When will japan ban JC and below? The olympics are coming up and they need to show that their country isn't filled with a bunch of pedos.
When will japan ban JC and below...
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But user, don't western people regularly visit foreign countries to engage in pedophilia? I remember there those anons who went with a jungle loli & an African loli.
without pedophilia Japan has nothing to offer except rice and good beef.
Shit anime won't be shown at the olympics
>good beef
Their beef is shit unless it's imported.
Everyone that jacks of kobe beef only jacks it off because it's expensive and exotic, but that doesn't make it good. Same way their swords aren't any fucking good either.
Their beef is rare and shit, their iron is rare and shit.
Die in a fire overcooked fag.
Reminder that girls are biologically women by 15.
Anime dies after the japan olympics
I think he meant rare as in hard-to-get.
I don't think they will ban JC, but I do think banning JX, JF, and JD are sensible options. What do you think? Maybe JW too I don't know.
This is now a JC thread
Maybe in the past century. Try 12 now
No this is now a JG thread. JY are welcome too.
>imported beef is shit unless it's imported
I'm game.
They now visits Africa/Jungle of Southamerica in search of lolis. There were rape cases in the jungle zones in Colombia, Brazil and Peru by American tourists.
Japan is not degraded to last place.
Japan beer was disgusting as hell when I visited Kioto with all my college class.
The anime/manga industry have massive lobbies to fight against just such thing. Did you really think their politicians would be any less morally bankrupt than ours?
Anime/manga pedophilia is to Japan, as guns are to America.
God bless them for it!
"Politicans" and "Having morals" don't go together in the same sentence.
Funny because child molestation is much more common in america and UK than in Japan.
Yeah, it's not that I don't disagree. Unless the world goes dystopian totalitarianism (which it probably will) most countries will follow suit in about 200 years. You can't even jerk off these days to amateur 3dpd without accidentally doing it to a minor.
I'm talking rare as in scarce.
WITHIN Japan. If you eat beef in Japan, it will be shit unless they imported it from Australia. Therefore, Japanese beef is shit, while Australian beef isn't.
You guys are fucking dense.
I'd say that's only because girls in Japan get paid for it.
Because they have loli porn to satisfy their urges. People put the cart before the horse. They think media depiction increases the act, when it actually decreases it because people can get rid of their psycho-sexual urges with pornography.
That or even nip pedophiles are too beta to make a move first.
>loli is slowly being erased by american cultural invasion in japan
>Sup Forums still can't read moon
Child porn is also more common in america. CP /=/ Loli, pretending otherwise is like saying that killing people in GTA and making/watching snuff videos are the same thing.
Where do you think child pornography comes from? The girls also get paid in america.
Enjo kōsai is just more ''normalized'' because it doesn't always involve sex.
D-do they really?
You can't beat the dick, it's impossible.
wasn't it romania or something? some slavic country has an aoc of 14.
>CP /=/ Loli
I'd fight you on denying a direct link with toddlercon.
Age used to had a age of consent of 13, but as I remember, the girl would need the parents consent in order to date a older guy.
Why does it matter? Loli will never be CP, no matter how hardcore because it isn't real.
Is this some secret plan to attract fertile foreigners in a desperate attempt to raise the birth rate?
There already is a plot to get japan to accept more immigrants so yes.
It's fun watching hentai artists grow in and out of loli
Mojarin used to draw toddlercon and now he's drawing big-titted brown girls.
Mochi used to draw tits but he became such a rabid lolicon that halfway through his manga he asspulled every single character transforming into a loli.
I hope Distance is the next to fall. His tits are getting smaller.
It's happening desu. Between the Geiger Counter thing, and now the shitstorm over Yuuna in Jump. Japan's feminist infestation is growing.
It is in Canada, Aussieland, and most of Europe. Plus some states,
JC idols
Canada and Straya aren't real countries.
why do you guys like JC's so much?
>people falling for false flagger trying to connect 2D with 3D
It's a cartoon character art style fetish. There is no relation to reality, just look at how Yasuna is drawn
are the best!
law /=/ reality. The fact that it is law is retarded as fuck.
Also, that isn't even true. Although loli is banned on these countries, it still isn't treated near as seriously as CP.
Look at them!
Because they are way too sexy.
Yes but it can affect you if it is a law. There was a /jp/ user in /ona/ that was basically treated like a terrorist by the Leaf government because an onahole he ordered had a slightly loli-ish character on it.
>There is no relation to reality
That's completely untrue. There is a relation to reality, there isn't /always/ a relation to reality. If I really like samurai anime, I'm more likely to want a samurai sword.
I know some of the nips are complete bitches but about everyone associated with the government is kidnapping and raping children. Pizzagate just shows that something that is not even real shouldn't even matter.
So why isn't cosplay just people wearing giant mascot suits if the brain can't translate 2d to 3d?
They're probably going to have ads for that shit around to covert foreigners to get their shekels.
Because cosplayers are a bunch of attention whores who most of the time didn't watch/play/read the material their character came from.
I may be American but even I would choose lolis over guns.
>didn't read Akumetsu
Because cosplaying is about feeding their narcissism.
Well, if you get really unlucky and go as far as buying shit, something can happen. However I doubt anyone who reads loli h-manga will get affected in way, no matter how unlucky they get.
If reality was the important thing then age of consent and child pornography laws wouldn't exist. Retarded laws are still laws.
but i still jerk off to them while thinking about megumin and don't care if they actually watch anime
Firm, budding breasts and tight virgin pussies
>tfw loli is illegal in AZ
>tfw only here so I can have muh gunz
Looks like it's time to move to Alaska then, the last true Wild West that we've got.
Lolicons should all move to Vermont and turn it into a loli Mecca, if only for the rage it would breed.
Fuck off and just say loli, /jp/ faggot.
Genuine kobe beef I ate while visiting Kyoto was the best meat I've ever eaten, fuck off
Chinatsu would make anyone a pedophile.
Whenever we do faggots like this show up!
So fuck it! We get our own thread!
Now piss off back to the loli thread and leave us in peace!
Whats a JC
>fapping to cosplayers
Well there's your problem user, you clearly have mental problems. But games/animes shouldn't be censored just because 1 literal retard decided he wanted to use a cleaver like Rena and go kill people
I can't wait for internet 3.0. Crypto will save the lolis
>tfw Japan will never ban JC and below
Thank God for the Japanese.
It's never been about the children. It's not about protecting some sort of morality. It's about making something digital illegal so the government has an automatic entry into all of your devices. And people will defend that saying, "I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't care if you look at all my shit. Go catch those pedos and terrorists!"
As long as something you can look at through pixels is illegal, or something you can "possess" through pixels is illegal, the government will have complete control over everyone's life. Go catch the people and punish the people that are actually abusing children. Some lights crossing your eye on a monitor? There's no crime there. But it will never get fixed because politics is partisan and pandering and not even the most insane person would go out and try to abolish the CP law.
But loli and JC are different. Loli is a prepubescent girl to appeal to pedophiles, while JC is a pubescent girl to appeal to hebephiles.
Your dumb actual pedo term should fuck off back to /jp/. Disgusting 3DPD idol shit.
What the hell happened, I didn't even select an image to upload.
Misaka Mikoto, Ika Musume, Kirino, etc..
That doesn't have anything to do with my question. Cosplayers would just be random creeps wearing weird clothing if people couldn't link them and 2d characters together. There was this old picture with anime girls gradually transforming into a real person that illustrates what I'm trying to say. If you're attracted to tits and ass on an anime character, you're probably attracted to the same things on a disgusting 3d person.
I didn't say that. Just because 2D translates into 3D, doesn't mean 2D causes 3D.
I think people care more about being caught and humilitated by their peers for having lolicon than for the law and a fee.
>user hasn't paid for something in so long that literally forgot the entire existence of copyrighted digital materials/images
Hey, we've all been there.
inb4 who
Middle school girl
>while JC is a pubescent girl to appeal to hebephiles.
No, JC just means she's in middleschool.
Why don't more people use the term "hebe" to differentiate from lolis? That way autistic lolicons don't get pissed about pubescent girls, and we all know who has good or shit tastes.
Dude, it's just an acronym. Quit getting your autism all bent out of shape. Jesus! So much fuss over so small a thing.
He's using his Google contacts to mess with out shitposting.
>Being attracted to 3DPD wearing a 2D girl's clothes
Found you problem.
I will move to Vermont and open up a loli shop. It will become a national, no, international attraction. I will hire Israeli guards as the SJWs will be looking to vandalize it. I will create a special hardcover edition of Tsukimisou no Akari and charge only 10 bucks for the whole series. We will meme our way onto the international stage and have a single shop become a world superpower. And with the tangerine getting into the WH rather easily, I'm only slightly exaggerating about all this.
3D is disgusting and filled with flaws, 2D is perfect, pure, beautiful. How can a vulgar ugly disgusting creature ever hope to achieve the purity of 2D?
>[citation needed]
You might not like it, but this is what peak JC looks like.
I wish you godspeed in your journey.
A acronym from /jp/ that is based on 3DPD idol shit. Get the fuck out.
There are idiots who'd object to that term too man.
It's the loli purists on one side, the ones who want a blanket loli term on the other, the ever-present acronym haters, and us in the middle.
We can't win.
I gotta take what I can get. There's more content in cosplay jav than your average doujinshi. It's like fucking and ugly chick with your eyes closed.
JW > JQ > JH > JI> JF > JX > JC
You know it to be true.
is this an /m/ reference?
He may be trolling the acronym haters with made-up terms.
>Cosplayers would just be random creeps wearing weird clothing if people couldn't link them and 2d characters together.
Are you retarded?
> If you're attracted to tits and ass on an anime character, you're probably attracted to the same things on a disgusting 3d person.
user I like 2D girls sweat and armpits. It does not translate to reality
It's not from /jp/, most people will have their first experience with the terminology from manga/anime. It's not inherently tied to idol shit at all.