Hunter x Hunter

This series (1999+OVAs) is a real treasure trove for comfy themes. Post your favorites.

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Yeah 1999 has better OPs, and 2011 is better in every other conceivable aspect.

This is the perfect adventure theme


>2011 is better in every other conceivable aspect.
...this nigga serious?
It has worse animation, worse cinematography, worse color palette, worse VAs, terrible pacing, fucking annoying all-knowing narrator, and tons of skips that come to bite its ass later on.

And this is honest to god opinion of someone who marathoned both 1999 and 2011 versions back-to-back earlier this year, for the very first time.

This is my favorite ED:
Fukuhashi proved with HxH and Kenshin that he has god tier music taste.

>Kurapica basically means Dick Heal(er) in portuguese

What did Togashi mean by this?

oh no this isn't the new general is it?

>99fag hasn't read the manga


he would be is he was a girl

I haven't laughed this hard in a while, you just have bad taste if you actually think 99 surpasses 11 in any way

excellent argument

And why should I?

You still haven't even tried to prove me wrong. Or rather, you've probably never even watched the 1999 version.

The presentation and production values of 2011 version are just embarrassingly bad. They totally butchered the Yorkshin arc.

He is right anyone who disagrees is an underage closet faggot who only watches shitty vibrant colored digital anime

99 also has this scene.
Just watch this webm, listen to the OST, and read the manga, and you'll have gotten everything of value out of 99.

Again with the fucking anime shit flinging.....

Don't forget this

Except the actually fucking great "filler" eps that add depth to the characters and world.

I've always wondered what Neferpitou would look like in 1999's style?


I've watched 99 all the way through, and it was all mediocre. The poor animation, characters whose designs were off-model at random intervals, music that sounded like it was made with a soundboard dingy ill-lit backgrounds, pointless filler, and unnecessary baffling story/character changes. The voice acting was the only redeeming quality of the show.

>And why should I?

Wow, I didn't really expect you to double down on your retardation. 8/10 bait user, good work.

I prefer the 2011 version, but would love to see Hisoka's O MY RUBBER NEN scene in the 1999 style

Better than whatever Badhouse shat out. They majorly fucked up her hair.


shit. When they interviewed the director of 1999 he said that if he were in charge of the remake he would've toned down on the violence

So much better and fitting of the theme Togashi himself wanted!
I wish Poorhouse made it as dark as it should have been, like in your picture.

Shame you felt like that, but I disagree completely.
The audio thing is simply because of the limitations of late 90s tech and lack of availability of modern sources. Still beats the terrible OST of 2011, any day.

>anything I cannot answer is a bait
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.

I watched the first few episodes of (2011) and it was unengaging shit, is (1999) or the manga easier to get into?

>Starting thread with anime shitflinging
For what purpose

So dark that you have to squint?

Yeah. The first episode of the 2011 anime butchered the beginning of the manga.

Just read the manga, don't give 99fags the benefit of the doubt

>1999 is 2dark
where the fuck did this meme start?

If anything, 2011's art director has a clear 1980s CYMK color palette.

Both anime ruin the characters, go for the manga.

Hunter x Hunter starts slow in all of its forms, but it's far more than worth it in the long run. I would recommend starting with the manga, but if you have ADD or can't read and must watch an anime, definitely do 2011.

I want to fuck Cammy and show her how to be a good person.

It gets a lot better, don't drop it just yet.

I personally watched ep1 of both 1999 and 2011 versions before deciding. Didn't like the Fox-kids looks and the absolutely crazy summarization of the start in 2011 version (they pretty much skipped Gon's childhood and jammed 3 eps into one), so I started with 1999 version.

And boy, am I glad I did.
I personally prefer Shonen action in animated form too, especially when it's well adapted like this.

Uh. Don't you want to know what the source material is like and see how the story continues?

Yes, because a symphony orchestra sounds so much worse than several dudes in a room with some synthesizers. And no, the decade they were in doesn't mean anything, there were great orchestral soundtracks in those days

Read the manga, it's super easy to read and engaging as fuck, Togashi knows his shit.

I have seen enough of it.
I'm not in a hurry to see the continuation.

That looks nothing like 99.
Here, I fixed it.

It makes it look like its night time even during the day in some sequences. Objectively bad color palette. 2011 has a nice diverse color palette, which matches the diversity of tone in the manga.

No, he just wants to shitpost.

literally looks like chucky looks really bad

Why do arabs like Hunter x Hunter so much? it's like one of the 3 anime they consider halal

You're a really weird dude, user.

Why would everything need to be done with an orchestra? And you have any idea how much hiring one would've cost back in the days?

Plus, anything Hisoka and Kurapika, not to mention the entirety of Yorkshin, had great music.

It's not a meme, it's true. Just look at any shot of 99 and the background is always dingy and the walls all look like they have mildew on them, not appealing

So you just don't like well done hand drawings?

Get a grip of yourselves.
Nice voice acting 99fags.

Something like this

All memes aside, one aspect of 2011 that was without a doubt better than 99 was audio: OST, VA, and effects.

I would love to see everything made in 1999 style.The new anime is trash, i honestly cant see how anyone can like it.

manga > 1999 >>>> 2011

2011 is just visually irredeemable on all aspects and represents the boring and soulless digital anime look to a tee. 1999 is art and the manga is the purest distillation of Togashi's ideas and hence the most superior of all. 2011 completely butchers the Chimera Ant arc so there's no reason to watch it.

It doesn't look hand drawn, it's supposed to imitate the oil on canvas style, something that doesn't really fit into that medium of animation

Retard, stopped reading there

Yes, cherrypick some individual "aesthetically pleasing" shots and leave the whole rest of the series out

needs to be stretched out and have some of the detail removed

Did you just draw that?

wow your subjective opinion is rly goed here
i loved the narrator element

How awful

>purest distillation of Togashi's ideas

Say whatever other bullshit you want, but you give yourself away if you say something retarded like this.

Seriously, do you watch anything other than anime?Because this is utter garbage.I guess ignorance is truly being blissful.

There's not a single visually well done scene in the entirety of 2011, it's a cinematic sin.

yes i am a drawfag

Cool slideshow.

Truly captured the scene from the manga. Fucking excellent music to go with it too. Truly a good clip from that season.

why are 90s fag so defensive?

The only thing the anime was good at was the generic 90s art style

like compare it to another 90s series and you will see how generic it is

Why are you bringing up '99 Ubo Vs Kurapica here?

It's a tv show, it doesn't have to live up to a cinematic standard. Not every tv show has to have a plethora of Sakuga

1999 is embarrassing to look at, but at least it's good for baiting. just say it's better on any level and you'll drive a sane person mad

>better scene compositions
>better colors
>better effects that dont look like over the top dragonball z effects
>better and more organic looking background drawings
>better ost (2011 has a few good tracks though)
>better animation and choreography
>more frames per second
>consistent artstyle that blend in with the things listed
If you disagree, you are a pleb that needs to kys or educate himself/herself.1999 is objectively better in everyway

>implying I give a fuck about 99
What happened in it does alter that the video you posted is literally a slideshow with voice over.
Read the manga where the medium is actually well utilised, secondary.

There's no such thing as an objectively better anime. The only things that are objective are scientific facts, which 1999 isn't

>liking 2011 HxH


You are so pretentious it is actually embrassing for me.

Accusing 2011 of being a PowerPoint is unwarranted when basically every anime is a PowerPoint. Animation is barely utilized as 80% of shots are just static with mouths moving and maybe a moving camera

Well, I guess I'm in a league of my own

Did someone say anime!

Good shit.

can't wait to see how the continuation of 2011 will handle this

>the continuation of 2011

Hopefully by censoring it like the superior adaptation would have.

Yeah, you are in a league of your own which is below the league of mentally handicapped people.

Thinking something like this

2011 Killua is objectively better and that's the only thing that matters.

Super fucking dark with jazz music.
But on a serious note. Probably won't since animation seems to be declining over there. Honestly I'd be happy if we just got OVAs or something.

You're below that league if you actually think that someone is below you just because they don't like your favorite television show, now that's pretentious

Toning it down and sanitizing it to the extent of losing all impact just like how it handled the Chimera Ant arc.

>caring this much about which chinese cartoon someone prefers

Cast a live action Hunter x Hunter film (series). Include creative staff like director, DP, etc.

they should pull a 1999 and just cut the scene out entirely for being too scary. maybe skip the whole succession arc and replace it with filler

>favorite show
Please, i was simply stating the obvious quality gap between both of the adaptations.You are the one being pretentious and edgy here since you cant even bring yourself to argue about anything.
>muh vibrant colors
>muh generic shonen ost
>muh god awful still animations
>muh amateur level artstyle and background drawings
>muh god awful facial expressions

Why do you pretend to have read the manga? It's a 1:1 adaptation unlike 99 wuch took all kinds of liberties with the source material and made Gon look like a weak pussy

Manga > Material covered by the 1999 anime = Material covered only by the 2011 anime >>>>>> Material covered by the 2011 anime that the 1999 anime covered

That's the actual tier list and if the people behind the 1999 anime had been directing the Chimera Ant arc it'd legit be anime kino instead of just good

I dont mind if he prefers it over 1999 but saying 2011 is miles better is simply being wrong since objectively cinematic-wise it is awful.