Lies anime taught you

ITT: Post things that anime or manga taught you that you later learned were false.

I'll start.
>natto tastes bad
>lesbians have interesting stories to tell and are not horrible people deserving of corrective rape and enslavement, if not immolation
>you can't actually run faster if you put your hands behind your back in a straight angle

Are you ok?

It CAN be helped.

That op isn't a retard

>small girls aren't sexy

Internet in the middle east was a mistake.

I always thought Natto tasted like snickers without the chocolate, like butter corn syrup and peanuts

>tail meat isn't actually poisonous
Don't make the same mistake I did.

>If you believe in yourself and try hard things will work out

But it's true.

Crossdressers actually look like attractive girls.

Girls with dicks have the capability to be good people

You didn't try hard enough apparently


pick both

>lesbians have interesting stories to tell and are not horrible people deserving of corrective rape and enslavement, if not immolation
Don't hurt yourself on that edge

Japanese girls have big boobs.

>Girls with dicks exist



>lesbians have interesting stories to tell and are not horrible people deserving of corrective rape and enslavement

I vomited a little

#LoveWins user

Deal with it.

>Friendship is power.
>People other than your parents give a shit about you.
>Students in Japan have time for club activities
>There is Ojou-sama in Japan (no one drives to schooll in car, it's a lie)
>Being an Oktaku is fun
>If you are a boy, just be "kind hearted" and every girl will chase your D
>If you are a girl, just be useless and this gang of handsome boys will be head over heel for you

>girls are attracted to a guy for any reason other than wealth or alpha male status
>most people are generally good hearted
>it is possible to redeem the past
>life is rich with meaning that arises from participation in a social tribe

Underrated post.

>Your parents give a shit about you.

>if a character becomes strong enough their punches can blow up mountains
>when people die, they aren't killed
>girls fall in love with you from being nice to them once
>katanas are useful
>arrows never kill anyone
>people can walk away from nuke tier explosions

people die when they are killed
unless they wouldn't die even if they are killed

illegal immigrants are okay as long as they come from a different world/planet

You guys will love this.
When I was in elementary school (up through age 10) I made little sound effects with my mouth when I ran, I think because I believed on some level the sound effect would make me faster.
Instructors at a camp noticed it and nicknamed me "Zoom" and even though they thought it was cute and the nickname was a term of endearment I made damn sure to never do that tard shit ever again and to start properly hating myself for it.

>People are generally motivated to improve themselves
>People are able to change their minds
>People aren't just animals
>Nice things happen sometimes

Goku is a world hero even though he is a fucking monkey

That loli's are not for lewding

Well did it work or not, retard?

Sitting near the back of the class next to the window will grant you super powers, a harem, and/or a fun adventure.

That I will likely die sad and alone.

Well, it is the best place to sit in.

I lold so hard I made a post about it.

This is that post.

>if a character becomes strong enough their punches can blow up mountains
If you're using magic/other crazy shit, yeah. We simply do not (yet) possess the technology. Remember that meteorites which cause craters miles wide are only about the size of a small table. Enough force behind the act + a durable enough fist will indeed blow up mountains. Do you even into ubermensch?

itt op is woke

> That I would find my purpose in life

Turns out a lot of fun things are actually pretty boring


>Remember that meteorites which cause craters miles wide are only about the size of a small table

Exactly because they have enough speed and distance for that retarded

Well no. I mean yes, an arbitrarily small mass can cause an arbitrarily large amount of damage depending on energy transferred due to velocity. In reality no this isn't the case. We know how fast objects are going to be.

Regardless another problem is the smaller an object, it still impacts the same amount of energy but also has a tendency to pierce further into the earths crust, wherein the damage seems less than it actually is.

What kind of anime told you something like efforts always pay if you work hard?
basically anime are telling otherwise right?

That's a nice blog user, already rated and subscribed.

>this is what game devs look like

>All of your dreams can be achieved, you just need to punch faster and yell louder

>Lies anime taught you
Women are not soulless machinations, but human beings with deep empathy and the ability to love unconditionally.

coming right into womb is the staple of hentai lies.
even a milf's womb is shut close. You cannot.

Congratulations, you have autism.

Oh yeah, no shit.

The whole purpose of New Game was so STEMlords can pretend for even a single moment that not all of their co-workers are fatguys. And lord help you if you're the only intern in a company full of senior engineers.

your not trying hard enugh

>implying you tried at all

Love is for fags.

Fucking this

>get rejected by a lesbian
>come to Sup Forums to cry about it

>with the power of friendship

Did you really think it was possible to cum on a fetus by fucking a pregnant woman?

No OP is telling the truth. Lesbians are disgusting organisms that deserve death. If they are unwilling to breed removal is the only alternative.

>school is good place for you

This is the most blatant anime lie.

t. op


>homosexuality is absolutely disgusting and should be punished with electrocution, castration or the guillotine
Anime tried to convince me otherwise, but I know better.

What pokemon lied about:
>with perseverance you can achieve your dream
What it actually taught me:
>if you cut ties with people who let you down you can start over more easily


So was Martin Luther King

>you can't actually run faster if you put your hands behind your back in a straight angle

Then why does the fastest murderer in the world run like this

usain bolt holds the world record and runs like this

What is creating resistance to stop easier?

A lie is a lie, user.

I assume he is just doing that to throw himself over the finish line though