Yaoi anatomy thread

why the fuck aren't we laughing at this shit?

>beast titan

Because it's been decades since yaoi looked like that and only newfags like yourself haven't already laughed at it

ayy that's pretty good

A better thread that would have gotten more replies would be a good ol' "quality" thread

Pretty much this. I really miss the absurdly drawn proportions.

This thread reminds me years ago I promised to read a bunch of yaoi to find new pages for this kind of thread, but all the ones I picked at random had decent art and I forgot all about my quest.

>tfw unrealistic male body standards

>tfw crossboard faggots killing Sup Forums

Probably because we don't read yaoi you fucking retard.

Do women really get off to this stuff? You'd think at some point the violent disregard for human proportions would become a bit distracting.

>reading crossdressing yaoi series
>teacher literally asks protagonist to take his pants off and smacks him in school class
>protagonist doesn't care at all and the author just treats it as if it were normal
Alternatively everybody is a cunt and sexual assault happens like its nothing. The fuck is wrong with women?

Don't know if you have seen it already, but Acid Flower is stuff made of nightmares.

And this is just the first chapter. The more you watch the worse it becomes.

You've seen nothing, friend. 1000 times worse shit happens in yaoi and is passed off as normal, and girls schlick to it and wish it was them.

Women are fucked up.

>common sense
Pick a single option from within this list

Yaoi art is definitely getting better in recent years though, there still occasional QUALITY and weird shaped penis, but overall you have to dig to find really bad looking stuff.

Man, this looks like it was drawn by one of those shell-shocked artists after WW1

>reading yaoi for any purpose other than the bad art

Go back to your containment board.

Just like men fap to female characters with boobs bigger than their heads.

>that razor-sharp chin

Dumb frog poster

>>reading yaoi for any purpose other than the bad art
>Read Yaoi
>Tells people to go back to /y/

Homo thread is that you? Only you could be so retarded.

Pretty much, it's not like KEY stuff is so much better.

You got something against sad people?