World
My Hero Academia
Name a more unerwhelming studio
Is there a better male role model in anime than Kaji?
What does Sup Forums think of S girls in anime/manga?
Tfw completely lost interest in anime
You know, Iowa should be portrayed as a extremely intelligent, tall, tits on a stick character. Instead...
Fate/Own the anime Industry
NTR is for sophisticated patricians
I strongly believe the world would be a better place if everyone accepted yuri in their hearts and souls
Made in Abyss
Was she actually a slut? The series paint she as one, but she tells Kaji she only ever had sex with him
Best Boy or Best Boy?
Luffy, Naruto or Bleach, who is the best MC?
Strongest anime character?
Hunter x Hunter
Is boku no pico actually as bad as everyone claims it to be?
Little Witch Academia
3x3 Thread
The Nihonmatsu Siblings and the Adventure of Wooden Valley
Is there any potential way he could be the strongest hero?
Rate This Season So Far
What's your favorite Ghibli SCENE?
Why is this character only loved for her body?
Who's the dumbest girl of all animu/mango
What defines a cake?
How did Sup Forums react to episode 12?
I legitimately believe that you're better off starting with watching Fate/Zero before reading Fate/stay night
Do we have an AOTS yet?
If you had choose on girl for the sole purpose of being your personal cum dumpster who would it be? Post a pic
Weekend Waifu Drawthread
It's Saturday, and yet again time to party all night with your fellow Sup Forumsnons!
Flip Flappers
Dump incoming
Shingeki no Kyojin
Dragon Ball Super
Shield Hero
My hero Academia
Dragon Ball Super
Why does Sup Forums hate Tae so much? Also Gantz thread I guess
Why are Office Ladies the butt of so many jokes?
Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ
Why is Gakuto so much better than Dickiyoshi?
Your wife gives birth
How did they get him?
Tokyo Ghoul:re
When will japan ban JC and below...
Anime Clothing; NO fun Edition
Shitty characters
Saki: Tanoshii
What was her disability?
ITT: things you want to see happen more often in anime
Would you like if Rider was just normal high school girl heroine?
What is his fucking problem?
Why was the anime so shit bros...
ITT: 10/10 OPs
When the famous artist decides just draw straight porn, and manage to get it officially published
Boku no hero academia
What's the best HxH fight and why is it Kurapika vs Uvogin?
Made in Abyss
This is the best KyoAni kiss scene, right?
Fate Apocrypha
Symphogear AXZ
Dragon Ball Super
Shingeki no Kyojin
Why did they have to ruin Nami (and Robin) this badly?
One Piece:
Why do fluffy tails make my dick so hard?
No problem, desu!
Naruto Filler
Tengen toppa's creator new anime
Boruto: Salad Gaiden
Shoukoku no Altair
ITT: bully material
No Tiger Mask W today
Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
If you could have your way, how would Guts kill / deal with Griffith?
Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu
My boy friend!
What is Sup Forums opinion on History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi?
The imouto to end all imoutos
One Punch Man
Greedy chinese people the animation
Dubbed anime
Let's find best Takagi for anime!
The most well written characters
The film is still a project, the story is not fixed but we will know more about Victor
Academy awards
Manga 'Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san' Receives TV Anime Adaptation
Scanlation thread
So I read Kakegurui a while back, and in order to celebrate the anime I started gambling, HARD
Mujaki no Rakuen ending in 3 chapters
Blame movie
Who is the least likable anime protagonist?
Aoba is for ______
Would alot of the major problems with Naruto be fixed if Sasuke was a girl?
When you wear nerve gear and have sex while diving, your real body gets aroused too right? And if you cum in game...
Buyfag Thread
This is medieval Asui Tsuyu, she is on screen for less than a second but she doesn't mind
Why didn't they let him kill the squids?
Trigger Anime MidWest panel thread. Yesterday a panel about Little Witch Academia was held...
Yuru Yuri Thread
Dragon Ball Super
Do lolis have a future in this industry?
Is Asuka a virgin?
Victory is best Gundam
My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
What is the appeal of big foreheads?
Symphogear AXZ
Kizu III BD comes out TODAY
Animals in anime
What is her cup size?
Just finished watching Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul Root A...
Are you excited for her movie Sup Forums?
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Just finished neon genesis. Will the movies make up for that dogshit ending? If so, which movie should I start with...
So, is Iroha the best girl ever on the 2D planet?
Kakegurui 2nd Episode will start 6am PST
Why is this allowed
Is One Piece worth watching? I have a lot of spare time this summer so I was thinking of watching One Piece...
Fairy Tail 543
I can safely say this was very bad, but I want more anyway
Little Witch Academia
Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai
Western name order in subs
173 cm
What did Miyazaki meant by this?
I think I'm in love
Horrible Dubs
We will never get a show about an older office lady tenderly dominating her younger boyfriend/husband
My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
What's your opinion on romance in Shonen/Seinen? Why do people started to hate it?
Yaoi anatomy thread
Yama no Susume
The following is a very important public service message
Nanatsu no Taizai
How would you rate Louise's sexual attractiveness?
Hunter x Hunter
ITT: Scenes everyone on Sup Forums has wanked it to
What kind of man would Mugi prefer as her boyfriend?
How the hell is this allowed?
Not allowed to choose to marry someone else
What's the FIRST (1) thing that comes to mind when you see a picture of Chino?
This new season looks like hot garbage. There's nothing worth watching. Except Aho Girl
Can we have a harem thread? This is a islamic thread, so dont be ashame
Knights & Magic
Madoak majuca
What is this season's trashy high school battling LN adaptation anime?
Post your best anime characters eating food gifs
Tokyo Ghoul:re
White Hair Girls
Ok Sup Forums what makes this anime good
And Slowly
Post girls with literally ZERO redeeming qualities
You should be able to solve this
Shingeki No Kyojin
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...