New Manga
New Manga
A manga about a autistic kid?
Tell me he's a superhero that secretly fights ISIS with a tsundere when his parents think he's in bed?
But that's Barron on the cover, not you
Of course he's a superhero that fights ISIS with fidget spinners.
Any Doujins yet?
Want to play minrcraft, user?
It is a doujin you donut.
Its being storytimed on Sup Forums right now
How do we escape Barron's 5D chess board?
Great, Trump's gonna ban manga now isn't he.
Baron likes anime so probably not
>tfw no manga about me
Some fake twitter screencap will be posted now.
He was asking for recommendations on twitter but he's only seen very few anime, mostly shounenshit
Where is the R-18 tag?
Oh so this is the one where Vladimir Putin saves him from pedo rapist Bill Clinton.
That's a fake account.
>Sex! Free! Sex!
what did the japs mean by this?
when did Sup Forums bring back custom flags?
Hey, they free stuff and they like sex, what's wrong with that?
Scans where?
Holy shit, the Clintons are getting hammered.
Sup Forumsack is scanning in that thread.
Holy shit, Clintons BTFO
>it's all just about putin, not Barron
Now we're talking.