>western name order in subs
Western name order in subs
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Kuromukuro really bothered me.
It's generally accepted that older names are not changed, that's why we still say Oda Nobunaga in the west instead of Nobunaga Oda, but the subs from both gg and Netflix were Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma.
sometime there is no choice as the character name IS in western order from the start.
>Rock Lee
>Western name order would be Lee Rock
>They kept his name as Rock Lee even in the official western translations
What did they mean by this?
>Takagi gets an anime before Kaguya
more like non CJK name order
because it's an English sounding name
"Lee" is Chinese. Don't ever culturally appropriate China again, shitlord.
>character says oniichan
>subs say their name
do you prefer big bro or bro?
actually, now that I think about it, it just sounds familiar because of Bruce Lee
How about neither, use brother.
This so much
that would be onii-san or onii-sama
bottom bitch
Looks like a janny got butthurt. It's retarded to not change the name order when the subs are in fucking english.
so Mikoto Misaka sounds more western than Misaka Mikoto?
and tell me how this is any way, shape or form more helpful
How pathetic do you think his life is, that he has to white knight newfags getting bullied on Sup Forums
Obviously not, onii-sama is exalted brother.
>how helpful is writing your name in the right order
No idea man
>the right order
are you trying to fuck with me you little shit
Well there is your problem.
Lee is also an English name though, both as a given and a surname.
you are literally too dumb to realize that name order belongs to the domain of cultural practice and not linguistics.
is this the kind of people i'm dealing here with.
You're translating into english, not into weebonese, so your argument is invalid by default. Also nice 9gag images, nigga.
I'd prefer burrver to add to the retard moe factor.
"Weebonese" is good though. Elitism is good in general.
sasuga onnichan ganbare itadakimasu
>tl/note: this is untranslateable because of the fine nuances
You should kill yourself reddit.
You should kill yourself, tumblr.
You should kill yourself normalfag.
That's not names you idiot.
Could be worse.
Implying you fucking weebshit. Go back to your facebook anime group instead of being annoying here.
In fact, onii-chan, onii-san and onii-sama all mean brother. Just like boku and ore both mean "I" and anata and kimi both mean "You".
Japanese is simply more expressive in this regard.
I can't imagine my sister saying "Hey bro" to me. It just sounds weird.
>Also nice 9gag images, nigga.
if only you knew how dumb you just made look yourself.
but fine, let's "translate" into english so burgers don't get butt bamboozled over things being different. let's flip the image, driving on the left side is wrong. let's have them pay in dollar. let's have them eat donuts instead of onigiri. you filthy 4kids apologist
>using weeb as an insult
>on Sup Forums
Hello Sup Forumsmbler.
>I can't imagine my sister saying "Hey bro" to me. It just sounds weird.
oh no no no please don't say that. don't question the authority of anime editors. your sis better be saying "my sides!" when something's funny.
How rich coming from reddit-tier normalfag who hate anime in general and want it to be as less Japanese as possible. I bet you watching only with dubs, you subhuman trash.
For words like oniisan, etc. you should just leave them in Japanese. They don't translate directly to English in any idiomatic way and they're common enough that people should just know what they mean.
>"why do people translate something into english applying the rules of the english language when their job is to translate it"-the thread
>if only you knew how dumb you just made look yourself.
Yeah, because you really posted a nice anime image, right?
>let's flip the image, driving on the left side is wrong. let's have them pay in dollar. let's have them eat donuts instead of onigiri. you filthy 4kids apologist
Nice strawman, none of this has anything to do with the translation.
Shut up and fuck off to your conventions, weebshit.
>"I don't understand the idea of localization going too far" the post
I don't see much wrong with trying to maintain just a tiny bit of posting quality, instead of having retards running wild, taking turns calling each other reddit/tumblr/newfag/weeb/crossboarder/ebaumsworld for 10 posts in a row.
Now I understand why you might not enjoy that if that's the only way you can express yourself.
>fixing the name order
>going to far
Why don't you learn japanese and watch the episodes raw, you nigga?
>translating names
>instead of Satsuki Negiri you will get Elisa Sampson
Are you retarded?
>translating names
When did anyone say that, you strawman?
Here implying it. That's essentially what retarded "fuck you weebshit, I watch 4kids" normalfags want.
>inb4 hurr it means you only translating words and _only_ flip names durr
I see that you're incapable of differentiating between extreme localisation practices à la 4kids and any other attempt at translations.
because translation is a finely nuanced craft and not some algorithm
if we take just one step outside this retarded discourse, we'd see how silly this has become. there are zero issues when english-language dubs of french movies, or translations of french novels, address girls as mademoiselles or men as monsieurs. there are zero issues with don and senorita and signora. no one bats an eye. people expect it. culturally appropriate translation is fine and smart. sperglords just want japanese whitewashed after jumping on the commie contrarian bandwagon.
>Nice strawman, none of this has anything to do with the translation.
because name order isn't an issue of translation you clown. translation doesn't care about name order. localization does. localization includes cultural and social matters. it changes the framing.
>implying it.
Not at all. Read the OP and then the post, strawman-kun. Not my fault when your reading comprehension is 0.
>because name order isn't an issue of translation you clown.
>let's provide an english translation ignoring how things are handled in english
Retard of the thread.
>Here implying it
There's no implication there. You're just so against it that you're seeing implications where there are none.
You sure are butthurt, babe.
But that's what flipping name order about - "moderate" (like in "moderate beheading") localization.
Yes it is. Though it's hard to expect understanding from someone who throwing "weeb" on Sup Forums like an insult
>no argument
Cry more.
I want a translation, not a localization.
No, it isn't. You're just projecting your anxieties on the post to make an argument against something no one said.
You're a stupid cunt of a crossboarder who thinks spamming "weeb weeb weeb weebshit" is the best insult ever. Kill yourself normalfag.
The issue of name order is that you can clearly hear the characters saying the names in a certain way. If your subtitles reverse it, it makes it more annoying to watch the show because your brain is taking in the name in both ways at the same time.
>I want a translation
Itadakimasu, my friend.
Kill yourself, you assobliterated nigger.
are you really, really both physically and mentally unable to decouple this? apply yourself, son.
no one addresses girls as "mademoiselles" in english. no one adresses a woman as "signora" in english. this is not how addressing people is handled in english. and yet it happens, and yet no one bats an eye, because everyone understands there is a reason for it. if you are still unable to make a connection here, the next thing i'll tell you is your ICD-10
yes, this is a good argument. diverging name orders on account of dogmatic anime editor policies make it harder, not easier to process the show and the subtitling.
>no one addresses girls as "mademoiselles" in english. no one adresses a woman as "signora" in english.
Because those characters have a specific background or are in a specific setting, do you assume every anime is meant to play in japan, retard?
>do you assume every anime is meant to play in japan, retard?
oh nice, so we agree that anime set in japan need to have their name order preserved in subtitles? it's good to hear we've come to an understanding based on reasonable arguments
>Hi, Cherry Blossoms!
Anti-weebs in this thread will defend this.
>character uses honorific
>subs translate it as is and don't fuck with it
>goes to Sup Forums
>shitpost about how you want 4kids-tier dubs
>call everyone who disagrees with you a weeb
What is wrong with your brain?
Translating "ittadakimasu" as "for the dark lord, amen"
absolutely makes sense in the context. Vignette is a demon, so it was implied that she was thanking the dark lord for her meal before she starts eating. Also it's just plain funny and makes an otherwise boring scene that much more hilarious.
What's wrong with you people? Just learn Japanese if you want to hear the original
i know you're being facetious but the idea that some people think this sort of rationale is fine is still disturbing as fuck
please don't do this anymore "big bro"
>please don't do this anymore "big bro"
my sides
Metal Lee is his son, which means Lee is his last name.
>English title has "Miss [insert spoiler for her first name]"
> shtposting
> with Kaguya
I think that's funny looking at screenshots but it's never funny while watching the show itself, just annoying.
>reddit spacing summerfag wants "Oda Nobunaga" to be translated as "Nobunaga Oda"
>wanting Memesubs
You are literally the cancer of this world how the fuck is that even funny
i can't stop laughing when i remember that anime literally gets dumbed down for american audiences.
It's dangerous to post alone, take this.