ITT pure girls only, slutfags fuck off
ITT pure girls only, slutfags fuck off
Good thread
return to start, do not collect 200$.
Even kissing makes her blush.
Good one, my dude.
Nice thread.
>Thread is about pure girls
>Posts the most well known slut of Sup Forums
#Shit baiting. #Troll thread. #Pure Cancer.
Sakura doesn't fit the definition of a slut though, her only sexual partner before Shirou was Shinji.
What the fuck is that last line. I agree with you, but what the actual fuck user.
You're forgetting the worms.
You don't belong here.
Masturbation doesn't count.
Neither does your slutfu.
Reminder the only reason she let Shinji have his way with her was because she believed she didn't have a choice
and soft too
She was fucked by the worms.
They were also her grandfather.
>Girl is sexually abused as a child.
>Brother rapes her repeatedly.
>Gets labelled as a slut.
Okay then.
You were also fucked by the worms.
>Girl is genetic altered to be a bigger slut
>Gets pumped with magic slut worms
>Gets horny thinking of mana and drips the floor wet
>She wants Shirou to be rough on her
>Fucked her grandfather
>Fucked her brother
>Not a slut
Where do you people come from?
Ever heard of twitter?
Ok and why do you bring that shit here you stupid normalfag?
>Easily embarrassed, and yet sometimes not embarrassed at all....
Because I felt like it.
>Girl is genetically altered for sexual abuse.
>Gets sexually abused by magical worms.
>Loses her mind after years of the abuse to the point where she becomes dependent on it.
>Having strong feelings for Shirou coupled with her genetic modifications makes her want to have sex with him.
>Raped by her grandfather.
>Raped by her brother.
>Victim of abuse.
Obviously you just want a (you) seeing how you're using hashtags so just take them and leave with your shit taste.
You are a fucking faggot.
Thanks for the (you).
Why did you post the biggest slut of Sup Forums then?
Caster is also good.
She is far from being a pure girl though. You are just baiting for (you)s.
That got retconned too, so she's a virgin.
It did not.
>he didn't read Realta Nua
The cringy porno shit is all gone now.
Are AIs allowed to be this cute?
Yeah sure
She deserved getting penetrated by Gilgamesh.
I'm pretty sure "pure" mean slut in worm language.
Dumb wormposters.
Can we just nuke this thread? It's beyond stupid.
>Wriggle, wriggle.
>Wriggle, wriggle, wriggle.
Read the VN they said, it's well written they said.
It's almost like you WANT to be gay.
Horrific post
There's a solid 75% chance she posted nudes on @ch at some point
Oh hey Wormanon.
I could recognise your stale denialist shitposting from anywhere
>this thread
Wormfags are the worst people on this board.
Bunch of harlots in here
>stale denialist shitposting
>literally in the thread to be in denial about Sakura's purity because it contradicts your stale shitposting
Wormanon, just posting about something frequently doesnt make it true.
The wormslut is a slut. Things dont suddenly become not canon because you say so.
>create a bait thead to attract the Sakurafags like a fly to shit
I like this tactic, OP. Maybe the other TM threads are less cancerous as a result
You're reading it for well written characters and an interesting story, not Shakespearean prose.
>just posting about something frequently doesnt make it true
>coming from the guy trying to force worm buzzword memes
Post the superior, most pure Sakura.
Dude are you fucking autistic or something? Sakura's shit anyways, but damn you're defensive.
>Can't think of a good response so drops in the generic autism insult.
>Calls someone else out on getting defensive.
When are we getting an anime adaption for Sakura's route?
stella 2qt
Gets released in Japan in October so we'll likely get it sometime next year.
Its the wormanon. He has S Rank autism.
You can tell its him from a mile off. He is the only one that tries to spew the "RN is only canon!!! Sakura not a slut!" meme
So these are the people who bash Sakura.
Nah, just a Sakurafag falseflagging.
>Wormanon accuses others of samefagging
Oh the ironing.
Actually, you're the only one getting upset by the existence of an all-ages version and trying to spew bogeyman memes over it.
Oh wormy, Im not upset by it. The RN patch was an excellent addition to my game.
Asserting something as "more canon" in a Multiverse is about as retarded as you can get, however and smacks of a colossal inferiority complex.
I hope you're just shitposting and not trying to be taken seriously.
Why would I worry if you take me seriously or not, wormanon? I dont care about your autistic whims.
Its nice to keep you occupied in your own bait thread however. Keeps all the other ones free of you.
>posts lewds
>hates wearing a cat maid outfit and hates wearing a bathing suit
Kurisu is too embarrassed of her appearance and is too classy to do something like that.
>Asserting something as "more canon" in a Multiverse is about as retarded as you can get
No one here said one thing was more canon than the other.
All that was mentioned was the fact that the H-scenes were ret-conned out of RN, which is truth.
Since when were hashtags banned on Sup Forums when we let Redditors and Cancerous MALfags roam free?
>Only my cancer is allowed!!!!
>Asserting something as "more canon" in a Multiverse is about as retarded as you can get
And that's what you do whenever you try to spout your stale purityfag memes despite the existence of a version that satisfies even purityfags.
Why are you still here?
>ret conned
But they wernt ret-conned. Just not shown in a censored version.
Only a tremendous autist would try to assert this as some kind of "canon".
Go and re-read RN, then come back to me once you realise how wrong you are.
I have been here for more than a decade. I will never leave.
Wrong about what?
That it was simply censored? user, she is infested with dickworms and this wont ever change.
you're objectively bad at this
I am still getting those sweet (you)s.
I-I'm pure, r-right?