Have you ever had a deaf kid in your class growing up? Were they bullied as badly as Shouko...

have you ever had a deaf kid in your class growing up? Were they bullied as badly as Shouko? I find it hard to believe that the bullying in the movie was realistic.

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I find it hard to believe the bully turned into the bullied especially when he was one of the popular kids in class.

I had a mute girl. She was bullied pretty bad.

But to elaborate, not NEARLY in the ballpark of how bad Shouko had it.

The worst that ever happened to Mute Girl was people mocking the way she "talked". The teachers forced her to speak every now and then, which was pretty difficult for her, given that she had some kinda deformity with her voice box.

I think me and her were cool though. She seemed pretty lonely, so I'd go chat with her every now and again. I'd talk, and she'd write whatever she wanted to say.

She mostly just sat alone and read books. She really loved those "Warriors" books about the cat tribes killing eachother.

I tried looking her up on Normiebook, but she doesn't appear to have one.

No, because kids with disabilities we're put in special schools where they fucking belong

Nips are fucking vicious with their bullying.

Let me tell you something about kids. Kids are miserable little bastard shits.

My sister worked at a school for the Deaf as a teacher (she's hearing, but she can sign fluently). All of these kids went through crap growing up: being teased by other kids, ignored by thier parents, screwed over again and again by the school system.

You would think, you'd THINK, that would give them empathy and understanding, right? That they would band together as a cohesive whole?

Nope. The capital D Deaf kids (as my sister calls them, the ones that are 100% deaf from birth, rather than someone who lost hearing, has extreme hearing difficulty, or has a cochlear implant) formed thier own clique in the school. They intentionally fuck with the hearing teachers by ignoring them until a deaf teacher signs it to them claiming "not to understand", make demands of the hearing teachers and students about how to act and behave around them, and ferociously bullying the kids who can hear partially, especially if they have a coch. My sister quit after she spent the last year trying and trying to get the administration to look into how badly some of the girls were being bullied. They ignored it until one of bullied girls eventually attempted suicide.

Keep in mind this is a deaf community bullying a girl into nearly killing herself because she isn't as deaf as them.

So yeah, fuck kids, they're all cunts, and no ammount of bullying is surprising to me.

I remember everyone ignored the tards in our school. It was the kids with physical issues like cleft palates who got shit, but it was mostly snide little shiteating comments.

>mute girl
That's my fetish.

I hate parents who didn't properly educate their little shits.

There were two handicapped kids in my classes when I was in middle school. One of them was kinda deaf-mute, like he could talk but not very well, with a messed up ear and wore a hearing aid, I think his name was Leonard or something with an L. The other one was a kid who was missing a leg and wore a prosthetic one everywhere, he also wore glasses. I don't recall either of them being bullied. I was, because I had fucked up ears.

>Thought it was an anime about cripples
>Reverse google image search shows me it's a shoop.


Didn't the Japanese government end up putting sedatives in the lunches at the elementary school the princess attended because kids were bullying her?

This thread is blogbaiting. MODS

hey nice blog user where can I sub and smash that like button

Japanese bullying is hardcore.

blah blah japs value confomity blah blah different cultures


user you are just making this up, someone so perfect cant exist

When you're a kid, bullying is the most natural fucking thing on the planet. Kids don't even consider what we consider bullying, to be bullying - they really do believe they're just having a laugh and playing around. That's why Ishida was so fucking shocked when it all went to shit, and got serious. Man, I remember I used to bully kids, perhaps not physically, but socially isolating other people is one of the most ridiculously fun things to do when you're a kid, because it helps you to validate yourself as someone who is essentially an isolator, and therefore part of the greater group. It isn't as common for people's hearing aids to be chucked out the window, but it isn't particularly unbelievable either: kids don't know the value of these things, honestly. You're honestly being a naive little shit if you believe that kids can't be fucking nasty to eachother.

Fuck man I loved those books when I was a kid.

>mute girl (i.e. Didn't talk about Stacey shit)
>an outcast (not a roastie)
>were on good terms with her

user what the fuck

How the fuck do you not know about Working?

I love deaf disabled girls and I hate myself for it. I'm despicable.

So long as you can find a Cutie-Mutie whom you love for reasons beyond her deafness, and you make her happy too, you're a pretty reasonable fellow.

Was he really popular? He was the class clown, but that's not the kind of popularity that gets you anywhere. Only Ueno cared about him, the others had no problem throwing him under the bus.

bullying is a literal meme unless you're in some shitty (probably american) school

well on japan, shit like that probably happens, nips have strong prejudices against disable people of anykind, and since you cant openly talk about personal problems there becuse it is "shameful" no surprise that kids can get pretty nasty if nobody bothers to tell them at least once they should stop.

Had a partially deaf, learning impaired, physically impaired ginger at my school. He used to shamble around like a zombie and drool. People left him alone though, I was actually pretty surprised at how little bullying actually went on at my (Australian) school.

Of all the disabilities, I wouldn't mind dealing or even dating a deaf girl. I think learning sign would be fun and there are many activities that don't require sound or music.

I was a bully in elementary and middle school. Used to bully kids that were different, subconsciously wanting them to conform to the group. Half-way though middle school, I moved to a new school and was the outsider and got bullied badly. Then I moved to another school and got bullied again, until I started lashing out physically - which made it stop. Then I moved again into an Australian High School. It wasn't so much bullying, more like taking the piss or making a joke. I didn't mind it. But after a year, the person I considered my best friend started severely bullying me. I lashed out physically and emotionally, but it took its toll on me.

After High School I started a violent martial art. I haven't been bullied since and those that have tried have either gotten a tongue lashing or a fist.

I'm still a bully, but with the best intentions. People need a little bit of bullying to harden up.

You must've been hella privileged, then. I have easily seen worse (short of actual physical abuse, as the bullied was physically imposing enough to actually wreck shit if the poor bugger were so provoked).

He was a troubled, emotional guy, and I honestly still regret not sticking up for him. I don't know where he is now, or how he's doing.

Never underestimate how cruel children can be, user. What they lack in intelligence, they more than make up for with a less developed sense of empathy.

My younger brother practically pores over those books, and I don't deny the fact that I still flip open one every now and then for old times' sake - especially since new ones are still coming out.

Fuck. Now I feel bad for this girl.

Go back to /r9k/.

do you live in a glass house?
I have seen far worse things growing up some of which made me question if we were all really the same species

>Keep in mind this is a deaf community bullying a girl into nearly killing herself because she isn't as deaf as them.
This is easily the most fucked up thing I've read all day. What makes it even sadder is how they were hardened rather than softened.

Fucking hell.

Go back to pretending that you don't want to bang Shinka, Deko.

I can tell that you're American. Only a retard burger would think that bullying only happens to poor, sad ol' them.

Bullying in Japan is serious business, they will bully for every thing that makes somebody stand out.

As others have said, kids are essentially sociopaths and will effortlessly say and do cruel and nasty things to eachother simply because it makes them feel good.

Kids have to be yelled at by authority figures in order for them to realize something wrong, the possibility of something making them feel bad has to be there before they consider not doing something. And when this doesn't happen it becomes an insane shitshow of people at their worse.

/privileged/ here.

Kids were always brats to each other in my schools, but there was really no bullying if you kept to yourself. The thing is, for people who grew up like me (never seen much violence, never been in a fight, never really even gotten angry at someone directly before), other lives can be hard to believe. It's why pampered children who live very safely will watch action movies and laugh out loud when people get horribly maimed: it seems ridiculous to them and they don't take it seriously. I used to think violence was funny when I was a kid, of course I've grown up since then, but some people just kind of lack the ability to empathize with people whose lives are too different. It's the same reason 18th century peasants would never believe commoners today can eat cake every day.

And in OP's defense, the writing in Koe no Katachi went to shit in the second half. Yes, the elementary school bullying was believable, but when Shouko was still getting the shit beat out of her on a regular basis ten years later, it did just get kind of silly (talking about the manga).

Nips have soo much fucked up shit on on their social customs, I am amazed they haven collapse as society, the high suicide rates should tell them something.

I had a kid with cancer in my class. He was the cool kid so he never got bullied even once.
He survived it and recovered completely.

Bullying is a literal meme invented by americans, doesn't happen in any civilized country.

We had completely deaf people in our class. They basically lived in a different world than us. We didnt interact with them, and they didnt interact with us.

I've never seen/heard the kind of bullying I've seen in manga/anime.

Always thought it was just embellishment.


"Regular basis"? IIRC, the only one who beat the shit out of her in any instance was Ueno, who has been straight up established to be unstable.

fuck off burger

>inb4 kids just learned it from their own bullies/demons

Nope, you have to beat it out of kids. They're savage little shits with undeveloped empathy and you need to give them strict guidance so they don't suddenly start doing evil shit. That's why fatherless homes pump out so many thugs who are basically violent cavemen.

Ueno slapped her in the kanransha, and beat the shit out of her after Ishida fell off the balcony. Then when Shouko asked Kawai to continue the movie for Ishida, Kawai slapped her in the face and then agreed. I mean I'm exaggerating but to be fair, getting physically abused three times over like two volumes is a lot for a practically morally perfect deaf girl who can't even get angry.

I, uh, think that's supposed to reflect on THEM, not her. Ueno is absolutely fucked in the head, as her POV chapter shows, and Kawai is somewhere between autistic, malevolent, and... just fucking crazy.

Fuck off, I'm a pacifist and I was raised by my mother. I've never beaten or bullied anyone.

>I, uh, think that's supposed to reflect on THEM

Yeah no shit, but forced drama for the sake of """"development" is still bad writing.
>I, uh

Also stop typing like an ass.

so is bullying in japan really bad i mean it doesnt seem as bad as the bullying u always see in korean stuff

WRONG. Deaf girls don't sign during sex unless it's to clarify something. They'll convey meaning through body language rather than their hands.

Also, the deaf girl I was with read lips, so I'd get up to her face and mouth "I love you". It was cute how she reacted.

Man reminds of me of a story about some korean girl who got kicked in the stomach so much that her stomach ruptured and she died in class. By other girls too.

Is it bad writing if it makes sense?
>Ueno slaps her on the ferris wheel
1. Ueno's a bitch.
2. Considering the conversation that they just had, she probably viewed it as a "get over yourself" slap.
>Ueno beats the shit out of her after Ishida falls off the balcony
1. The boy she's obsessed with fell off a balcony and is in the hospital because he tried to save a girl that she fucking loathes. Even if she weren't crazy, anyone could understand why she got so assmad about it.
2. Did I mention that Ueno's a bitch?
1. Fun fact, she's also a bitch.
2. From what we know about Kawai, it was likely a calculated move to be able to vent some of her frustration while doing the whole "honey, you worried us so badly" thing for more brownie points. Alternatively, she does it because she thinks that Shouko is being self-important, when the only two people who are allowed to be important in Kawai's world are Miss Perfect herself and one Mashiba McEyebrows-san.

6th grade, my class had a kinda special student join our class. (Hindsight, she probably had FAS syndrome). She tried really hard to fit in, but she came off as a total tool and a poser, so nobody liked her. Eventually, even had the teacher lecture the class to be nice to her. She left the class soon after. Basically, we treated her like a normal kid; and any normal kid who acted like such a poser was made fun of.

I... can't fap to this, user. That's actually precious. Good luck to both of you.


shut up and fit his agenda

>>I, uh
>Also stop typing like an ass.
Sorry 'bout that.

and now you're here on Sup Forums, sure did turn out as a balanced and well-functioning adult amirite?

outliers exist everywhere, shithead

I mean Ueno is a bitch, yeah, but her bitchiness is kind of hard to swallow. She's just so cartoonishly evil.
>The boy she's obsessed with fell off a balcony and is in the hospital because he tried to save a girl that she fucking loathes
Yeah but she was violent towards shouko before that. She's literally almost a grown woman who beats up a deaf girl who's unnaturally nice. Her character is too mean to shouko, it doesn't feel natural. She's just as poorly written as Shouko though honestly. Shouko's Ghandi-like non-agression is as ridiculous as Ueno's bitchiness. The whole dynamic of "unnaturally mean person bullies unnaturally kind person who remains kind for no real reason other than for tear jearking" (think of how everyone's crying every other god damn panel, their crying doesn't even mean anything by the twelfth fucking time they do it) is just overdone and annoying. Yes, it's bad writing.

And your right, Kawai is totally realistic. Her presence and that of eyebrow asshole were far too large. Both of them were realistic bratty sociopathic nothings. Yes they were realistic, but I don't wanna read shit about people realistically being melodramatic. Realistic melodrama is still melodrama. If I wanted realistic melodrama, I'd watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians or something.

I'll freely admit my bias: this whole thing would have been a million times better if Ishida realized what an ass everyone besides him is and just focused on being friends with Shouko, and the story became more focused on romance.

the story would have been shit without the attempted suicide even if it is a cliche jap trope

>Ueno is a bitch, yeah, but her bitchiness is kind of hard to swallow. She's just so cartoonishly evil.
I wish that I could tell you that people like that don't exist, but they really do - and they're especially likely to exhibit their true natures when they think that they can get away from it, the fucking thots.

Also, if you think that Shouko's non-agression was meant to be out of saintliness, then you misunderstand her entirely. She doesn't let it fly because "turn le other cheek". She lets it fly because she entirely believes that she's a burden and a worthless sack of shit who deserved it.

TL;DR: She's not cute mute Ghandi. She's cute mute Shinji.

I also believe that the story could have profited more by cutting out some of the side characters. Nagatsuka and Yuzuru (as well as the rest of Shouko's family) were fine, but the rest were... well, assholes, and I honestly think that he should have cut ties with Ueno, Kawai, and Mashiba.

Wow fuck off reddit.

At best 4 of 5 deaf boy / girl will be bullied. Whether directly or indirectly, I leave it at "4 of 5" because I'm sure there's unbullied deaf kid there, I just haven't met them yet.
To elaborate, I live in asia country. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. Fuck most asian country except mine.

>I honestly think that he should have cut ties with Ueno, Kawai, and Mashiba

I agree about Kawai and Mashiba, they were both miserable pieces of shit who don't deserve friends. Ueno was at least entertaining though.
Chill the fuck out, there were like four sentences preceding that.
>She lets it fly because she entirely believes that she's a burden
That seems stupid to me. I think she was just depressed about being deaf and too sad to give a shit about bullies. Maybe I'm just too detached from the behavior of Japanese teenagers, a lot of it I just don't get.

How much worse is the manga? I loved the movie.

>That seems stupid to me.
Nah, it's pretty straight-forward.
1. Her dad left because of her.
Dunno whether or not we should count this, as we don't know if she's actually aware, but it's worth considering.
2. Her mom has had a hard time trying to work out things for her, especially as a single mom who's only got the support of her own elderly mother. She's also a hardass who doesn't give much of a damn for Shoko's actual feelings on things if she thinks that her judgement will help her kid better. (Example: the haircut fight.)
3. Her sister is basically a delinquent who tries spending a good chunk of her time fucking around taking pictures to show her.
4. Being bullied to hell and back more than likely lowered her self-worth to near zero.
5. She cost the class the singing competition, and her classmates had to put in effort to help her stay up-to-date in class.
6. Before leaving, she saw Ishida become the next target of bullying. She clearly didn't want this, as she tries to clean off his desk before he sees it, and very likely just threw that onto the list of things that she blames herself for.
Then, after the series has progressed enough, we get even more shit.
7. Ishida breaks down on the bridge and loses pretty much all of his "friends" (with Shoko more or less being entirely unaware that Kawai and Mashiba aren't worth anything). He then tries to pretend that everything is okay and continues hanging out with Shouko. She was at the center of the fight, and she knows it. She very likely blames herself for it.
That last bit was clearly the breaking point, as she attempts to kill herself during the fireworks celebration. That's actually the biggest point in favor of the case that she did it for a reason other than herself; she wasn't being bullied at that point, Ishida is treating her literally as kindly as he can, and her being deaf doesn't matter.

She wanted to die because she hated herself.

Haven't watched the movie but the manga was great until the end.

I personally don't feel that the manga was as atrocious as some make it out to be, or even bad.
The movie, though, is better because it dedicates a lot of its focus to the relationship and interaction between Shoya and Shoko. My one regret is how they failed to bring up some juicy stuff from a POV chapter of Shoko's. It really shows a good bit about her and how she's been worn down over time.

Prepare to get pissed off by Kawai, though. Mashiba tends to get a lot of shit for his POV chapter, too. It's more than understandable, as it makes some of his backstory and motivations super fucking creepy, but I don't feel that he's a sociopath, unlike what and seem to think. His problem is that he took his past bullying super fucking badly. He's mostly well-intentioned, if you examine his actions after Shoya is hospitalized.

Kawai never got what was coming to her and I am still fucking mad

Where would you say "until the end" begins? Epilogue, due to the main couple not visibly getting together? The suicide attempt? The fight on the bridge? Kawai running her dumb fucking mouth?

Mashiba hates bullies. If she gets with him, he'll eventually see her true colors and dump her faster than Ishida can leap for a test of courage.

This was the moment that ruined the series. Still some great moments that happened afterwards, but this is precised moment that ruined it all

no but there was a cripple in my class, nobody bullied as far as i know.

I actually never met a deaf person.

Hey nice cliche response user where do I sign up to blow your brains out?

My dad was immensely aggressive, and I still live with him. Parents are about to break up. Am I an angel because of that? No, any of these days I'm gonna go on a murder rampage.

Something outlandish like that needs a source

I may be who you are talking about. Long time no see, user. Naturally if you get a shit hand in life you end up on Sup Forums.

Sounds like Koe no Katachi just fuckin sucks

I watched the movie recently and didn't really like it, I thought the manga was much better.

You're slightly broken English is cute

We had a deaf boy in our elementary class. He is a bro to us though and vice versa. Probably because no one bother destroying his hearing aid so there is not many communication problem.

Why not? Burger-kun,
Ugly kids gets bullied all the time simply because they're not born with looks.
So why would bullying disabled kids any different?

isn't bullying in japan really brutal? it's not so much 1 kid picking on another, it's the whole class being in on it.

Even the actual down syndrome kids in my school were not bullied as far as I knew.

We'd comment about how their mouths smelled like actual shit, but that wasn't anything that wasn't true.

Even the shittiest students would not or could not bring themselves to bully the retards. If only because the staff took care of that for us.

You know nothing, privileged kid.

It is a sophisticated,social bullying. One Jap schoolshooter (Sakakibara incident?) told his motive was due to his classmate treating him like "an invisible man".

Ueno is pretty, I think.

Went to pricey catholic school system for all but 1 year. So no disabled/retarded folks around. I remember in 1st grade I had found out this kid had a peanut allergy and so I pointed a kit kat bar at him like a gun and he flipped out. Parents got involved and everything.

I spent a semester at a military academy sophomore year and holy fuck the bullying there was bad. The "day students" who didn't live there (I did) got treated like they were worthless. The minorities, mostly rich ass Mexicans, would gang up and look for every instance to scream racism and then superiors would scream bloody murder to people about respect. I called a kid a nigger because he was abusing privilege and was total typical nigger punk. Got fucking destroyed because of that. So yeah, don't joint the military because there are a lot of sadistic fucks.

Had all types. None ever got bullied, except minorities.

Who fucked deaf girl here?

Had one deaf kid in kindergarten. I can't recall anyone bullying him verbally or phisically, it was just very awkward to be around him because no one could understand wtf he said and he got angry. Also when he removed his aids to sleep they whistled very bad.

Threadly reminder

Shinkaishit is for normalfags. What's new

>Shinkaishit is for normalfags
Also those are award ceremony user, what the fuck are you talking about.

i think your view was formed by what you experienced in school, that everything was lively, no one got into much trouble and heard sources that other schools did not have much bad things happening.

Deaf community is basically like a cult. Some of them will fuck you up for getting a cochlear implant or hearing aid