Atom: The Beginning

The final episode was very well done.

The final episode is masterpiece. Season 2 when? Does A106 becomes Astro Boy?

Shame they filled it with filler eps. The following arc would be great animated

I always thought Ochanomisu was at least 5-10 years older than Tenma.

Since it's pretty much a fanfic, the author can play with these undefined details. In Pluto he looks eve older than him

Unfortunately only ten chapters have been translated so far.

>A106 becomes Astro Boy?

Presumably A106 is the first of the sentient robots, but he is not Astroboy.

Is the translation ahead or behind the events of the Anime?
I saw art of A107 and she is cute.

I dropped the series because it was just mundane adventures. Does anything interesting happen?

hold up i'm going to watch it tonight. Keep the thread alive so we can discuss it tomorrow

You'd have better luck just making a thread tomorrow, these never last more than a few hours.

Ahead, the manga pacing is much faster. We've already seen one of the precursors to one of the Strongest Robots of the World

Watch the first ep, and 9 till the last. The rest is dumb fillers.

is dr. lolo a trap?

It is world building and subtle drama.

Unless you liked AstroBoy you probably won't be interested in this prequel.

Or if you are into autistic girls who totally want to bang their robot crush.

Neat. Thanks.

>It is world building and subtle drama.

How is finding a robot dog and making food for a festival either of these things?

Would banging A106 be masturbation, I mean he's semi sentient now right?

The manga is a whole different experience though. It's more laid back and yet more serious

the food festival had those evil guys and that important chip... which was subsequently forgotten

Because it is about A106 as the first robot actually perceiving his place in the world.
Why the robot dogs were important to their owners, demonstrating how adaptable he is to weird tasks, etc.

>Would banging A106 be masturbation, I mean he's semi sentient now right?

Ran is pretty robotic. So it would be robot sex.

i cry a little

Wow, this final episode was fucking brilliant. Definitely made watching the series worth it. I was getting seriously pissed at Tenma and Ochanomizu for a moment. Now I want to see A106 externalizing what he's thinking.

This shot filled me with rage for a few seconds.

But then Ran came in to start rebuilding A106.
Crotch first.

The manga has just shown that the Lab team are becoming aware that A106 is learning to talk with other AI robots using a language unlike any human language.

It is Tenma fault. Ochanomizu wanted to fix him right away with money they got but Tenma wouldn't allow it. Tenma would make a good villain. He already has that evil way of thinking.


Dr Roro's identity


Tenma made me feel angry in last 2 episodes.


Picked up

That's a really cool robot design.

That is some truly hilarious shit.
Now I feel silly for not suspecting it.


Wear a dress that hides your legs and braces. Still wear high-heels. I guess those are just to feel pretty.


But does A107 have a shapely butt like A106?

So what about those guys who stole a chip or something?

Probably setting up for future story arcs relating to what caused The Incident.

Probably some AI did it.



I'm pretty sure he is the villain in the Astro Boy anime, possibly in other versions too.

I knew it! At least about the gender. Didn't know it was actually someone we knew

For fucks sake, now Dr. Willy I mean Tenma doesn't have any female to hook up with.

If he looks cute in a dress I don't see a problem.


Some people don't like dicks user.

There's no dick there, user. Only the boipucci

The problem is you can't reproduce with a guy. No son = no Astroboy.

To be fair. They could use the fact that they can't have a son biologically as a motivation to make a robot son. As some other user said, this is the author's fanfic by this point. But I'm just being facetious here. Of course it won't happen.

Found his future wife


Disregard old hag trap, acquire loli. Seem fine by me.

Loli end could also be amazing

my trap sense was tingling but I didn't expect this

... ....


... !

... .........


This isn't G Reco. If you paid attention you'd have realized that chip was used to hijack the trucks.
The final episode filled me with rage as they seemingly forgot about Six and he fell into an existential crisis. At least he got a happy end.

Doesn't he end up with the girl that is always with them/cuck ochimizuku?

Tenma almost hatefucked that? I type before seeing Haha, oh wow.

Do those count as bat ears? That's fucking adorable.

I was already raging because I thought they were going for a recap as the last episode (madness). Thankfully, it seems it was a good ending.

That's sad. A106 really grew on me and I was hoping he'd become Astroboy, even though I figured he isn't as he's exceptionally taller than Atom. I'm hoping that once Tenma starts building Astro/Atom, at least Six's memories are implanted on him.

>Do those count as bat ears?
I think it's supposed to be analogous to hair. Like Buttercup's

A106 is the Adam of the new robot sentience. In a way all robots that follow him will be his descendants.

Astroboy's story doesn't work as well if he has A106's memories, I think.
First off it is pretty obvious A106 is fall in love with Ran too.

A107 has the same hair style as Uran (Astrogirl).

did the manga ever reveal who A105 is and why Tenma and Ochinomazu sealed it?

No idea, but I assumed they tried to create a sexy robot girl.

It's an automated fleshlightâ„¢ with adjustable levels of suction.

I see, I was thinking either ears or weird Spawn mantle since it looks so thin. I trust Tenma's made it with material durable enough to catch on something at a crucial moment though.

Oh you're right! I just noticed her heels too. Before I get the wrong idea, did Ran join in this time?

I like that last episode; though, it didn't feel like an ending. Overall, the series was decent. Wasn't a fan of the "SOL-ish" filler episodes.

Wifi enabled fridge to go with their dog toaster. Had to be sealed after Tenma spent an entire afternoon arguing the nutritional value of his 2pm breakfast.


So out of all the atom the beginning characters, which ones actually show up on astro boy? Can someone also spoil who dr lolo is I know it's a trap but who is it from astro boy?

so if A106 id the future base for Astro, could A107 be the future base for Uran

I've not seen the Astro Beginning series, but have seen several previous Astroboy series. (And whatever happened to that Astroboy cartoon series that was supposed to happen last year?)
Have there been any cracks about Jetter Mars? The golden kid, and Atlas?

>has qt3.14 autist imouto and genius boob ladyfriend
>gay for Tenma
Makes no sense.

Going gay for Tenma makes perfect sense.

It'd be kinda cool if Sup Forumsnonymous releases of this manga came out, but what can you do, right?

>Does A106 becomes Astro Boy?
Astro is way way way down the line

Does Ran exist in any other Astroboy work?

>Can someone also spoil who dr lolo is I know it's a trap but who is it from astro boy?
Wheelchair guy from lab 1

single woman

what the fuck
I haven't been caught off guard by plot twist like this since like punch line

wanna /ss/ kid?

motoko a cute


would you ram Ram's ram?

I'd slot my card in her little socket, if you parse my output

Were people really surprised by this? I mean it felt pretty obvious to me.

The anime made him really pretty

It ended? I thought it was at least 2 cour.

This thread is cancerous, half you fags cannot be bothered to Google,and want to be spoonfed on astroboy, you lot reek of plebian normalfag

She and Ran probably due or something as a way for the author to explain why they aren't on the original

People actually watched this? I thought it was just a nostalgia porn.

>ends just before A107
>no cour 2 or season 2 teaser
This is really sad and it's.right when A106 starts developing more complex thought patterns.
No cute little robot for me I guess.

>.right when A106 starts developing more complex thought patterns.
im sure that was the idea of the show, tease the moment the 1st self aware robot started

And that's why it's so sad. There's no telling if there will be another season, if ever.
I just want to see A106 growing and of course A107.

>maido Mars
why do I want this soo bad

>fapped to her (male) before the reveal


If this is Droids the anime, when do we get Ewoks?

What chapter is this?!

And I was wondering what the fuck was going on with him. God damn it. In the anime she is too pretty to tell.
