Hunter x Hunter

Why is Quwrof sad?

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Tears of laughter from how hard he demolished Hisoka.

He hasn't been getting any

His tears are too shiny and the glare is reflecting into his eyes, making them water more

Because a couple of his friends die every time they make an appearance. The Phantom Troupe are like Namekians at this point, getting slaughtered left and right.

Hisoka isn't his friend, though.

Would you a squatting Killua?

The Spider has legs of ten,
A jester comes for those men
If the Spider wishes to steal,
First it must accept a deal
For he is a fickle clown,
All will end with a blood stained frown

He reads the "O MY RUBBER NEN" page of HxH.

Hisoka is alive. This guys aren't though.

Their O MY RUBBER scenes weren't shown for some reason

rip Shalnark & Kortopi

They trot

He's got nothing on Phinks

Defend this.

I can't defend Killua rejecting Gon's kiss. Unless he's being tsundere

If only real Killu was this brave..

Thinking of humans.

top quality

I forgot how good was Yorkshin in the OVAs

It goes like this
Gon: for kids
Killua: for edge
Leorio: for gentlemen
Kurapica: for faggots

He actually cares for the spiders despite his demeanor

It kind of makes sense in context. If I remember correctly they were explaining how Baise's ablity works

When will Gon's nen return from the war?

So which subs, really? For 11. I only got memed on last thread.


OK, downloading. Thank you.

There's no reason to have Gon and Killua kissing unless you are shipping them. It's a homosexual act and to act like it's only for educational purposes is just you being in denial.
Any other studio would have done a better job with the anime.

He just realized 99 version sucks and he is on it.

I'd squat over killua if you know what I mean.

Gon's nen will return when he loses it and needs to develop a homework avoidance hatsu.

And some QUALITY

Is this those fidget spinners kids have been talking about?

At that moment he is seeing proof that one of his friends is really dead and not just missing.

kurapika is too old for the type of faggots in here

>For 11.
None. Don't watch this crap.

Is Leorio able to win against Hisoka? He clearly showed that he is a top-tier hunter when he demolished Ging during the election.

It's fine. Worse than 99's of course but I could cherrypick a good 2011 scene that got a bad treatment in 99.

Hisoka is fucked. Warping Punch allows Leorio to avoid being tagged with stretchy sticky, and if he does get tagged he can send a punch through it to smash Hisoka's organs.

Ging got hit on purpose

Who is this guy again ?

One of Tserriednich's spies

Because his name is fucking stupid



Read the manga.





This isnt in the ova, its in the main series

Hisoka will become more interested in Leorio after he finds out Gon can't use nen anymore even after being healed and seeing the new cool hatsu Leorio created. Leorio will convince Hisoka to join them on the DC expedition after he agrees to help get rid of all the spiders and Chrollo on the boat.

Plz based Magician, let shizuku be next!!
I want anons to be pissed!!!




Reminder that we still have:

>"chrollo" using a fishing line (which is machi's ability, who was coincidentally in HA immediately after the fight)
>someone who looks suspiciously like the meteor elder in the crowd (which would also be a much more plausible explanation for why S&M behaved the way it did)
>chrollo making an absurd amount of puppets (the real user of GF was coincidentally in HA immediately after the fight)
>chrollo talking to someone on the phone in the middle of the fight (black voice was always controlled via buttons when Shalnark used it, the only time it was spoke into was when it was functioning as a regular cell phone)

If you really don't think Chrollo cheated you're just deluded.


Hey Pitou, I'm kinda busy at the moment as you can probably hear...

Pitou is a MAN with a PENIS


He helps Tsetse kill naive girls.

Kill yourself anytime retarded memer

Bring back Pariston and Ging!

If they wouldn't try to kill each other, how dangerous of a duo would they be? Pitou could be Machi's replacement as Hisoka's doctor.

Pitou is several times stronger and smarter than Hisoka, he would be completely redundant.

hisoka vs togari.

get fucked

Machi's faster on those quick fixes though.

killing baiser was a mistake

Pitou has blue blood though, he probably couldn't even touch her

>Pitou has blue blood
Anime censorship.

Really? In the manga the blood is just black, so it makes more sense that since they're not human they would have different color blood. Like how octopuses have blue blood

The chimera ants mostly are made from humans and other mammals, they should bleed red.

>Nothing personnel kiddo

But what about their bug predecessors?

Ants aren't octopi though, animals with blue blood have that blue element for a reason. The Chimera Ants which are a process of passing stronger traits to the next generation should've picked up on hemoglobin and have red blood since it's better than hemocyanin.
The "official" digital color release gives them red blood anyway.


Does that make blood blue? Never heard of that term

What about them? Their DNA is mostly from vertebrae so they should have red blood cells. Also it's black in the manga because it's not colored, obviously.

Yeah but there's no way in hell she is ever going to help Hisoka ever again

I know the manga isn't colored, but it was insinuated that only the giant queen ant was able to eat vertebrae, all the small ants had bug features. Of course real bugs don't have blood anyway but that's beside the point

hemocyanin. blogspot. com/

Oh i get what you mean now, the other ants could bleed blue i guess. Thought you were still talking about the ants we see in the arc.

Is this the funniest page in hunterxhunter?

Technically bugs don't even have blood. They have hemolymph which is free floating among their small organ things

They probably would've of done better and maybe even get a kill if they were fighting one of the other spiders instead of Uvo

Another part that 2011 did better than 1999

>b-but muh 1999 Yorkshin is a masterpiece

2011 really hyped these guys up for me...
Their deaths were fucking brutal, man Uvo was over killing man

Surely, he could have found a better power to hone.

Why does AdultGon look built as fuck when his dad Ging looks like a fucking hobo manlet?

Ging isn't an enhancer but is probably still stronger than Gon-san

He almost killed Uvo with those leeches.
If Uvo didn't drink that beer, he would've died in a much more embarrassing way than getting chained by Kurapika.

Silva cucked Ging.

No, this is.

I mean, Gon san is a bit chunky on his chest and hips. He's also only a bit taller than Pitou, so probaly still a manlet just a very well built one like Bruce Lee.

A power that requires 3 other nen users to be with you to get an opening and can be dealt with by just buying a six-pack is still pretty fucking useless.
Granted, if he was not so retarded to start explaining how his shit works before he got chomped, it may have been effective still

Do we know how tall Pitou was?

Gon's mom is just really big, like Bisky or Tsubone.


I honestly can't believe this was intentional.