Action Heroine Cheer Fruits

>[HorribleSubs] Action Heroine Cheer Fruits - 01 [720p].mkv
HS rips finally out.

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How does it compare to the temp subs?

Oh shit it's Locodol season 2. Nice.

With more toku

Who will be the fishblob?

Confirmed for bros, etc.

>Chubby Chubby

The girls are cute, the setting is relaxing, and the animation seems alright. Hopefully this show remains comfy because there isn't too much other pure SoL this season.

Just wait until evil invades and they have to fight for real.


If they do that I hope they do something realistic like beating up government officials, military or criminals who mess with the town.


What's with this yuri bait? If they don't fug by episode 9 I'm gonna be pissed

Quality translations

They're the cheer fruits in the title

Yeah, now I know they're doing it on purpose


What did she mean by that?


Meme status

> Actually math
> Actually english
> Actually chemistry
At least the last one was close.

Derp, second and third are for and .

is this yuri

OP felt very 90s. I like it a lot.

Really gem of the season so far. Hopefully the shitters on Sup Forums ignore it.

You mean 80s

I'm not patrician enough to have seen much 80s stuff. Basically the song reminded me of Eva's OP, and I wanted to try sound like I'd watched a lot of old show.


Surprisingly fun.

Literally made for scissoring!


The enemy should have given her the dick, she would have lost

I can't wait for this to go full Sam flam

Not that kind of show, user.

for anal

Poor feet, what happened to them? ;_;

I'm only watching this because Mc's resemble honoka and Kotori.

They got a bad case of Low Quality.


What the shit, this show seems quite decent.

Please don't compare this visually unappealing, no fanservice shit to Locodol that did the attractive girls part pretty well.
Also it didn't have cringeworthy toku shit, and girl kicking another until she loses conscience, in a way she could get a fatal concussion.

>cringeworthy toku shit
Opinion discarded.

Fuck off with the "muh ascended little boy stuff is so great again for a patrician like I am" shit already.

I like Locodol and I'm liking this.

Well, is she right?

One glance and I knew that too.


I'm pretty sure you mean yourself, kid.

I know precisely who I directed my statement at and I stand by it.

Why would you hate Locodol this much, user?

>ginger apple cider
Doesn't sound like a drink kids would like.

>Visually unappealing
>No fanservice
>Cringeworthy toku shit
Wow user, you assumed I directed my point at the one part of your complaints that I don't have a problem with and were completely off the mark. Good jorb.

What are you even saying now?
You know I said Locodol is appealing visually and has fanservice, unlike Action Heroine Cheer Fruits, right?
And it's the truth too.

>You know I said Locodol is appealing visually and has fanservice, unlike Action Heroine Cheer Fruits, right?

>Please don't compare this visually unappealing, no fanservice shit to Locodol that did the attractive girls part pretty well.
>Locodol that did the attractive girls part pretty well.
Uh, no you didn't.

>and has fanservice, unlike Action Heroine Cheer Fruits, right?
Am I to assume you don't know how to use your eyes, as well as your memory?

>Uh, no you didn't.
I did. Read the fuck again.
>don't compare this (namely Action Heroine Cheer Fruits) visually unappealing, no fanservice shit to (the other show that was mentioned, namely:) Locodol, that did the attractive girls part pretty well (meaning they were appealing, and had fanserviceƍ).
>am I to assume you don't know how to use your eyes
Those aren't fanservice, not with that quality.

Don't bother, he was raging all over the last thread because people enjoyed the show and compared it to Locodol too.

Oh boy, Locodol? Picked up.

So you're just baiting to get "faggot Locodol fans" angry?
Good job, then. You sure showed me.

if i liked locodol will i like this?


Wew lad. This is one special case of autism.
Can I like it if I haven't watched Locodol by the way?

Not sure, since it's completely different.
They have no budget in anything but a few (also pretty underwhelming) action scenes, and the girls designs are also cheap as hell.

I have no idea what this is but I'm always on board for cute girls punching each other.

No fuck that retarded redhead.
She didn't need to apply enough power to potentially kill the other girl, and yet she did.

Okay? Go back to watching sesame street if this is too gory for you.

Well why do you think she never showed up to the event?

Branding motherfucker

>baaww if you don't like a girl hitting another who doesn't hit back you don't like anime!
Back to your shounenshit.

>he doesn't like cute girls punching each other
Man, what sad pile of shit taste you are. This is just pathetic.

Oh really? In that case, I'm just gonna stop here then.

It wasn't punching each other, you retard. Watch the episode.

Kicks, same difference. Where did the little girl hurt you user?

The point is that they weren't fighing, they were acting out a retarded childrens' show scenerio, where the villain was getting hit, and the red head girl kicked hard enough on head to cause the kind of concussion that can lead to fatal coma later on, and for her to lose conscience.


So fucking what?

Is this guy finding issue with any random thing just for the sake of shitposting-tier discussion? What the fuck.

Seems like it. He's shitposting about the most retarded, inane bullshit too. He must have read the "how to ruin an animes threads" guides. I'd advise no further contact.

>to lose conscience.



He just seems like an easily baited faggot rather than a shitposter.


Why the fuck are you so obsessed with calling others shitposters?
Or is it because you can't counter anything what I said is shit about this series, because it really has no cute girls, no fanservice, no saving grace at all?

You're pulling from the textbook of how to ruin threads.

Don't respond to it.

What the hell, CR?

This is great.

Oh it's Sentai. That makes more sense. I guess I should have finished the episode first.

She can't get married anymore.

loli please what's wrong with you

I liked she did her own stunts

This was better than it had absolutely any right to be. I legit can't believe how enjoyable this was.
Looking forward to more.

Best girl.



With all the toku references so far I have high hopes for this series.
>that next episode preview

Japan is fast.

It really helps that the screenwriter for this show has done a shit ton of toku stuff

She has to marry the burb now.

She should wear spats

I wasn't aware.
That only makes me harder.