>10 days until the new chapter
Any expectations?
>10 days until the new chapter
Any expectations?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not the only thing you should be aware of...
>tfw just bought the ticket for the film
He's a handsome young gentleman
What I would like :
>Two people, 1 female rock 1 male, one is a spin user the other a stand user
>More towards Greenday/Oasis than Bad Company/Harvest
>Named after a pulp song
>Yasuho get gets crippled
>Rai to eat a punch
Wildcard: Random cut to a Jobin/Kaato arc like the the Jobin flashback during Blue Hawaï
What I think will happen:
>One rock with a wild power that only vaguely makes sense
>Yasuho is fine within in the first five pages
>Rai cries dindu nuffin and for the sake of teaching Gap his priorities
>Soft and Wet looks cool for twenty pages.
>Random Hiatus out of the blue.
>Random Hiatus out of the blue.
Doesn't Araki only do that on November releases?
>Random Hiatus out of the blue.
Doesn't that only happen on around November?
That made me chuckle
This is the new officer of Passione and his team, say something nice about them!
Why are so many people pretending to have just finished part 6?
There were like four in the last thread.
>Out of the blue
I only threw that out for shits and giggles.
Although he didn't do a one shot last November and he has the movie and such.
>four seconds away from each other
Araki did not work on the movie.
I'm kidding user jesus fucking christ
I still don't get the joke.
It's not confirmed if SBR had an actual Jesus Christ. It very well could've been just a fictional saint
So the new Stand User is garbage, right?
>slowest walking speed I've EVER seen in a RPG, with huge maps
>40 minutes have passed and I still haven't fought a single time
I need you guys to help me with something from part 7.
A friend and I have been arguing about how ballbreaker works in relation to gyro zeppeli, and how tusk act 4 works in relation to Johnny, even though both of the stands take the super spin to create.
Our problem is that he's saying that because tusk act 4 is summoned via the super spin, that it isn't Johnny's stand, and that ballbreaker was exclusively gyro's stand.
What I think is that the super spin changes depending on what object is used
Example being tusk act 3 to make tusk act 4, and the steel balls to make ballbreaker.
You can hold shift to run.
Gappy makws me happy
>This demo will cover Chapter 1 and 2 of the story, character creation, the personality questionnaire and stand assignment. All 12 main character designs and all 18 stands will be available to pick from.
No mention of combat.
>Multiple Jesus Christs
>The end of Jojolion is going to be a massive Christ-off with the Sea-Jesus that the wall eyes is protecting everyone from.
Sure. I'll take it.
Tongue in cheek but borrow so through the cheek you could luck your ear.
7SU2 ?
They said the battle system wasn't in yet.
Also press shift.
I miss Star Platinum user who drew me the nutman
thank you user, but these fuckers need to learn to use RPG Maker scripts, the default menus and movement is garbage
It's going at snail's pace right now because of the small team, but the demo has caused some people to contact us in probably hoping to join them.
I don't do much with the team and I work at my own speed.
If you're part of the team I beg you to tell them to make the combat less easily trivializable, and less annoying (the range system didn't really work, maybe try types?). It was the worst part of the original game too.
From what I know, the combat will be moved to a sideview battler.
The range system is coming back and you would be able to manipulate yourself, teammates, or enemies with certain attacks.
There are certain advantages and disadvantages depending on the range of you and your enemy.
>maybe try types?
Like elemental? I think that will be in it.
Why is Josuke so much better than Josuke?
What's the point of a demo if it doesn't even have combat?
Proof that the game is actually off the ground and moving past just being concept art like a good chunk of indie / fan games.
Draws interest more than just reading a bunch of text posts
And as
it got people to chip in and help.
This has been slow so it's a good way of reassuring faith.
The Interview with Miike at NIFFF was uploaded.
Here is the article I posted a couple days ago.
Alright that makes sense but calling it a demo still seems out of place. Can someone link me their twitter?
thanks doc
One more.
Thanks. From what I can see the stand design is 100% on point, but character design could use a bit more jojo fashion
How do we fix the final showdown between Jotaro and DIO?
>Reveal that The World is Jonathan's Stand
>As revealed by Vanilla Ice, becoming a vampire makes you lose your stand abilities in the same way you can't use Hamon
>DIO forcing Jonathan's body to accept him as the host unknowingly causes The World to die
>Attempts to timestop and gets punched to death
That's pretty stupid but I like the idea of Jonathan fighting back after his body being taken
That sounds worse and even more asspully.
You can't do a Hamon death since Jotaro doesn't know Hamon, and the amount of "training" he'd get would still be weak.
The only ending that could make sense is Jotaro battling DIO 'til sunlight comes up, but Jotaro probably wouldn't last if he almost died within that entire five minutes worth of the actual fight they had.
The ending is good as is, whether you like it or not. DIO already foreshadowed his left side being weak. Trying to tamper with it would do not good. Just let it be as it is.
People are getting into this series all the time, and the ending of Part 6 is pretty tough to comprehend initially even if you paid attention. It's probably just coincidence that tons of people are announcing it here currently, I remember a couple of months ago there was a thread where like 10 different people said they just finished Part 7.
I dunno. The ending was okay as is, but it just feels like the least memorable moment of the entirety of Stardust Crusaders.
Every other battle with other enemies-- including the first few fights with DIO feel way more interesting. The last engagement is basically just a who-can-punch-the-hardest competition.
The press conference for the JoJo Anime Real Escape Game will be held today.
Vento Aureo?
Unlikely to be announced here since it's for a DiU themed event and announcing a GW anime there would undercut hype, August (there's another event scheduled then) or October (that was when the DiU anime was announced and if GW is 39 episodes again then a similar announce/release schedule is likely) are your best best bets.
Your impatience knows no bounds.
As you can clearly see this event is for a Part 4 event. Now why would they would announce a Part 5 adaptation for a game that celebrates the anime adaption and movie adaptation of Part 4? It's simple common sense, user.
Apparently the conference ended already.
Going by the tweets, Kento Yamazaki was there in person sharing his thoughts about the event and trying it out for himself.
It reminded him of the times when he was young while now being exposed to the JoJo world.
He thought that Yamada Takayuki (Angelo) and Kamiki Ryunosuke (Koichi) were good at the real escape game.
He also tackled the challenge with the practice quiz I posted a week ago and the answered correctly.
At the end, he said that something like "You can experience the world of JoJo in the escape game, I want everyone to try it out because it was fun, I would like you all to see the movie as well."
It ended with a photo session.
I prefer the idea that Star Platinum is Jonathan's spirit. It's especially powerful in Part 3 because of this, and after DIO Is killed, Star Platinum is nerfed because Jonathan's energy has been laid to rest, and Star Platinum returns to its 'regular' strength/power level (which is still pretty high).
posting oc
It's not OC if it's already been done before.
If it's liquid, it works.
It's the inverse:
Tusk is Johnny's Stand and acts as a conduit for the Spin, Act 4 appears when he uses the Spin to such a level that Tusk creates an Infinite Spin.
Ballbreaker is a "Stand" belonging to the Spin energy or something like that. I am not nearly as clear on its origins but it manifests when Gyro achieves the "super spin" as you call it.
>Ballbreaker is a "Stand" belonging to the Spin energy
I'm gonna need a source on that.
21 days until Part 3 dub!
"A visualization of the energy of Gyro's steel balls, breaking through dimensions. The art of the steel balls also ultimately turns into a Stand ability. I made this Stand appear to explain that.”
Hirohiko Araki, JOJOVELLER Stand Guide page 258
Ok thanks dude.
No problem
So if Johnny used that Steel Ball again alongside the Infinite Rotation, would he be able to use both Ball Breaker and Act 4 at the same time?
I just finished Blue Hawaii arc. It was fucking amazing, why do people hate it? Also shit that's going on in Jojolion feels very 3rd act-ish. I give it maybe 20 more chapters until it wraps up
Fuck if I know, but it doesn't seem impossible.
It took fucking forever.
>I just finished Blue Hawaii arc. It was fucking amazing, why do people hate it?
I loved it too, but most anons hated it because it lasted for 3 whole months.
I wonder how long Speed King's true power arc is going to last. An entire year maybe? It's probably gonna be the final battle anyway.
I hope people don't react the same way to Plant Appraiser, that's been going on for about 5 months now, right?
From my underSTANDing, it's just a representation of the steel ball, rather than an actual stand.
The thing that rumbles my neurons though is the fact that because spin is the Hamon of the alternate universe, does hamon have its own representation?
>An entire year of Speed King
>Each month its design gets worse and worse
>By the end of the arc it looks like an anorexic mummy
Yes, it's called Hermit Purple.
I thought Joseph could just use hermit purple in synergy with hamon
>Each month its design gets worse and worse
Actually might be pretty cool if it's supposed to show his stand going through some sort of change relating to Joubin's plan.
That's pretty weak. Come on hamon, you can do better than that.
>Jobin's scars are healing
>His stand is crumbling and becoming less smooth and organic.
>Sign of something happening to him during the plot
That would be sheer pottery if Araki did it.
Well there is the theory that if Johnny has Tusk to facilitate the Spin and Joseph has Hermit Purple to channel the Ripple, making them identical Stands within their own universe with the major difference being the Joestar in possession of the Stand.
Then perhaps there is an equivalent to Ball Breaker.
How does a mummy not look anorexic already?
What if it was like, a hidden zeppeli hamon overdrive that no Jojo could've been ready for
It's more of a rusty, thin robot for right now. I'm talking about shit like pic related.
Perhaps, i was thinking more along the lines of Joseph or perhaps Jonathan gaining Hermit Purple earlier on and therefore being able to use that raw passion that young men have to learn Hamon to the fullest.
F.F. is the hottest character in Part 6.
That would be actually pretty fucking badass for a Stand Design. If you replace SK's head with that and add those weird rope things, it would be pretty menacing.
Araki has said that if the SdC crew went back in time to part 2, they would see Joseph enveloped in hermit purple's vines
Yes that is true, but that is something subconscious like an automatic Stand.
I am talking about being fully aware of Hermit Purple and using it to his advantage.
But I am probably splitting hairs about this.
Is that the cigarette trick?
are you sure about that?
>people think JoJolion will wrap up in a year or two
How? There's still so much shit left unanswered and Araki loves his final battles long as shit. Remember D4C and it lasting two whole fucking years? I think 3 years is the safest and most likely bet, which also lines up with that recent revelation about chapter numbering in tankoubons where Steel Ball Run chapters from the beginning only had 2 digit chapter numbers (#05, #43, #64 etc) and ended at 95 whereas JoJolion has had 3 digit ones right from the start (#005, #043, #064 etc) which suggests he probably planned on going over 100 from the start. Coincidentally we're 34 chapters away from 100 chapters and since he does 11 chapters a year we're 3 years and a month away from hitting 100. I think 3-4 years is the most likely bet for how much longer JoJolion has to go. Why bother adding the extra digit if it'll never be used? Why add it in the volumes, which are supposed to be the cohesive release, when they weren't in the magazine releases?
How about we try to come up with a finale that doesn't involve Kakyoin, Joseph and/or Avdul dying and is well written?
Anyway, maybe if the final battle with DIO had more teamwork involved it would've felt more impactful to some people. I liked how Polnareff attempted to kill DIO by piercing his head and practically saved Jotaro. That made me come up with the idea of the Stardust Crusaders trying to kill DIO in different ways together as a team but with Jotaro still being in the spotlight. Like first they try destroying his head, then waiting until dawn, but that doesn't work and Jotaro defeats him in some other way because he's the only one who can get close to him due to his own time-stopping abilities.
They air only one episode once a week, right? If so, it's going to take them approximately one year to air the whole part. sorry I don't watch TV
They will probably also take a break between seasons