Why does Sup Forums hate Tae so much? Also Gantz thread I guess

Why does Sup Forums hate Tae so much? Also Gantz thread I guess.

They have a realistic Asian relationship. Makes all the shit more real

So jealousy then?

best arc

I was so hype when reading that arc. Who was the best mascot character and why is it Panda?

They just prefer the tittymonster.

>Wanting to fuck old men
Sup Forums has shit taste confirmed.

Kei made the right choice, Tae>Reika.

This user is right. Idols are for pump and dump.

I don't know, her dick sucking capabilities were pretty good.


The t rex were bullshit.

You werent there man.

What do you mean by this?

That alien that went to school just to kill Kei. Its when Gantz seemed to get tired of Kei and wanted him dead, but now that I think about it, was a bad week where no one had died.

They all are shit.

Tae is shit, Reika is dumb, although getting guilt-tripped into choosing a retarded schoolgirl over big tits is the retardest.

Tae isn't retarded delet this.

Most just want more weird aliens battles not tae bullshit and already fatigued with reading it monthly and I think there was a break(s) too.

And I'm sure if Gantz was just pure ayy battles then those same people would complain about the human characters having no qualities to root for. Don't listen to those people. Although, I can understand the monthly part.

The dog didn't get revived when they met the super aliens. Could we assume he somehow escaped that shit?

I've been reading Gantz back at high school and I have my majors and a job now how long has it been?

At what particular point did Gantz turn from fun grindhouse/trash action into complete fucking dogshit?
Was it when they introduced the psychic dudes?

>choosing a retarded schoolgirl over big tits is the retardest.
>I am the shonen manga protag
>I'm not sure if I should resurrect a big tits whore that I like or the big tits monster that likes me.
>the choice is too hard

The whole gantz plot is like a rocked flying downwards discovering the untapped depths of idiocy previously thought to be impossible.

I liked Tae.

There's normal and realistic, and then there's too normal and realistic. Tae was like... you know, I can see this type of girl stepping outside my house, I wanted a little more with her, especially following Tomb Raider chick and other ones.

old man is best girl

Too much of Tae stuff, I dont mind if the others getting some chapter time too. muscle rider and edgy kid here , best bro katou and among others made me stay on the slow, photoshopped background filters(or just the raw getting raped) and tae-full gantz chapters monthly. Still though, marathoning it is probably nice, I never really revisit and reread it all over again.

The mangaka is just an inept storyteller when each monthly release was full of "tae" pages and then he wraps up plot questions with a statue-deus-ez-machina.

Muscle rider was probably my favorite character in the series and nishi was alright, so I can agree with you there.

I still don't get what the character of Nishi was about.

He died a pathetic death, then was brought back to life, acted (mostly) pathetic and died a pathetic death again.

Lara Croft was the only good thing about the manga.

>fatigued of reading something that comes 1 time each month
Kill yourself man

What the fuck? Does the mangaka hate Kubrick or something?

He knows when to die and when to fight.
And how many months of it again in total? Kill yourself my man.

Quite the opposite.

I want to huge Nishi and make him feel again

So you have attention deficit?
The fact that you get fatigued for something that is done 1 time each month says a lot of you
Do you only read one shots or something?

I thought the mangaka was a failed normalfag, but I'm pleasantly surprised he has accepted the teachings of Herr Fuhrer into his heart.

>reading comprehension

I think he was suppose to show how terrible Edgelords would be like in real life.

angelina jolie > osaka milf > reika > kishimoto > sadako > * > tae

>reading comprehension

>“Think that's about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. 'Schindler's List’ is about 600 who don’t."

>osaka milf

>reading comprehension

>>reading comprehension

>oh boy a new Gantz chapter is out!
>reminiscence good ol' dinosaur arc and buddha arc
>man when's the good stuff coming again?
>fast forward today
>some sperg is projecting his insecurities toward my minor gripe in a manga discussion thread
I'm not even the guy you're replying to. You're pathetic dude.

Masaru's new gf
the one he met her during the osaka mission

>reading comprehension

I didn't even read this shit, just calling you out and that fag of being fatigued of something that come 1 time each month, which you probably just download or stream with some click in your pc
If you dont like something just drop it, stop being retarded

Because she's a shit character in contrast with far better girls. If you didn't read Gantz during release, I'll explain how it was: If Tae showed up in a chapter, not only that chapter would be bad, but probably the following 20-50 would be shit as well just because she's around. Her only contribution to the story is dragging Kurono around into garbage, unbearable arcs that build to absolutely nothing and are a pain to get through.

Kek, man that dude never pulled his punches. Too bad that great character, and last movie, is what got him killed.

>a person who doesn't enjoy a series and shouldn't be in this thread

you sound like a huge Summerfag. If you can't understand reader fatigue/ losing interest in a series than you should probably not open ur mouth

It's very annoying when you have a monthly release cycle which than has break gaps that occur and the only development you get is on boring shit and it keeps happening for a year, it's awful

Wtf I don't remember that at having humanoid triceratops

time for you to re-read the manga, user.

My nigga

A man of culture

How is Inuyashiki?
Will someone who didn't like Gantz enjoy it?

Reika was so much better.

I wouldnt say I dislike gantz but I did have complaints about it and I'm gonna say if the reader has experience with gantz, the complaints would just be the photoshopped backgrounds and the copypasted characters. Some of it, mainly the scenes where old man getting bullied or neglected can be good. Its an okay read if you start now but the edgy kid chapters can be either comedy gold or just meh with him blasting everyone else. I think the series is ending too.

Its ending in like 3 chapters and anime is airing in october. Give it a read. The old man is cool.

what character development did she have? other than being a damsel in distress

>At what particular point did Gantz turn from fun grindhouse/trash action into complete fucking dogshit?

Not every chick is a strong independent womyn who don't need no man.

If only she were a loli