Two Page Spreads

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My erect dick carried the weight of depleted uranium after this. Good shit.















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>2 pages

Cluttered to all fuck, has like 50 different shade types that aren't defined well at all and just blend together, it has absolutely no flow or focal point. The result is that you have to stare at it for like 10 seconds to realise what everything in it is, and it loses all effeciveness it could've had. A scene wherein someone suddenly appears behind someone else should be striking and alarming, but this doesn't achieve that at all. The best thing you can say about this spread is that it has tons of little details crammed in, but that only ends up harming its overall effectiveness. What Miura needs to learn is that quantity =/= quality.


I like this thread so far. It's got a nice selection.

That's not a spread, so you know. That's an ordinary page which is done sideways and then turned the right way for the scans. That's why it seems like Itagaki gets like a billion spreads.

This, on the other hand, is an actual Itagaki spread.






Did anyone even read Arago?



Fuck, was just coming here to post this.