I'm going to continue my (vain) attempt to get Sup Forums to love short form manga, by dumping a chapter...

I'm going to continue my (vain) attempt to get Sup Forums to love short form manga, by dumping a chapter. This time it's with touhous



Cute kappa


Honestly, Aya, what were you expecting?







Good job showing your secrets to the local reporter. She's probably good for it though

Nothing is faster than the shinkansen

And the contestants are at the starting line!
Place your bets Sup Forums







I like that this artist does color. It increases the fun factor

Crow is pretty nice


Big reveal, Aya is actually a shounen villain


Gotta have a self destruct button




Marisa really goes all out

Classic application of Chekhov's gun

Our home should be out by the end of this week, sorry for being late
Also the rest of toho party barrels are almost done.

What a spread





Or more like next week since its already sunday morning.
Also my kairos is 25% done.

Yassy dropped till i find a new translator, in case i dont i will just upload the textless versions to panda to see if anyone wants to pick it up since the heavy redraws is what scares most people from working with them.



I wish my moon were good enough to help, but I'm not quite there yet.

And, that's it for me. I hope I entertained someone tonight

Karaage works already done, just needs proper typesetting and redrawing here and there.

Im sure someone will enjoy it, good night user.

Thanks for bumping, user. I love Karaage's works. Would dump his Komeiji sisters doujin but it's 200-ish pages long.

I already love short form manga though.

Thanks for your work Veinfag, don't get caught again.

you had me at short form manga
you lost me at touhous