I am writing this post to share my views on Chrollo, and see what other people think.I think Chrollo so far is a pretty bland character. We know absolutely nothing about what he wants and what drives him. Don't get me wrong, he is one of my favorite characters, but that's just because he's "cool", "macho": strong, unshakeable, smart, and daring; in a word, powerful.
Even so, as I've said, we know very little about the beliefs that lead him to do what he does, which is easily regarded as insanity. I'm not saying he will always be like that, I really hope we'll get to know more about him; but as he is now, I cannot really regard him as a well made character.
Of course, I have my theories, which I am going to share. They are based mainly on two things he said in a famous fight:
>he cannot see the difference between humans and puppets
>humans are so very interesting
So, why would comment that humans are interesting?
First, the way he said that makes it sound like he does not consider himself human. If we accept the reasoning baove, that may be because, having accepted there is nothing special about humans at all, there is no reason to call them that way, to distinguish them: humans are only the ones who are willing to keep on living until their necessary death as if tehre was some kind of sense.
And why would Hisoka be interesting?
Here, I can think of two main possibilities:
>a "biological" fascination: in fighting against what to Chrollo appears as certain death, and proactively seeking situations that bring it close to him, Hisoka is defying his biology, which would have him live no matter what.
>a nihilistic reason: Chrollo is amazed by how stupid, or at least stubborn, humans can be. Hisoka does something with mad passion despite the fact that everything is utterly pointless.