What did Miyazaki meant by this?

What did Miyazaki meant by this?

Godzilla Resurgence and Your Name were popular movies this year.

He hasn't seen them though.

i don't really know, but i haven't been to the theater since inglorious bastards

Miyazaki is such a shithead. Hope he dies soon.

Wtf I love miyazaki now!

>criticizes things he hasn't seen
Is Miyazaki /ourguy/?

Basically this.

He doesn't though.

He's never actually criticized Your Name. It's just that people have been taking his words out of context.

If you read between the lines, he was saying that anime is so shit nowadays, that he wouldn't even watch a critically acclaimed movie that will mark anime for years, even if someone held a gun to his head

Why is it mirrored?

Here applies the phrase "beyond good and evil". Miyazaki is in a position of privilege, he's basically a sacred cow, an untouchable being he can do as he pleases, and say what he wants because of his hard earned position.
When you stay for long on an industry, if you are aware of your sorroundings, you can read some trends before they happen, so, he's saying that this trend of super popular anime movies wont last long and he dont even need to watch the movies to make that assertion.
No, it does not mean anime is ded, it just means that nothing lasts forever, let it be good times or bad times.

Can't blame him. Anime now is way different from his time.

Just take a look at Ero manga sensei and imagine a bunch of grown men animated that pandering shit with a straight face.

He strikes me as one of those guys who doesn't actually go to theaters, but long after widespread release has movies brought to him and privately screened on a 35mm projector in a smoke-filled room.

Where exactly does he criticize Godzilla or Your Name?

What did ESL-kun meant by this?

Why is it so rare to see a question asked on Sup Forums that isn't marred by wonky grammar? I see it so fucking often and correct English so fucking rarely that it feels like everyone's playing along with a meme that passed me by when it was born.

"what did X meant by Y" is a snowclone, born and used on the Sup Forums board.
incorrect English may be a thing with this kind of "joke but maybe its not joke" questions, i honestly have no idea. i've learned to not question it and go along.

I've noticed this shit all too. All the fucking garbage threads that open up with "what did x mean by this"-type generic templates are always made by third worlders with broken English who can't even repeat the grammar of the template correctly.

It's a meme, you autist.

"What did X mean by this?" is the meme. The almost consistently poor grammar when asking questions is not limited to just that phrase. I see it so fucking often.

Let's see... here's an example:
I'm not a grammar expert so I don't know how to articulate it specifically, but it seems to fall down to them not understanding that once you establish your subject is in the past tense, you then carry on in the present tense. Instead they'll just stick to past tense the whole way.
>Why did he said that?
>How did she ate that?
>Where did he thought he was?

States that fads come and go in a very matter of factly fashion. He's right of course.

It's one of those memes Sup Forums shouldn't have encouraged, but there are actually people who don't know how to properly wield the English language on Sup Forums.

>that pandering shit
How is Eromanga Sensei pandering?
Because it appeals to people with a loli fetish? Then Dragon Ball Super is pandering to people who like shounen, and Takagi-san is pandering to people who like slice of life

and you know which is less retarded

You meana like Majokko Megu-chan?

Has he watched Koe no katachi

The people who like Eromanga

I doubt he watches any Anime at all besides the occasional kids film.

Out of the recent anime movies I would think he probably has the highest chance of having seen In This Corner of The World, but it's more likely he just watches fucking nothing but still feels entitled to gripe about how shit it all is.

People will watch anything for a time.

Sup Forums is full of dumb ESLs unfortunately. I keep reading shit like
>Why x do that
>Did you liked the new episode