Little Witch Academia


official general here, do not steal

I hope both your threads get deleted

>Tattun posts in both threads

>2 Diana Threads

Your shit girl is the reason LWA is flopping.
Good thing Chariot & Croix fixed this show though

I only subscribe to Chariot, though.

Croix a shit

Fuck you, I do. I want to know how the fuck anyone could justify degrading a main character to background character like that.

In case someone missed the Q&A.

>Gee user, we're so sorry, we really fucked up, you're so right, here are all the reasons, what a good question, blah blah blah

What do you expect? Use your brain. Ask a question that actually might have an interesting answer. I can tell you the response you'll likely receive right now: "We would have liked to include more Sucy and Lotte. There were limitations on what we could fit into the first season. We'll do it if we have a chance in another reason." This is self-explanatory shit.

The five facts of Yoshi made me laugh.

He's so cute (another fact he shares with Chariot)

But Croix sapped everyone's magic. How did Chariot keep up her strength enhancement without magic power?

Probably had something to do with her choker.

I admit I should have made the question more specific. My bad.

Around elves, watch yourselves!


Reminder that Akko has a thick waist from eating too much tarts.

>Hard Word
Why am I making so many typos today?

So we WILL one day get season 2 of LWA, right?

Yes, but we need to support the franchise.

More cushioni for Diana's pushin.

Let's try to ask Yoshi this question in the next Q&A. That's probably not going to be today, though since today is Producer's birthday.

You guys have any solo Akko stuff? I noticed I mostly have her in groups or with DIANA!

I will buy bluray for sure

nah im done with it for now.


wrong reply LUL

How soft is Akko?

Yes, but I want to hear it personally from them. I want them to actually acknowledge this problem.

I'll also buy some volumes. But I'll need to save up for when they announce a Chariot nendo

Are you underage?

Soft enough for hugs, but just firm enough for DIANA'S LUST

>Asenshi drones/EOPs
>paying for anything

Not him, but they already did.

Time contraints, having trouble condensing the points the wanted to get across with other characters, etc. Hell, the producer literally said yesterday she wants to add more Sucy

Just calm down. Why can't you be happy they want more of her in future projects as well?

Pretty soft, like most girls are. I bet she smells nice too, despite the fact that she doesn't like to take baths.

No, but i love twitch and retarded spam in chat.

So who do you think Tattun will choose to be the smelliest witch?
>Tattun is going to make 3 dumb memes real.
What a time to be alive.

She's stinky! STINKY!

>Barbara's big butt
What's the other one?

5 facts

Just admit that you have a smell fetish, Diana.

Tattun is really a good boy

>will you give Tattun a raise didn't get answered.
I bet Tattun is feeling really awkward reading those questions to her.

They probably laughed it off.

Because I'm angry they treated her like shit, what do you think? Cause I still can't wrap my head around how they could let it happen even if they were aware of tge problem. Cause I want an apology and I'm angry at Diana suddenly taking center stage like that and everyone switching to Diana fagging and acting superior and just fuck everything

>when the Q&A was done, he joined in for lewds

Literally /our guy/

I think he mentioned that he didn't deserve it because other people in the company are working way harder.

>Cause I want an apology
Here's your answer, you ain't gonna get one with that attitude. Now stop being so fucking butthurt about your chinese cartoon waifu.

So they really want to push Andrew further in this?
Ouch, they never learn.

Just make it co-ed and give it more natural feel than shoehorn one special male no one really gives a damn everywhere.

I don't like the attitude of certain Dianafags either, but to put them all in the same bag is kinda unfair too.

The thing is that you're taking this too seriously for your own good, even though your concern about Sucy being underused is valid, and even then, her case isn't teally as bad as Lotte or Jasminka's since Sucy got a an episode that is almost generally considered one of the best. And she's still the 3rd most popular character.

Shipping scum BTFO again!

Making it co-ed is even worse.
There's nothing wrong with having a mundane guy school descendant from witch hunters for world building, they just handled it badly.

Is there a reliable estimate of the budget of TV LWA? I'd rather have more OVAs at the same level of quality as Enchanted Parade, even if it was only two or three

A 10/10 pure kino Sucy episode
A cute Conze episode
Lots of great Akko faces
Young Chariot


There were already some ideas floating around in previous threads on how they can handle Appleton related characters. I'm sure there will be some silly magical shenanigans involved again if they revisit them. Not sure how they can proceed with Andrew though, but they did mention that he's kind of like Akko's "bro" now.

The problem with LWA seemed less about budget but more about staff inavailability and probably a tight schedule.
They even said in the panel that LWA was much more tiring than usual. I guess it just worked everyone to the bone to animate this show.
Maybe they'll do better with a split cour next time.

>So they really want to push Andrew further in this?
As I was saying in that very same thread, Andrew's character isn't the problem, the problem was the romantic sub-plot they were trying to give him. It's a good thing they detected on time how forced everything around him was shaping because of that and axed the romance.

As long as they stick with him being the token muggle guy without shoving any romance, it would be fine. Plus other characters like Frank and Paul might have a bit more development out of this.

I've always said it would have been better if this was just a once every few years ova.

like Icarus they flew too close to the sun.

Would you keep her as a pet?

They anounced whole 3 new ip so deal with Netflix going well i guess. Hope they will grow as studio and deliver better anime.

I like this perverted Diana thing.

Trigger just doesn't consider LWA as much as a flagship as they did KLK and will Promare. It's more of a side project under Yoshinari and it shows, especially since they were developing three other Imaishi projects during LWA.

Genuinely shitter shattered about this. Akko x Rod-kun is the only ship that mattered and is canon, think about all the good times they had together

well now she's back down to having to learn how to do things the honest way instead of having a plot advantage

Kind of neat that they want to dish out more of Chariot's origin if they get the chance to continue the series.
Really looking forward to maybe one day seeing Chariot befriending a young, socially awkward dork Croix.
I'm also really curious too if Chariot really was an orphan.

So you just confirmed that you are

>Kind of neat that they want to dish out more of Chariot's origin if they get the chance to continue the series.
Because Chariot's background potential can go beyond Croix, since Croix's character only served to complement Chariot's LN background and Chariot's character doesn't revolve around her(unlike Croix). After all, Chariot, along with Akko, Lotte, Sucy and Diana (putting aside Hannah-Barbara) are the ones that have always been here at the start.

Croix ruined the show.

true, it's probably for the best now that her magical Down's is waning

>Really looking forward to maybe one day seeing Chariot befriending a young, socially awkward dork Croix.

I'm more interested on her relationship with Holbrooke, which is a good thing that Croix isn't a childhood friend because they can focus on other people in Chariot's life besides her.

I won't mind male characters, but I'd rather they introduce the rival wizard school or just more wizards in general instead of going back to boring normie school. I also don't like it that only Akko got serious hetshitbait. Give Diana and Such cool wizard potential love interests even if they go nowhere with them!

I must be the only Diana and Sucy fag than wants them to get hetbait.

It's not like that Croix can't revolve around anyone but Chariot. They could easily give her a personal redemption plot that doesn't involve Chariot at all with her trying to contain the fallout of her fuel spirit. It's just that she doesn't necessarily need one because her plot ended and the time would be better spent exploring Luna Nova and magic.

people like you is pretty much the reason I am glad andrew is in the picture.

I don't know, I feel like Croix's past still has some potential too.
Despite just being a complementary character being used to flesh out Ursula/Chariot, she's had a more complex development than even Akko.
>Lifelong dream to save the world of magic
>Needs the Rod and has to unlock the Triskellion in order to do so
>Life dream is crushed by not being chosen for rod ownership
>Purpose, time, effort, all gone
>Implied to have lost her flying to the pollen in order to save Chariot
>Has to pretty much endure the hand life has dealt her
>Basically thanks life too for shitting on her head by accepting Chariot as the rod owner
>Has to sit by and watch Chariot use & abuse her dream (rod) for show biz
>Has no choice but to use drastic means in order to save the world she loves
>Change of heart
>Possibly jailed for a long time
Her life needs more focus in an OVA/short film in my opinion, obviously after Chariot gets the spotlight for a time.

Same here.
The relationships between a young Chariot and the professors would be comfy to see.
Wonder what her relationship with Professor Finnelan was like back then...

I wanna see Avery get BLACKED!

>Her life needs more focus in an OVA/short film in my opinion
user, I hate croix so much I would probably just steer away from lwa completely if they pulled that shit.

>introduce the rival wizard school
I would like them to introduce just a male character that happens to be a wizard (though I think Chumlee already fills that quota anyway), but introducing a whole school would only create the problem of introducing a new set of characters that will probably take the spotlight from the ones we already have and are underused.

And C'mon, a romantic interest for Diana? Look how badly almost went for Akko and Andrew's characters because of forced romance. I rather have Andrew and Diana having actual and quality non-romantic interactions instead. Snark battles can only do so much.

Why though?
Is it because she wasn't an "original?" Someone who wasn't introduced in the OVA's?
What's the problem?


she ruined the series, everything went downhill when she showed up.
user you got to understand, you can't be hyped about a series for 5 years and even throw several hundred dollars to the ks of it and not feel intense BURNING hatred for a character that goes and ruins it all.

>Implied to have lost her flying to the pollen in order to save Chariot
Except this didn't happen, otherwise she couldn't have Tia Freye'd at the end. Which was fucking retarded after the flashbacks and the roomba flying, that ended up just being a metaphor for choosing tech over magic.

No, both Croix and Chariot wouldn't profit from having their pasts dug up again in such a manner. A flashback, or an explanation would be enough if at all would be enough.
Their development in this season is about leaving their past issues behind. Backpedaling at this stage would just make them worse.
Plus it would only end in a sour note because you know shit would go down badly later on, which doesn't fit LWA's theme of happiness.

But I don't mind it, I'm just sick of the "harem master Akko Sue" shit. If they want romance, give it to another character, don't make the show so Akko centric. I don't care if it's het or yuri. Make Elizabeth interested in Diana instead of Akko. Make a cool gentleman wizard put his eyes in Sucy instead of Akko. Stop putting Akko in the center of everything.

It still pains me that Akko didn't collect a repertoire of magical artifacts throughout the series, Shooting Star included, that would have made up for her lack of magical abilities.
That and the fact that she didn't get a familiar.

>Her life needs more focus in an OVA/short film

I rather be realistic, that kind of stuff is CD Drama material. Alternatively, they can add it in separate segments in an actual season if the episode directors can pull it off.

But yeah, I like Croix, mainly because of Junko Takeuchi.

She's a goddamn fictional character, user
>blaming a fictional character for being shoddily written instead of the writer

>Implied to have lost her flying to the pollen in order to save Chariot
She never lost her flying ability. She departs from LN with a broom.

It's not retarded. Those flashbacks were supposed to serve as parallels, not literal copy-pasta. Knowing Croix, she probably found a way to effectivelly evade the pollen, contrasting with Chariot's desperate and reckless attempt to protect Akko with her body

Yeah I noticed as soon I posted that. Completely forgot.
Still though, it would have made so much more sense if she lost her flying abilities. Would have made Chariot's/Ursula's guilt even worse because not only did she unintentionally steal her best friend's dream but she also inadvertently was the cause of Croix losing her flight ability.
The scene of her crying and apologizing to Croix could have had a deeper emotional impact if this were all the case.

I want to be Lotte's pillow.
I will never be Lotte's pillow.

While I agree with this, it would've also made her promise to find the cure not selfless, while also making no sense because she had 10 years time to find it.

>which is a good thing that Croix isn't a childhood friend
I hope Chariot had other childhood friends that will come back in Season 2 and NTR Croix while she die alone in magic jail.

So people keep talking about this show and making threads like this after it ended, I take it it was a 10/10 masterpiece that made Miyazaki cry it was so good? Usually, shit animes aren't talked about after they end, so it can't be shit, right?

Chariot TCG when?

Why are you asking people who are posting about a show 2 weeks after it ended whether or not they think the show is good?

people here are the first one that say it was garbage but we like it anyways just like any other moe anime with cute girls

The threads now are 10% Discussion 90% shitposting.

>while also making no sense because she had 10 years time to find it.
But why would she even bother? She could just use her own brains to compensate for the loss with technology.
The world of magic abandoned her, Woodward fucked her over, no tutelage or guidance from anyone, so why should she look for a cure that would benefit the world that abandoned her?
But then again this all even contradicts her still wanting to unlock the seal on the Grand Triskellion so she can reshape the world as she saw fit.
Despite it all she still wanted to save the world of magic.
Love hate relationship, I guess.

Well there's still potential for more to come and the discussion that does take place is quite nice.