Why is this character only loved for her body?

Why is this character only loved for her body?

It's all she's got left.

Because there's no head to love

She failed to stop the usurper.



Got translations for these?

You anons know about sweet mami right?

She is an uninteresting, throwaway character.

The only pair of tits in a gang of cardboards and a furry

The body is only secondary but I think Mami is an interesting character with depth you'd find a lot in classical literature.

She has the best personality

real mamibros love her for her personality

you can easily find a character like mami in a book or a drama movie

I want intense cuddles with Mami while we talk about philosophical things.

>Thank you, thank you.

Why does Mami always get threads? Sure she's easier to shit on but we need more of best girl.

bitch tried to get madoka to sell her soul to the devil for a cake

>retard who ruined everything

Mami is really the only character with any depth as a character besides the obvious flaws that all the other girls exhibit

I don't know I found it a bit stupid how she ended up. A likeable character that everyone want to keep, suddenly she acts a bit uppity and gets killed. Meh.

Plain dumb
Daddy issues


What would a date with each meguka be like?

jaded rabid dyke


You'd only be able to date Mami. Enjoy tea and cuddles. Maybe she'll let you fondle her on the next couple of dates.

Im sure other people love her personality. I also enjoy her sweets.

I want her to show me her soft side.

>I also enjoy her sweets.
LOL You are one of her sweets.

I really want to bully her, but in a teasing and somewhat lewd way.



>Mami is really the only character with any depth

You are one of her sweets.

Fuck off! You're not Madoka.

No I am not.

And I'll ate Mami's Apple pie!



Because she is a retard, and not in an interesting way.


Fuck off

If Mami is the strongest, why did she get killed so easily?

When you think about it, each character is a board: Madoka is Sup Forums, Homura is /k/, Mami is /fa/, Sayaka is /lit/, Kyouko is /r9k/, and QB is Sup Forums

Mami is /lit/, Sayaka could be Sup Forums

I don't see how the hell Sayaka is /lit/

Mami is /ck/.



Nah, Kyosuke is Sup Forums. Sayaka is /lit/ because /lit/ these days is mostly left-wing philosophy.

nother way of saying gay?

Is this the !Akemki I've heard so much about?

I do, but I am without it.

>Kyosuke is Sup Forums.
he is not a mahou shoujo you twerp

I think it's a new tripfag.

that is just the figment of some lunatics imagination, don't bring it up.

Out of all the anime girls I have seen, so far she has been my all time favorite... my waifu.

Homulily's old as shit.

>my waifu.
What a coincidence, she is also my waifu.

No one ever answer this question, but I'm asking it again: From which timeline is your wife?

>best girl


Good for you.

homura is canonically gay

Kyouko's right next to her, bud.

That post was quoting "opportunist" which was under Mami.

>right next to her
I think you got it wrong, she's the first

None of them are canonically anything. Love does not equal homosexuality.

>Homura-themed name
>Took the time and effort to find a matching tripcode
You sure it's not him?
Oh come on, there is an !Akemi in the archives, I know that much.

No, see even Kyouko's devoted to Sayaka.

lol she never was,

I think you are just retarded just like syak

Look, the more you talk about this Akemi, the more likely that a thread that has been the most enjoyable Madoka one on Sup Forums in months will go to shit. Just post Meducas and be done with it.

Should look in the mirror before you call out other people.

>Should look in the mirror before you call out other people
>forgets where he is
Are you lost bud?

>ship names still being spammed in /ghost/.

>misunderstood the post
Proved my point.

>resorting into mad posting
you are this poor syak-kuun!


I said "characters", not "magical girls". QB isn't a meguca either.

Ded discussion on a ded thread on a franchise in a hiatus or possibly ded.

which meguka suffered the most and why was it homura?

been here for a while lad, not as long as apple but, i am the homu posting tripfag
!Akemi is an old shit poster that became a meme when ACK would derail threads. unfortunately certain new friends cant tell the difference between them and I. Never the less, homu posting and discussion is something i attempt to do when possible.

Sayakafriends and Kyoukofriends should not fight in Mami threads, this is a sacred place for both under the Senpai-ness of Mami..

He's no real Kyoukofriend anyway.

ACK still derails threads. In fact i am very surprised he hasn't show up yet. He was active just yesterday.

>None of them are canonically anything
>the megucas canonically don't exist
how could you say that?

mami is everyone's senpai.

Because she have nothing on her head.

Correction: You both still derail threads.

It is clearly user trying to be merciful, and failing at it. If they do not exist, then they cannot suffer.

You are no real syakfriend


I want to hug and comfort earlier Homura, but want to shoot later Homura right in the face. What does this mean?

My apologies then. Here, have an old classic.

>this mad he even still replies
thank you for the (you)

there is no one ACK , just a different shit poster that derails random madoka threads. with advanced copypasta faggotry
homura is very real, as was her suffering


Yall niggas invoked my name three times, the fuck do yall want.

>loves keki
>loves tea
>loves lolis
>loves muskets
>has an awesome ultimate
>has awesome poses
>can counter ZA WARDO
>hates angry lesbians

Tree fiddy.

Get a life for starters.

Mami is a slut.


thank you! mad kun!

It means Homura changed in a way in which you do not like.
Personally, I dislike earlier Homura for being a doormat and I dislike later Homura for being a bitter cunt.

Well, this thread's about to be buried under a tide of shit. It was fun while it lasted, thank you everyone.

It's fun to provoke you.