Is there any studio with better visuals than Ufotable?

Is there any studio with better visuals than Ufotable?

Do you really consider these visuals to be special?


yeah, Madhouse circa Satoshi Kon.

Both look generic and ugly besides Nichijou basically.

If I want visuals nowadays then it's usually going to come from Science Saru, Bones or Trigger. Before it also used to be Madhouse and Gainax.

I like their approach to digital colouring and composite. It's not something you see often in anime and is something different from the usual approach of filling in the colours with the paint bucket tool and calling it a day, like those studios you listed. Their director of photography has an autistic obsession with lighting. I understand that their Hollywood blockbuster look isn't to everyone's tastes though.


Yes, Mappa

Digital art will always be ugly.


Their Fate UBW visuals are the best without a doubt. Tales s1 > s2, naturally. God Eater had a few interesting episodes in an average show. Touken Ranbu looks good, but I hope they'll have some more personal fights than cg skeleton-army fodder. I really fucking want them to do a Tsukihime adaptation though.

To me it's just like the marvel visuals of anime. I like bones because it can produce something unique from time to time like Mob Psycho 100, Soul Eater or Space Dandy. Trigger and Gainax are the only studio that to me really pull of just what we typically associate with anime aesthetic, yet alwas look rad and not boring. Then we've got old Madhouse which just had more variety than any other studio ever at their prime.

Watch Casshern Sins. Or anything by Kenji Nakamura, Masaaki Yuasa, Takeshi Koike or Matsumoto Rie.

No idea why you posted that overall average screenshot which is honestly what Bahamut looks like at its worst, but yeah, Mappa do consistently have really high quality shows coming out with consistently detailed artwork, sakuga scenes everywhere, and really well blended in digital effects.

Why is the shot composition in most KyoAni and Ufo stuff so boring? They could learn a thing or two from pic related in that regard.
Koe no Katachi had some nice shots tho.

>high quality
They're the definition of meh. Sakapollon is the only thing they've made with genuinely amazing shots.

Anally devastated kinoani haters ITT

>muh shots
"Good" cinematography is an entirely subjective concept. But the things I've mentioned about Mappa, how much detail their artwork has, how many sakuga scenes their episodes have, and how well their digital effects are bleneded with their conventionally drawn animation, are all objective quantifiers of the quality of a show. Mappa shows are objectively high quality.

Studio Ghibli, of course.

>Mappa shows are objectively high quality

Nice meme

Sakapollon was rotoscoped trash, not even that show was decent. Mappa as a whole is trash. Glad their recent shows after YoI are flopping garbage.

Yeah, ignore my actual argument and just meme arrow the conclusion while posting a cherry picked hyper zoomed image from a single frame of a moving animation sequence from a single scene of a single episode of a single show they've done. You sure showed me, I now realise that Mappa overall as a studio are low quality. Thanks user.

You're welcome. Next time try not to be a retard, OK?

They're pretty and technically nice, but that's it. They don't have any personality or creativity when it comes to shot composition and Yuri on Ice is a perfect example of this. There is not one interesting or memerobale shot in the whole show, while I have a whole folder of Sakapollon shots on my hardrive.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg, because the skating itself lost its charm after a while simply because of how similar the coreography felt.

Shit like Zankyou was better in that regard, but it was a trainwreck for different reasons.

Different user here: You cannot ignore the fact that Yuri on Ice had various prolonged ice-skating scenes outside of the main characters that looked god-awful. The proportions became mismatched in a form that simply broke the tone of the scene, unlike for example, how Trigger would stretch and squash characters for the sake of the scene without having to break the tone of the narrative. Yuri on Ice had blatantly bad animation, especially in comparison to Zankyou no Terror - which had some excellent visual direction.

The problem with Monogatari is that shot composition and unique editing is all it has going for it, everything else about that series is fucking boring

What is good shot composition?

>Doesn't understand the character developments.
>Probably didn't get to see best girl Soudachi's breakdown.
>Probably stopped at Nisemonogatari.
>Doesn't even complement the music.
>Doesn't recognise that Kizumonogatari is one of the greatest examples of digital animation yet.

For SHAFT shitters just basic repetition is enough to woo them.

The story of Monogatari is pretty unique and interesting. The problem is that the director who oversees the anime adaptation, Akiyuki Shinbo, admittedly doesn't care about presenting stories at all and just makes visuals that he thinks look cool regardless of whether they suit the scene or not. The Monogatari novels can get confusing due to them having like 50 different characters, plotlines and constantly skipping to different parts of the series timeline, but the individual stories they tell are focused, have thematic throughlines, and know what tone is appropriate for what scene. The anime on the other hand is a mess with no sense of proper pacing, no meaning in its visual presentation whatsoever, and a constantly over the top tone that totally undermines even the most serious scenes.

The Monogatari series could have been a real treat but now they're just pumping them out with no real soul or thought put into any scene.

I wouldn't quite say that. I think that the first part of Owarimonogatari had some ridiculously fantastic and meaningful direction. I'm not sure as to how long ago Akiyuki Shinbo stated that, but I'd like to hope that such has changed since then at the very least. I think that perhaps with Hanamonogatari and Tsukimonogatari what you were saying is true, but for Owarimonogatari I feel like most of the important scenes involved Sodachi were extremely well-done. Additionally, Akiyuki Shinbo isn't actually the individual pulling off most of the scenes. A lot of monogatari instead consists of the work of Oishi and Itamura.