What is her cup size?
What is her cup size?
Other urls found in this thread:
G for Galko
F for fictionnal.
B for bags of salty coins and malk
O for old fat salary men
I like to guess anime girl's breast size.
Depending on age, women's hip measurement reflect large breast size.
If I had to guess, Probably 35 DD (imperial) which is E cup designation
Cup size means nothing on its own. You need the band size and the cup size. For example, a 32 DD isn't much bigger than a 36 C.
World Cup.
Galko's back from her trip to Mexico
I love this meme
What isn't her cup size?
H for Huge
S for slut
serious answer - looks like a J for just enough to give her serious back pain
Way more than enough.
F for Fsteak
World cup
That was one long trip. She's at least 8 months pregnant
O for_ __ ______ ___
Bullshit, I have wide hips (93 cm) and wear an A cup.
I'm pretty sure the 'back pain' phenomenon is untrue. Wouldnt the girl's body have adjusted to the weight of her breasts so that her back wouldnt have to suffer? I mean, fat people develop pretty decent calves for lugging around the amount of weight they carry, but then again, it's distributed more evenly than a chick's breast weight.
D for big enough to wrap around my dick.
It's true, I know girls who suffer from it.
Human's body is not perfect, it's not even perfectly suited for walking on two legs.
M for melons
>It's true, I know girls who suffer from it.
Tell them to wear correct bras then.
Depends on the size/weight of the breasts i suppose but mostly on the girls general fitness. It's true that the body develops depending on what it carries, however with two big bazongas, it's much more important that the girl is healthier because if she's not she's going to deteriorate a lot faster.
Not at all. Breast weight is distributed to the front and not evenly distributed over the abdominal core of the body, so it throws a person off balance pretty easily, especially when we are talking about girls with huge tits that also typically have lower muscle mass and overall bodyweight than a guy. It also doesn't help that we have a lot of sedentary people that don't do much in terms of activity, and might walk for an hour at most a day, and spend the rest of their time sitting in class, driving, or laying down. It's a huge set up for major back pain for a person of either gender desu.
If you want to see what I'm getting at, consider wearing a weighted vest with weight proportional at least to your weight vs a 120lb girl with size D or E breasts, with all the weights at the front by your chest mind you, for a week or month. You'll find your back doesn't adjust to that quickly.
D for disgusting cow tits that need to be chopped off
backpain is a product of shitty posture rather than large breasts themselves. but user's a retard who just regurgitates memes, no matter how ancient, so of course he wouldn't understand that.
There is no correct bra for someone who is low in muscle mass and has huge torpedo tits slapped on their front. The bra helps more with making sure the tits aren't bouncing all over the place, but they don't redistribute the weight to the point where it's akin to carrying a weight aligned with your core stabilizers. They would still get back pain.
It's because girls with big tits are usually overweight and have horrible posture / zero core or upper body strength then complain about back pain
>shitty posture
>breast size related back pain
No. Shitty posture is the cause for most people's back pain, yes, but for breast related back pain, it's not necessarily a problem of posture. Sitting upright with your shoulders aligned over your hips as a woman with large breasts still means you have fuckhuge weights hanging to your front and putting you off balance.
This is why sometimes you might see large breasted women, especially younger ones that are weaker and just filling out, have the posture shown in the middle of pic related. They're trying to pull in their chest and put more of the weight of their breasts directly on their abdomen instead of having them out and pushing them off balance. You also probably will find them sitting this way too. Naturally, this can open up an entirely new set of back problem issues.
There really isn't a fix for this to be honest aside from breast reduction, or the girl putting on the necessary muscle to minimize the pain and accommodate their large breasts (though they will still always be off balance even with straight posture as shown in the far right of pic related). And since most girls aren't super active and into putting on muscle on their smaller frames, they sort of just continue to suffer unless they get a breast reduction.
I know a shortstack who got a size reduction because she was in constant pain.
I never knew cleavage can sweat perfusely and smell like a swampass until this bitch mentioned it.
I reeled in disgust.
Well yeah, it's a layer of skin and folds that sweats like the rest and gets bound up in tight fabric. Of course it's going to stink. It's just like the ass, armpit, crotch, innie bellybutton, or the space between your toes.
They have arms for a reason. Cross their arms and hold them up. Just solved 90% of their problems right there.
So this is what Japs think Americans look like?
You want them to look like some sort of delinquent?
>walk around with your arms crossed holding up your breasts all day
Topkek. That sounds even more uncomfortable, plus they'd look like chickens with their arms tucked in and breasts out.
A lot of back pain is caused by badly fitted bras and poor posture rather than breasts themselves
Source: asked a breast surgeon who was also qualified as a bra fitter and saw many patients whose bras didn't fit properly.
Why would you not expect fat bags to sweat?
what did you expect?
If the breast size is big, i imagine it would contribute to bad posture, which then makes it easier for back pains to happen. So the breasts help, but it's not the cause itself.
i don't like her haircut desu
I don't know, I place hot women on a pedestal and assume them to be perfect in every way.
H for holstein
Fuck off.
too big
P for perfect.
galko isn't white
Breast related back pain is not really breast related.
It comes from either bad posture, or a weak core.
Usually the latter.
A girl that actually trains her core, and has a good posture won't get back pain from large breasts.
S for Saggy
Post yfw you find out galko is pure
Who cares about that. What I really want to know is what her shoe size is.
T for Too Big
This thread right here
>everything bad that happens to a woman is their own fault man I hate women why won't one fuck me
Am i in Sup Forums or /r9k/ lmao.
t. fat lazy whore with a weak back.
you're just fat
anime are white
Probably in the E-G range depending on the bra. But for Jap measurements, they tend to generous with the letter cup sizes, so maybe more like H or I.
Don't fat girls have big breasts? Sonic's Meat and Galko's Galkos are pure fat.
Not all fat girls have big breasts, unfortunately.
Season 2 when? I need more ss and talks about hairy girl buttholes
Yes she will. It stems from the fact that the weight from the breasts literally isn't distributed over the core or lumbar. It hangs out in front of the body. Having good posture won't fix that simple fact. It will help reduce pain, but there will always be some level of stress on the back as a result of weight imbalance, and for some women with gigantic tits (I'm talking E and up IRL on a small girl that weighs under 130lbs), the amount of core work they'd have to do to support those things would be ridiculous, and they'd still be suffering in the mean time until they develop proper support for their melons. It wouldn't be something as simple as "do starting strength and do deadlifts 5x5 twice a week" or "just do sit ups, bro". It'd be asking them to start there and then remain dedicated enough to reach a point where their cores are stabilized enough to carry something that is a decent fraction of their body weight in an off balanced position 24/7 with proper posture for the forseeable future. And you're asking this of low testosterone females who additionally probably go to school, work jobs, etc.
It's not really feasible unless we are talking about a person with a lot of free time, or a person who has lived doing a lot of manual labor and they likely have had their backs trained since youth (and correspondingly had some built core strength to minimize pain as their breasts came in, instead of being told to pack on core muscle after the fact) . Pretty much why breast reductions ended up becoming an option.
Not to mention even guys complain about joint pain and back pain from wearing weighted vests, and those are evenly distributed. Weight from breasts follows the same exact concept, except the weight in the vest is all located at the front and not in balance around the core.
Tl;dr - training your core and having good posture will help to minimize pain, but that's all it does. It minimizes pain that will still happen due to simple physics.
I think that user just hates females
Probably in between an EE to a small G.
Nice meme.
Depends on the genetics.