Anime Clothing; NO fun Edition

Post clothing that has an anime reference that looks good and not hot topic tier. No memes, no shit posting




>He doesn't dress Urameshi-core

>not pictured: Gucci shades


But it's so hot outside

>wrong jacket
at least they tried

>not living in the southern hemisphere

>living in the southern hemisphere



Frieza is cute!

Feel So Moon shirt is the only anime shirt I have.

Even if it's pretty fucking obvious, Space Bros is so low key that isn't doesn't even matter.

I have an "ORE NO T-SHIRT" shirt.

It's LORD Frieza for you buddy!

go home, Sorbet. You're drunk




I'd get I AM BOSS if I ever saw it online



Wait, isn't that a shop?



Nihei or bust fags.

Only decent non-cringe design in the thread.