Trigger Anime MidWest panel thread. Yesterday a panel about Little Witch Academia was held...

Trigger Anime MidWest panel thread. Yesterday a panel about Little Witch Academia was held. Today they will hold a panel with some new information on Darling in the FrankXX.

>All the background witches have names and nationalities and mini-backstories now
>Avery is Canadian
>Mary is British
>The AkkoAndrew thing is pretty much fully discarded
>Feel free to do whatever you want about Diakko. Their relationship is hard to define anyway.

Live event in Japan with the OPED singers and Akko's VA:

>Han Megumi's favorite episode was 20
>"Episode 23's Diana scene was a proposal, right?"
>the OPED singers and Megumi want to play with Diana's hair. "She would look cute with twin-tails."

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm assuming the source for these is twitter, but can we get some?

My boy Frank is getting his own show? Nice

From last thread:
>Short hair witch: Name is Abigail and she is from Germany
>Brunette? witch: Name is Rita and she is from Brazil
>Black hair witch: Name is Rachel and she is English

>The AkkoAndrew thing is pretty much fully discarded
>Feel free to do whatever you want about Diakko. Their relationship is hard to define anyway.

Why was the last one deleted?


>>Han Megumi's favorite episode was 20
>>"Episode 23's Diana scene was a proposal, right?"
>>the OPED singers and Megumi want to play with Diana's hair. "She would look cute with twin-tails."
I will send her a Diana dakimura.

"Edition" in the OP.

Why is this show so popular here? I watched the first 5 episodes or so and it was garbage.

>the AkkoAndrew thing is pretty much fully discarded
Trigger is fucking cowardly yuri shits then?

Get out.

So is it safe to assume that it's all thanks to Megumi that Andrew x Akko plot was discarded and that we got some Diana x Akko moment at the end?

I kinda don't understand Trigger doing here, if they really wanted to add Akko x Andrew fully they should just do it, even if it would make show and Akko less popular, or from start they should not include Andrew in the big cast at all and make him just one-episode star and make it all-girl like in OVA.

Oh.Because megumi

But they didn't want to do it. They thought about it and came to the conclusion it would be shit so they didn't do it.

Is this for the game?

Trigger can't into planning because they don't have competent enough writers. Remember the very first scene of Gurren Lagann?

What is because megumi supposed to mean. Explain.

Shitposter detected

Previous threads said the background witches are getting full profiles in the game.

Let's try to decipher this.
First blue one is Katya and R-something, Romanian?
Second blue one is Marta(?) and Spanish

Andrew thing had nothing to do with Megumi. The producers (Naoko and Otsuka) didn't like it when Akko's character was defined by a guy.

They should have shown the witches' backstories in the fucking anime and not talk about this on panels or tweet about it. We barely know anything about any of the witches' past aside from Akko's fangirlism over Chariot which was mentioned like 50 times.

Megumi Han, Akko's voice actress and a black hole-massive yurifag.

Those are all classmate filler characters, user.

Looks like ロシア so Russian. Second one is indeed spanish. Name looks more like Maria but everything is so fucking blur goddamit.

Talking props don't have opinions. If trigger didn't say anything then I'm not fussed.

But Diakko has everything to do with Megumi.

Trigger only said Akko X Andrew won't happen, not that Akko X Diana will or anything.

But the guide book!

>She would look cute in twintail


But they have said something about it before?

Was it them or was it Megu. One is a prop the other matters.

M A R Y !
How the hell is Avery Canadian?
Also Tattun said that Blair is Italian.

OP's greentext is from AMW so it's from Yoshinari and producer-san.

>akko's VA
>if she needs romance she has ursula and dianna
Can someone firebomb the con, or what?

This was weeks ago, in Japan.

Didn't Yoshi mention that he kinda wrote himself in a corner with Andrew? Making his relationship romantic with Akko would just mean that he likes Akko and not necessarily magic. Probably another reason why they ditched the subplot.

Yes I know but it was almost the same with the more important characters.
Anyway, I am looking forward to more FrankXX news now.

Trigger negated the possibility of Anakko here and apparently in today's convention.

>Not liking that Megumi "madwoman" Han

Deal with it, faggot.

He messed up with Paul as well. Frank is cool, tho

Megumi has no creative influence in the show but just do her job. The subplot was discarded for multiple reasons (producer not wanting to focus on romance, Yoshinari realizing that Andrew would only like Akko and not magic, etc). If you read the talks with Megumi, it's just mostly her reflecting back at the show and not talking about her creative input.

Fucking militant yurifag. She puts some of the tumbrina to shame.

This Canadian is corrupting our British youth. We should do something about it.

Yeah, that entire subplot was undercooked as hell. Made even more pointless by the PM just telling the government guys to give Akko and Diana a chance regardless of Andrew being in the war room or not.

>retweeting one of the animator's sketches
>puts tumblrina to shame

Nah, it's because the show would be shit with a romantic subplot.

They should have removed Andrew or made him interact with way more witches, even some traditional ones instead of just Akko. It's bizarre how fast he turns his opinion on witches when he hasn't even seen any of them doing any useful shit.

Its just a retweet user.

We need more American witch.

>he turns his opinion on witches when he hasn't even seen any of them doing any useful shit.
Basically, >Yoshinari realizing that Andrew would only like Akko and not magic

Did you ever come across her twit and what she said at Trigger panel user? She is a bigger Dianafags than plenty of waifu user here.

Wait, so Akko is actually Megumi self-insert? Hm....

and it still feels that way too.

Andrew's victory and the culmination of his arc is standing up to his father. That kind of shows the human side of the "reconstruction of magic" thing. That said, you aren't wrong.

Of course, not. Chariot deserves some love from the jap witch too.

Megumi has always said her favorite character is Diana.

what did they mean by this?

Any Akkofags here?

>She already had Ursula and Diana anyway

I fucking love this madwoman, what a savage.

Andrew and his entire muggle subplot was so pointless. His dad pulling a 180 at the end and asking for Andrew to share his opinions related to witches felt totally hollow. Nothing we'd seen of Andrew ever suggested his opinion had changed that much from his father's. Yes he built a more amicable relationship with Akko, but beyond that...

And in terms of overall plot, the only thing he contributed was giving Akko a frame of reference for when Diana came to cheer her up.

Private magic sessions with Diana!

Hori animated for SU

I actually think it would be better if they have made him more like OVA Diana. More proud, arrogant and is condescending toward Akko the way OVA Diana was. He is too much of a nice dude and his manner is exactly the same as TV Diana, the way they carry themselves or how "special" they are with everyone around going gaga for them.

kengo is just one push away from doing a full h doujin i swear to god

>How the hell is Avery Canadian?
Remember the April Fools joke over here? The majority of the bullyingposting came from leafs. So yeah, it makes sense.

How can fanart even competes? The stuff the animators draw out-comfy them all.

>sitting on a bed together
>face-sniffing in the previous one
The teasing is getting ridiculous.

It's godawful I watch 3 minutes of this shit and I was done. LWAD so full of it self it thinks it's the best thing ever.

Brunette? Do you actually mean the long haired or the redhead?

>unofficial doujin from one the artists of the show
How can he be pushed further?

>The AkkoAndrew thing is pretty much fully discarded
>Feel free to do whatever you want about Diakko. Their relationship is hard to define anyway.

StevenAkko confirmed

>cargirl meido Akko in the same bad as a nightgown wearing Diana
Just fucking do it. Just give me the >rape

Will the be allowed to say much about DarliFra? Aniplex is s bitch about keeping secrets.

>unofficial doujin
Quit it with the tautologies.

You've said it yourself, Aniplex is a bitch.

I guess there won't be any further info until the next panel in Japan.

>Akko transformed into half-cat and is in a maid outfit
Welp. Diana's fetish is really showing. Guess it was too much to expect someone like her to be pure too.

It's between Kengo or Shiori. I honestly want one from both.

I feel like I've read this fanfiction recently.

Shiori's doujin would be about cute fluffy stuff. Kengo has the capability to do some lewd shit.

This is a Canadian witch. Say something nice about her.

>Diana is a furry
Would you still like her if this was the case, Sup Forums?


me too but it was with bunny akko

thank you basado kengo

As long as it's not gore.

>purple team getting background
>probably shows up in the game

You don't know how happy this makes me.

We know Diana's into a lot of things anyway.

More like they realized they could make more dosh off of pushing Diakko than pushing a male romance.

I feel the same swelling of national pride that I did when Tekkadan came to visit my city.

Fair point. I would buy any merch that even vaguely teases Diakko, and in the event they do make a Diana Nendo, I will put them in the cutest pose together that I can conceive.

w h e w
how can anyone else even compete?

Might be a combination of that and Diana being most of the staff's favorite character.

>tfw going to have a giant hole in my pocket after buying Akko, Sucy and Lotte nendo.

I'm hoping they announce Diana in the next wave.

so, is Lotte confirmed Burgerclap now? Wasnt she Finnish?

Go back to bed, Barbara.

She's Finnish. But she's also a slider and can go SSJ.

Finnish immigrant, the American dream.

>I'm hoping they announce Diana in the next wave.
Diana is a given. What I'm hoping is for a Chariot nendo...and maybe a scale after.

>All the background witches have names and nationalities and mini-backstories now

Why didn't they focus on the school as whole would have made a much better show than the "plot" we got half way in.