Why did Asuka come back at the end of EoE if she was eaten instead of tanged?
Why did Asuka come back at the end of EoE if she was eaten instead of tanged?
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Implied that the dead may lose their bodies but the soul is eternal.
Technically all that were dead were in instumentality, including Yui.
Tang is where we go when we die? I don't know it's anno, fanwank something
Wrong, when we die our soul remains on earth until the chamber of guf is opened
Her remains were tanged. Misato did blow up in pieces and but we later see her shirt soaked in LCL, so its safe to assume her pieces got tanged.
Kaji died about 10 days before and he shows up in the TV instrumentality.
>Analyzing End of Eva on the surface plot
Nothing wrong with it.
There are no big contradictions on the surface plot of Eva, although it isnt the focus of the show.
Because She's best girl desu
We will never stop discussing about Eva, will we?
Honestly there is only one contradiction in the show on the surface (that I can remember). When shinji gets turned into tang when his sync went 300%, he was in his casual clothes in the EVA, yet in the next episode the only thing remaining in the plug is his plugsuit.
I don't really care too much about it to be honest, seeing as the whole production was a massive shit show.
Yeah that was one major gaf, the rest is rock tight
Don't the eva pilots have no souls or something though because they were all born when the chamber of guf was closed?
That's why they can pilot the evas right?
gosh, i hope not
Shinji wanted to kill her personally.
The tang is just there to look weird and cool, it's ultimately immaterial to the human soul.
they can pilot the evas because their mothers souls are inside the evas.
Nope thats an old autistic fan theory.
The pilots have souls, except for probably Rei (who is a fragment of Lilith's soul with physical remains of Yui DNA)
The units have the souls of their mothers trapped inside of them, which is why they are protective and able to sync with them. Rei can sync without having a mother because she is part lilith.
If we're counting continuity errors instead of direct contradictions of the series' own internal logic, the director's cut of episode 24 adds Kaworu being a massive dumbass and forgetting everything he learned about Adam before the end of that same episode.
we will when japan starts making stuff like this again and surpasses it.
20 years and counting....
LCL does have a function, it is the lifeblood of Lilith and the basis of all life without a soul (animals) and our physical bodies.
Hopefully not.
You're right, I spoke too hastily. I still think it's not really important for collecting the soul.
In terms of instrumentality, no, but it is vital in the return to the post 3rd impact hellscape
Rei does have a soul, Ritsuko confirm it. This soul just so happens to be lilith's. How exactly Liliths soul ended up in Rei is never explained.
Given that Unit 00 is Adam clone, i dont think she can control it because of her origin. She can control 00 because there is another part of her soul (Rei I) inside the unit.
btw there is something similar to a deep plot on the rebuilds? aside that in this iteratión the characters have in general more will to strugle/live i don´t see a mode developed plot
She is seen controlling both Unit 00 and Unit 01
At least the possibility was there
Unless Gendo is an ABSOLUTE madman and knew guilting would work
>best girl
>is an awful person
>3rd impact hellscape
I dont think the world is THAT fucked. Just Asia.
I dont think the act of getting tanged (what happen when Komm Susser Todd is playing) damage things too much, just splash things with orange juice.
Meanwhile the "explosion" from third impact (the one NERV HQ bunker managed to survive at ground fucking zero) didnt seem to have hit europe and the americas.
tl;dr: Humanity will endure.
Rebuilds are fanservice trash
user i have years since i left anime for doing life stuff , i still love eva for the aproach to human strugle, what anime or manga have the level of deepnes of eva you can recomend me?
Second impact killed much of the world and destroyed the environment
My theory is that she controls unit 00 because her soul is in it and controls unit 01 because she is part lilith
Misato seem to know Rei can pilot 01 and dont seem to be into the whole guilting scheme.
without :|| we can't really say
Sure, it will be a climate mess, there will be famines because of ruined crops, shit will be bad, but my point is that humanity will endure. Plus instrumentality might have changed other people besides shinji, so people might be more willing to help each other during the first few months / years of post 3rd impact minimizing losses.
It doesn't exist, you can't really chase the Evangelion dragon in this medium.
for more similar to it, try Yoshitoshi Abe's work, for influences read Devilman and Childhood's End and watch Ideon, for responses try FLCL and Gurren Lagann
I want to believe that the rebuilds had a "sparkle" of artistic creativity, that it isnt just a greedy fanservice work without a strong direction.
Hard to tell without 4.0
I think at this point 3+1 could be literally anything and I would be satisfied with it. I just want to see it, more than anything else that's yet to come out. I just want to know how it ends.
thanks user
Besides all the explanations, it is ironic:
Shinji choose the hard path of going back. Suffering in search for happiness. And who is the first person who pops up next to him? The one he has the most troublesome story. (Well, its either asuka or gendo)
The largest rock in this difficult path happens to be the first one.
I just want something that showcases the animators at Studio Khara.
Rebuild is already a wash for me, I just want them to go off the rails.
>Rebuild 4 comes out
>it's feature-length Petit Eva
Not anime, neither that close to Eva's level of execution, but have you checked Taro's games (Drakengard 1, 3, Nier and Automata)?
A main theme of his works the struggle of very flawed people in a shitty world. He is not even subtle about how much Eva influenced his works.
>Rebuild 4 comes out
>it's an Angel's Egg style contemplative walk with Asuka and Shinji after the End of Evangelion
i would watch it and defend it to the death
Reminder that the first time Mari was featured in ANY eva related work was in a little known Petit Eva game, as a background character, a few months before 2.0 or Anima.
Imagine what Khara could have been if they made one film like that and then used the mega dosh to fund Tribuster, the Royal Space Force sequel or a new IP
So much talent... wasted
Second the user who said yoko taro's games. That's about the closest I've got. Especially nier automata.
Madoka magica also gets close in some of its better moments but you have to ignore the loli pumpkin head art style.
user, pls stop, my dick can only get so much hard.
I mean if we are going for diet Evangelion specifically than Utena is your best bet
>You will never wander the ruins of Tokyo-3 with your redheaded waifu cuddling for warmth and eating Rei flesh for sustenance
Definitely this too. I didn't mention because it came out around the same time and I assume anyone into evangelion has seen it by now
for what plataform is it?
I dont think it would be so easy, they have a lot to make up for before even being able to call themselves friends again.
although the slow journey of their recovery would warm up my kokoro
>Ps2 (emulatable)
>Ps3 and x360
>Ps4 and Pc
Awful taste.
Looking at it from Lacanian perspective, we need an outside body to affirm our being of conceptualized self, so in those last moments after all the in fighting and averting the catastrophe, after Shinkai rejects the idea that there should be no social structure or personal structure, he needs a one last anchor to really hit home the fact that he is truly a being.
Any /lit/fags here? I'm trying to find the Science Fiction story that the EoE ending scene was heavily inspired by. If I remember correctly, it's the same thing but with a collapsed angel or something in a red sea.
>Neir Automata
Literally baby's first existential experience. Taro is a hack.
Ooo this
She came back to terrorize shinji
>Rebuild 4 comes out
>it's enterely live action like the deleted scenes of Asuka's Instrumentality without Shinji
Its clear you don't understand Evangelion if you don't see all 3 girls are awful human beings. They aren't people you can date, they would hurt you or others.
Boy, Sup Forums would have a hard time coping with it and deciding if it should be allowed here.
You don't understand evangelion if you don't get that even if people are horrible, "dating" them is still the best you can do. Pain is part of life, like breathing or shitting. You cannot avoid it.
Where do half these fucking facts cone from?
No, the best you can do is NOT date them and get them serious mental help. They are child soldiers that need a trained professional who deals in psychiatry and helps traumatized teens , not romance.
Just Asia, huh?
Im not sure if professional help is necessary (although helpful), but they neex something more than a boyfriend. They need a true friend willing to help them overcome their problems.
If anything, romance should probably be avoided
I literally explained it on the post. In this pic everyone blew up violently into tang, painting the world red, but i dont think there is any reason to believe there is any permanent infrastructure damage.
When you wake up from instrumentality your home would still be standing, energy would still be running, etc.
I'd recon she needs an calm and steady adult, a mentor. She must have grand parents or something.
A fucking moon came out of the Earth, that's a pretty good reason
Asuka dont need an adult.
Shes an adult
>Its clear you don't understand Evangelion if you don't see all 3 girls are awful human beings
That's why people like them, they appeal directly to protective instincts. Like Asuka, she has abandonment issues, so if you don't abandon her, she'd never leave you. Rei is a vulnerable blank slate that could be changed simply by being in her life.
I'm not saying this right or that I agree with these statements. Yes it is an over simplification of their characters, yes it is ignoring their serious problems. I am just stating the simple version of why people find them appealing, so don't jump down my throat about it.
The white moon was 13Km long in diameter. Not really a continent changing event
What, yes it is
You dont understand art if you think "understanding" can be reduced to such a narrow point of view such as "every girl is an awful human being." I mean, whats the definition of a 'non-awful human being.' Like, I dont even disagree with your general point, but its overly simplified. Also, people date people who hurt them all the time. In fact, some would argue the very nature of 'dating' means you put yourself in a position to be harmed, at least emotionally.
>implying Shinji doesn't get off on emotional bullying and that Asuka doesn't get off on him choking her out
They probably had some super kinky hate sex after EoE.
I'm not sure about it. Anyway, without enough people there wouldn't be electricity and things would be bad anyway, unless automated systems were a thing everywhere else too
>Satan trips
>no one even check'em yet
Figures you'd downplay a huge event like that Satan.
Because Anno is a faggot that can't even maintain continuity inside a single film, much less a multi part franchise.
Unable to dispute his point.
It's about fucking time.
The reasoning that flawed girls are best girls is because no normal girl would want to associate with the type of austistic spergs that browse Sup Forums, so user's need girls that have some serious problems and would be dependent on them since no one else would.
Why do you think disabled girls are so popular?
not that I am any different but I like Asuka and Rei so I don't like the fighting
There's a difference between 'flawed' and selfish.
Shinji and Rei and pretty much everyone else in the franchise is flawed. Asuka meanwhile knows exactly what she's doing and does it with complete sincerity. She wants Shinji to treat her like royalty while at the same time wanting him to be this brutal dominating alpha who'll hatefuck her. She completely knows she wants both these things, but she's too self absorbed and too prideful to act on either of them.
Shinji and Rei could genuinely improve with a hug and some therapy. Asuka needs to get the shit kicked out of her before she'll learn a lesson.
She even got a cheat code from Arael. She had all her flaws spelled out for her in a powerpoint show. Instead of improving herself, she gets worse.
If you want another story about an introspective look at humanity with heavy religious imagery, mandatory second viewings, and centering around broken people, read Book of the New Sun. I still have to re-read it.
Everyone's different. Some people do well with positive reinforcement and some people need to get their insides ripped open and eaten alive. Shes not so bad. I mean she doesnt compare to Rei, but shes not awful.
Rebuild Asuka 'isn't awful'. Because she's been flanderized into a generic tsundere.
Original series Asuka was a steaming piece of shit. Her mommy dying doesn't justify her behavior no matter how much it's blamed for being the source of her dysfunction.
Rebuild Asuka is more popular than Original Asuka ever was because Rebuild Asuka is a pandering mary sue. Meanwhile Rei Q is hated by reifags
that is why asuka is the most damaged character in the serie. She in some level know the shit she is in but is unable to deal with it cause it could break her.
the funny think for my is that i married a asuka kind of a girl and don´t realice until very later.
is hard to help a person and fight her at the same times, and have gimme ery existencial moments
i never heard of it who is the autor,
btw, thanks for the recomendations
>Asuka meanwhile knows exactly what she's doing and does it with complete sincerity
To be fair, both shinji and misato know full well (or at least as much as asuka) what they are doing.
None of those 3 had the willpower to break free from their self hurting habits
>is hard to help a person and fight her at the same times, and have gimme ery existencial moments
Here's the thing, I weighed Asuka's behavior against the stated causes of her behavior and found her wanting. I don't give a shit that her mother killed herself. So fucking what. I wouldn't waste my time trying to help her. She can get in line behind the other 10 Million children on this planet with dead mothers.
Despite your broken english, I find this so touching. Eva is such a human story, despite all the crazy alien shit going on. Tons of people struggle with the exact same anxiety as Asuka, fully knowing what they are doing is destructive to themselves and their relationships, but they literally cant help it. Something in their brain and psyche is just fucking with them. And personally I think those types of people deserve love just as much as any other person.
When people call Rebuild asuka awful, they usually are saying she is awful as a character. little depth, boring, compared to the interesting nutcase that was original asuka
Rei got a similar treatment. She is a terribly boring generic character in 2.0 and didnt even show up in 3.0
They might be better waifus, but man, they are way worse characters.
I agree with you, except that Rebuild Asuka is the most popular version of Asuka ever, because she was specifically pandered to.
Even waifu 2.22 Rei was more similar to Original Rei than Rebuild Asuka was to Original Asuka.
Gene Wolf, a guy who used to work as an engineer and wrote the series in secrecy so he could take his time with it. He's considered pretty influential in the science fiction community, especially since he shows a lot of his work in how the tech in the series works.
It's set in the far, far distant future after all of Earth's resources have dried up so only a vaguely medieval era standard of living can be maintained. Humanity used to have an interstellar empire, but no one remembers it. All the sci-fi is so far ahead in tech that everyone regards it in superstition. The sun is dying, so the earth (urth, in the novels) is cooler, and the sky is always at a vague sunset hue, with visible stars. The moon is green from terraforming, some people wear cloaks made from solar sails that are so dark literally no light escapes it, the nobility interbred with aliens and are eight feet tall and receive high tech "gifts" etc.
The story is framed as an autobiography of Severian, a guy who was being trained in a guild of executioners, but gets exiled because he showed mercy. He also has an eidetic memory, or so he claims. He eventually stumbles across a vaguely religious idol that no one knows where it came from, and from there things get more and more bizarre and metaphorical. It's amazing, every scene, no matter how inconsequential it seems, foreshadows the ending and themes of the book. Sometimes it seems to go out of its way to confuse you.
>An ape with the head of a dog ran down the aisle, paused at my bed to look at me, then ran on.
She might be more popular with some waifufags. Although i do like her consistent design and 3.0 eyepatch. But that is visual only.
>didnt even show up in 3.0
Sure she did.