Just connect my shit up, senpai

Just connect my shit up, senpai

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/5lblw72ahlrbi5o/lain The Series.zip


I want to fuck Lain































Hey, that's a form of love too.

Lain is pure and not for fuck

Love may take many paths. It's not heresy to desire Lain's physical form, just keep it to yourself.

Did you just want a reason to post Lain? If so, post more.




I really should upload my Lain folder sometime. I've been building upon that old wallpaper pack on Nyaa for a while, with plenty of new wallpapers from /w/ as well as many rare Lains. I could even include some extra stuff like Nightmare of Fabrication, the OSTs and the PSX game + translated document in a neat torrent. Is anyone interested?

Lain has a cute butt.

Yes. Please post it.




Alright. Not now because I'm currently phoneposting, but please look forward to future Lain threads, mostly due to my shitty upload speeds.


Thanks, Onii-chan. I'll always be waiting for you.








Why do women scratch their asses in public? I've never understood this.



Anything else?
I love these type of websites.

Mebious should have a bunch more stuff linked on it.. somewhere.



Here's the whole lot of these.
252 large res scans total.

mediafire.com/file/5lblw72ahlrbi5o/lain The Series.zip



Thanks senpai.







Thanks user.

Always happy to encourage more lainposting.














That's all for today, folks.

Thanks for posting.

>tfw can't even connect over the internet anymore
user has fucked me up for life. I don't want to take responsibility for ideas I just want to set them loose and see how they go.

Yeah, I guess that's the main attraction of this website. Although I think you may be looking at things too cynically.

Remember, anons. Lain sees you fap.

And she laughs

If that's the case then I want to stare her straight in the eye as I climax.


>that smirk
Like father, like daughter.

Quality comfy!

What if this is Lain...asking us to upload her onto our computers via rare lain torrents

I approve, clever girl

Shitposting all the way in 1998

I think this is a good chance to ask this. See picture related (plus that one moment where she mentions to the viewer how 'over there, I know I'm everywhere') , are we making Lain unhappy when we share and create pictures of her?