Horrible Dubs

>took away the cat inflection
>made him a nigger
>gave him ghetto sounding lines

Could they have made it worse if they tried?

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To be fair nigger Nyanta is hilarious and the best part of the shitty dub.

Also, >watching dubs

When did that get a dub, and do you have an example of his voice.

>To be fair nigger Nyanta is hilarious and the best part of the shitty dub.

Better than Funi forcing SJW personality changes to the characters.

I only glanced at the dub because my download had dual audio. Haven't touched it more than 30 seconds.

enjoy: youtu.be/tfY9tnN6a7s?t=13m9s

>cat race doesn't have tails
Good thing he got arrested for tax evasion
Literally wasted the potential of the cat race.

What's the point of having a non-humanoid race if you don't explore the hardships of becoming a nonhumanoid?
Also what's the point of animal people if they don't have fucking tails?!

>cat race doesn't have tails
>Nureha does

I have very mixed feelings on this show.

>Not overdubbing DATABASE
Why bother with dubs at all.

Yeah the foxes have tails, but they don't even emphasize it at all. Having at tail is a massive thing. Especially 9 tails that have gigantic multi part tails that are literally the size of their bodies.

Should have gone further into the part of feeling like you're in an isekai, but instead it glances over the feeling parts and disconnects you.

Everyone feels like plain humans. Even the people with dog tails and teeth, the fox people, the full furry cat people. No point in even having the races except fanart

>Cats are niggers

This actually makes sense.

>Not digging the cool chocolate
>hur dur racism

Ya'll just be jealous of his mad swagger. Don;t be crying over some cartoon because you ain't got no game.


>watching dubs
Kill yourself my man.

there is literally nothing wrong with dubs

The actors sound like they'd holding back in embarrassment.

>unironically discussing dubs
this is not reddit

>my man

>not just going along with the thread theme of shitting on dubs like I intended

Why you gotta cause hostility among peers?

Fuck off with this Sup Forumstrash

does anime speech sound as cringey to normal speech for japs as it does for dubs in english or are all dubs just trash?

I just watched a bit out of curiosity. Nyanta was the only part that didn't seem phoned in even if they went in a completely random direction.
It's a much shorter list to name dubs that don't suck though. The most recent one I can think of is D-Frag

They both sound completely unnatural.

French dubs sound just fine so English just suck.

Anime and less serious live action work always have a more exaggerated than normal direction in Japanese.


Probably relatively worse for them since most Japanese people speak in a very respectful quiet tone so some of the stuff on anime/live action shit nobody would ever say in real life.

Its the exact same, Even with the lines that no one would ever say in real life.
When I first started taking Japanese my teacher telling me the meaning of "Yameru" when I asked what the differences between that and "Yamero" she pretty much laughed at me and told me not to use Yamero.

It's real though. Funi did that.

I can't stop laughing, if you have a friend that likes dubs you are befriending sub human scum.

>she pretty much laughed at me and told me not to use Yamero

ITT: faggots posting >watching dubs, then a laughing reaction pic without reading for 2 seconds to realize it's a thread about saying dubs suck cock

I never watched the sub, so I kinda dont care how he sounds in nips. It's irrelevant really. I bet he sounds like every other japanese character, because japs all sound the same. I don't get all the dickriding and pretending that nip voices are something holy.

How else would you even know which dubs are worse than the others? If I'm listening to a dub it's either because a recommendation has somehow made its way to me or on accident

99% of dubs are always trash tier so I give them a look for a minute to check how hard they fucked up the delivery of lines etc.
I also give them a short peek to get salty that people actually wait for the shit dubs to release only to think they are good.

>lel fum off to reddit dubs suck casualfag
>also Sup Forums, Ghost Stories and Panty and Stocking have amazing, superior dubs. Also youre a weeb if you use Japanese Pokemon or DBZ names.

What did we mean by this?

The joke's on you, I only watch dubs.

Is it a good idea to delete all the dubs from my torrents? I never listen to them but I fear I won't have them the day I decide to

>99% of dubs are always trash tier
Nah, more like 40% are trash, 40% are passable and 20% are amazing.

I bet you're going to say the Cowboy Bebop dub is amazing.
Piss off and take with you.

Never watched Bebop, but there are many amazing dubs out there.

>Gurren Lagann
>Code Geass
>any of the moe shit
>Log Horizon
>Nazo no Kanojo
>Captain Harlock
>Fate series
>Baki the Grappler

Are you trying to physically hurt me user?
Saying >kys in this situation is much too kind for you.

Your teacher is/was a retard.

I like the Medabots dub.

I'll be sure to let her know some autistic weeb who knows her native tongue better than she does said that.

anyone who watches dubs deserves this garbage

so what's the difference?

Are you ? My bad, I sent a reply but the captcha failed and it didn't send.
IIRC (Since I don't take Japanese anymore) yamero is a little like the big "NO!" trope.
While it has its uses in anime if you said it in casual Japanese you would probably get a few looks.
It works if someone is trying to murder your entire family before your eyes but otherwise its quite odd.

Think of it like someone saying
>I can't die yet, not like this.
when he slipped or something like that.

That's not a fan parody intentionally bad dub?

Nope, it's an official dub.

Why do they still keep doing the English Voice Actor Doing Anime Voice voice?

Hasn't anyone told them it's terrible?

No, that's not me. (I'm )
Thanks for the answer.

Because apparently they think weebs won't mind if the delivery is similar even though it's usually multiple factors.

Voice direction just sucks, if they hired Disney voice actors maybe dubbed anime would be great but for now they just hire bottom of the barrel VA's.

>you know, it's not a good idea to skip lunch, my man
Nigger Nyanta is hilarious. The rest of the dub is terrible, as is the case with every dub. Fucking Americunts.

>dubs would be great
You need to go back.

I think I might be able to quantify a bit of it.

Only one loudness of voice which is far louder than the Japanese, or even real conversational English.

The audio is clearly and poorly cut together rather than the actors doing a full exchange together as a single take.

The phrasing used is strange for conversational English. It's like an unhappy middle ground between direct translation and full interpretation.

I'm sure I could list more stuff, but the amount of fucks I give for dubs is next to nothing.

But I've always been here.

>Black guy cast as Metabee
>The episode where he is literally lured with watermelons

i can't watch this dub without thinking it's ghost stories or something

Ah yes yet another greentext dub thread. Now this is why I come to Sup Forums.

>thinking Sup Forums exists to cater to your needs
Fuck off faggot. Go suck your own cock while you're at it since you like doing that so much.

Lurk for at least 2 years before posting, newfag.

Did they honestly do this? Give me an example of the Ghetto shit.

He says way too many "my man" or "brother" in every other line.
I forget which episode but there is a scene where he comes out with some food for everybody then they say some shit he doesn't understand and says "Nya?" in the sub but in the dub he just says in the blackest way possible "COOL"

>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
As expected of someone stupid enough to take Japanese classes.
Yamero is just the fucking imperative form of yameru you stupid piece of shit. It all depends on the context you use it in.

>Would you care to join me for launch?
That quality control.

>Canadian and American VA's think their high school musical theater English accents are top tier and torture us with them in bad weeb dubs

>as is the case with every dub
Not every dub, just >95% of them

yamero is like a command you use for your dog

Is this an abridged?


Why can female dub actors only make one voice?

This, literal selfish welfare leeching niggers except cute to look at and interact with


Same with the japanese voice actors. Every single moe girl sounds exactly the same.

>moe girl
Classic dubfag.

No meme jokes in the dub so no.

I would only say darker than black and hellsing are the only decently dubbed ones
>better in sub jojo
U damn right

American woman voice kobayashi
Teenager voice Toruo
Child voice kanna
Old woman voice???
And one slightly different woman voice (Lucoa)
There you go 5 voices

Have watched French, Catalan Spanish(real Spanish, not panchito speak) and English dub is particularly bad.

I don't know exactly why, but I guess whoever picks the casting for dubbing tries to save as much money as possible, because I know there are good english-speaking actors out there that would be awesome dub actors.

I disagree

Best reason to watch dubs is that you can follow the show better without having to use focus on reading. I'm pretty sure you miss out a great deal by reading.

I don't watch dubs because imho they usually have lower quality than I prefer. But it might just be because I've gotten used to anime voices and how they work I guess.

I just don't like subbed anime. I guess I am not autstic enough to pretend that some gook language is the holy language. I just want to watch anime and enjoy it.

Jonathans brit accent was good and Dio was great. but they fucked up stroheim so bad that it hurts (even for a dubfag), I mean really, they couldn't find a guy who can do a cool german accent?


>black nyanta and dudebro naotsugu
>not the only good things about that dub

even for english anime dubs, sentai is unbelievably shit

Honestly, America should really stop bothering trying to dub cute girls doing cute things shows. It doesn't fit the type of voice actor it has the most of.

>casting and direction are a meme
>actors never get to record as an ensemble
>mixing is shit
>scripts are horrendously translated

VAs honestly get too much of the flak desu, there's a lot of shit that isn't even their fault plaguing dubs

There is no "subbed anime". It's original versus fake.


Nope. Dubs are not fake. They are an equal translation of the material. Imagine that you picked up an audio book that was originally in russian. Crime and punishment for example. You listen to it in your own language. It is exactly the same book (same characters, story and dialogue), not a fake. You got exactly the same experience from it, as you would have gotten from the russian one. So in the end, eng dub=jap dub (unless it is some weird censoring deal, and nobody does that anymore).

>enjoys dubs
I guess that's one good thing about being unironically retarded. You'll lap up whatever refuse is thrown your way because you're too autistic to know any better.

They killed the only thing that could have saved that mess of a show.

Gentlemen, I believe I win

>You got exactly the same experience from it, as you would have gotten from the russian one
You're begging the question.


If it's exactly the same translated, why are there different translations of the same book?

You are ''unironically retarded'' if you think that everybody has to do things like you do them. Dubs are good, and they make anime more enjoyable. And I know better. I used to watch subs, but they sound so bland that I gave up on them.

>leave in great OP with literal 2/10 voice acting