Geez why you guys are still pirating? you guys want the industry to die? use some legal stream site already

geez why you guys are still pirating? you guys want the industry to die? use some legal stream site already.

I have vrv

Buy a banner.

Maybe if you had what I wanted to watch I wouldn't have to.

that is not advertising, is just the truth you pirate nigger

I don't have an excuse, I'm just cheap.

>don't you want the subbing 'industry', which was already done by volunteers with better quality before crunchyroll came on the scene, to die?

Yes thats exactly it. I want anime to fuck off from the west.

I want ironic weebs to fuck off.

When crunchyroll finances a Dorohedoro adaptation like Netflix did with Blame! I may consider it.

Fuck no.
Remove all legal streams.

Is that you Miles?

Because I just wanna.

I import directly from Japan, I help the industry way more than 100 crunchyroll subscribers.

I don't want to perverse the incentives of anime studios by encouraging them to cate to the western audiences (aka sjw)
It's intelligent support of the medium. In fact anyone paying for western anime streaming services hates anime itself

Crunchyroll was a illegal anime site at the beginning, and just this shows how much they give a shit about the industry, when you watch using Crunchyroll, only some dollars are given to the original producer, and nothing to the studio, this "support the industry" meme is just a excuse so the jews can steal your money.

Sorry for asking here op, didn't want to make a thread and this is closest to the subject matter. Where can I download manga reliably? Mangatraders links are all broken and have been for a long time now, and they haven't even uploaded any Chi no Wadachi yet. I checked out Batato and a few other sites but I don't think they have a download button. Sorry for being ignore but please spoonfeed or at least point me in the right direction.

Because i can't get any legal sites in my country, crunchy works but most anime aren't there

Before this thread gets deleted, let us unironically discuss the benefits and disadvantages of the Crunchyroll streaming service.

Don't get baited anons.

Too late for that. The sweet scent of gaijin money from China and America is so alluring, producers have already announced their plans to focus on foreigners.

It introduces all the Western fucks who like to pretend they know anything about the industry. God, please get them the fuck out of the niche.

if not crunchyroll, where else? nyaa doesn't exist


>Low quality stream
>Commie subs
>Not actually helps the industry
>Shitty community

I have it. The servers go to shit when super comes out on saturdays, they don't always get everything from the airing season, and they get edited stuff usually if it has nudity
Positives? Don't have to download anything, its quick and easy to use, and it's really not expensive

>producers have already announced their plans to focus on foreigners.
Sauce plox, I'm in a mood for inflicting emotional pain on myself

>less shows and relevant every season

CR will die in two years max

>not doing your part to kill off dubs and drive out the white piggu

They don't pull the shit netflix does so they're a convenient source to pirate from
Everything else

>don't have to download anything

>When crunchyroll finances a Dorohedoro adaptation like Netflix did with Blame!
So you want a shitty 3DCG adaption with butchered plot?


I work 50 hours a week. When I get home I just wanns pop something on and watch


there's no KR on crunchy

>you guys want the industry to die?
unironically yes

I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

Aniuta president Shiro Sasaki said so. Don't bother him.

> stream
Here's your answer, you giant pleb.

hello឴឴឴ reddit

They need to work on finding a way to get more funding to studios and authors of adaptations. Maybe something like patreon where you can give some money to the shows you like. They would have to make it somewhat transparent so you could see the money was going to creators not CR.

lol they already tried that, then the bubble burst and tons of licensors died off - did they not learn their lesson?

I don't want to support low quality services that really don't offer much back to the creators. I'd rather just watch for free and then support the industry by importing merch from series I like.

HS only wants legal streaming because the second CR dies HS does as well.

I guess the jews don't fear the samurai anymore

>want normalfags and ironic weebs to fuck off
>dude fuck off reddit

Fuck off retard.

The licensee companies of nowadays are fuckhuge compared to the mollusk companies from back then.

Literally no difference between streaming and downloading unless you have shit internet and have to buffer all the time, but maybe you should be working on not being poor instead of watching anime if that's the case.

Japs don't care about filthy waito piggu. As long as the Japanese otaku are still selling their plasma to buy BDs we'll be okay.

Thank you

Anime is for the poor.

He's just making fun of a CR community manager here.