Nanatsu no Taizai
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Ban losing his loli, escanor being friend zoned and the curse that melidas and elizabeth have to endure hit me in the feels. On the plus side king with diane is intensifying plus the battles going to be hectic in the next few chapters
Honestly think this is much better than bnha it's over hyped, would rather see this get a second season
It's coming apparently.
Also spoilers for new chapter are up. Pelliot is back briefly and we.re getting some demon on demon action.
Chapter 225 korean.
Ban is getting crazy.
Those monster designs are sort of reminiscent of berserk, I dig it.
>pfft boring transition chapter
>that last page
Can't wait for next week.
Though it's a bit too early for the big showdown with Zeldris in my opinion.
It feels like Estarossa vs Escanor all over again. Super hyped fight that was delivered too quickly and ended up being subpar. I would have preferred seeing Merascylla, possibly with her winning and not jobbing like she did so far.
Zeldris is supposed to be in Camelot, this may be an illusion to trap Mel. Or the injured Commandments are regenerating in Camelot, and Zel, the good leader takes it upon himself to defend them. But Eli only has 2 days left. Maybe something happens that forces Zel to lift her curse and the real shodown comes later. Or DK comes back through Zel.
It could be an illusion of Zeldris.
It's definately a trap though, and I'm predicting Elizabeth getting involved in the fight. We might also learn what happened to poor Gelda.
Im predicting they will use Gowther to seal Elizabeth memories so give her more time
Well that was quick, it's out
Who was Pelliot again?
I'm glad that Gowther's relationship to his son got fixed already.
Wait a moment, it's saturday release including the chapter cover? What happened.
This could be one of Mera's powers, like creating a weak version of Zeldris only for him to be able to speak to mel without leaving camelot.
thanks for the dump!
Cheers for that, fuck can't wait for next chapter it's going to be off it's tits
>It's a based Zeldris saving the day chapter
Thanks you based Captain of Ten Commandments
>I'm an anime only!
That fight sparked unexpectedly fast. I hope the manga isn't getting axed now.
>Mentioning bnha out of nowhere for no reason
Please stop.
>would rather see this get a second season
It's been confirmed ages ago.
>I hope the manga isn't getting axed now.
It's ranking better and selling almost three times as much as Fairy Tail.
Ban sure means business.
I just love Suzuki's scenery shots.
ban got a good doses of fucking privileges check
Good to hear. Then it's probably a fake Zeldris, yeah.
I am so thirsting for more Escanor action and backstory, I wouldn't forgive Nakaba if he didn't get the time to do it.
>rushing in is the one thing we musn't do
Few hours later:
Great job, Mel.
Well, Zeldris Commandment kinda forces him to fight instead of fuck off and regroup or some shit.
God damn it, this is what I love about this manga. This is raw emotions of regret, sadness, anger in a way that's true to Ban.
Hawk is easily best boy.
ban got like shit slapped so bad
>I have to see Eliane die for a 2nd time!!
>I cant Allow it!!
>meanwhile Meliodas count goes in the 106
Gowther would make a hot girl tbqh
>more Escabore
Oh god please no, he's more boring than Pelio
>inb4 butthurt Estarossafag
Nah, I just think he's the worst sin with King and Diane. The bottom tier of boredom and cheap drama.
Give me the backstory of Merlin instead, I want to know why the 10c shat themselves when she revealed her real name.
Well, he was modeled after his creators lover, the Supreme Goddess.
Ban is my spirit animal.
>Mera using an illusion of Zeldris as a trap
>opponents can't run away due to his commandment so they are very likely to fall for it
Mera has the most history with Ban and Gowther so I think they're going to be the ones to interact with her the most. Escanor can fight summoned Indura and Mel will probably get trapped or something. Not sure about the others.
King Diane can go against Monspiet and Derrierre.
Zeldris is angry that some goddess slut took his oni-chan away.
Literally the most popular manga in it's magazine.
FT is still better. And sells nothing compared to anything WSJ. What happens with WSM serieses if WSM closes?
>FT is still better.
Not really.
>And sells nothing compared to anything WSJ.
It sells more than BnHA, so pretty sure only Haikyuu and One Piece sell better than NnT.
Next time, make a better bait.
>Ban/Elaine ranked 3rd
I'm honestly tired of them. And I fucking hope King/Diane is #1.
Nakaba has already worked in WSJ so he can just do it again. Due to the popularity of NnT, I can see him putting his King Arthur manga in JUMP actually.
Your FT part was just pure bait, so I won't even bother with that.
Yeah, next time I should put bait and actual question in different posts.
Which manga was in WSJ? Kongoh Bancho? Blizzard Axel? Rising Impact?
I've seen manga jump magazines before, but never on the level of popularity NnT has. Wouldn't it anger fans?
>tfw no cute trap-knight to rescue you from all dangers
Nakaba can put /ss/ into anything, even if it doesn't belong.
hahaha amazing.
Rising Impact
I want to marry Elizabeth and raise five children with her.
Only if the commandments are actually in Corrand though. I still think Mera's the only one there and everyone else is recuperating in Camelot.
It would be stupid planning on Zeldris' part. He saw Escanor with his own eyes, he knows Mera only has no chance. Either a nice trap is there, other Commandments waiting to ambush them, or Mera summoned some induras from the demon realm.
Stop letting that women imprison you, Meliodas!
>tfw cheering for Zeldris but he's doomed to lose
Feels bad man
Zeldris did literally nothing wrong. Meliodas is indeed a terrible brother.
NnT is reverse manga. The unlikable heroes have the upper hand almost all the time, smacking around poor villains.
>Fall in love with a woman from another clan and disobey your Dad
>Get away with it because your big brother did the same thing but turned up to eleven
Honestly, the problem is that Elizabeth is simply boring as fuck. I'm invested on everyone else relationships, in all of them but Meliodas and Elizabeth. I pray to god that after this is over and she recovers her 107 previous lives she'll FINALLY gain some personality.
Or she dies and after a 10 year timeskip, we get a superior Elizabeth.
That'd work too but I don't Nakaba will have the balls to kill Elizabeth, much less do a timeskip in the middle of this conflict. What could even prompt for a timeskip to happen anyway?
Elizabeth is fine, fuck off you losers.
If Eli really dies, we would need a timeskip, she can't remain a baby till the end of the manga. But probably won't die and no timeskip.
Maybe the trap catches most of the sins inside but leaves Meliodas and Elizabeth outside to die, curses broken.
Where the hell did these two come from? Are they summoned demons or corrupted humans?
Monspiet and Derrierie would wreck them with their powerlevels alone.
Such a timeskip isn't about having balls but about lacking brains.
Some of her previous lives looked like the actually had personalities.
Being a princess seems to have stopped her from developing a good one.
I was mostly surprised that they were sentient. All low-tier demons shown so far have not been so.
Which would be the harder boss fight?
Think about all the demon civilians from the flashback to 3000 years ago. Also, the blue demons in the tournament were definately sentient.
>Insane HP
>Insane Attack
>Insane Defence
>High Magic
>High Magic Defence
>Low Evasion
>High Accuracy
>OHKO physical attacks on 1 target
>pretty hard physical attacks on whole party
>curses with different debuffs
>Insane HP
>High Attack
>Normal Defence
>Insane Magic
>Insane Magic Defence
>Insane Evasion
>High Accuracy
>elemental magic on one target
>elemental magic on party
>self heal
>curses with different debuffs
SG sounds like the easier, but more annoying boss.
Based on the Archangels and 10C we can safely assume DK is probably stronger.
Also the Goddesses seemed to also have to ally with the other races to fight the Demons, but this is all inference.
That you can see the goddess chin annoys me to no end. It would have been much better if nothing of her face was shown.
good shit
The goddesses allied with the other races to ensure they wiped out the demons.
The whole point of the holy war was that the goddess clan saw an opportunity and decided to press their advantage.
Previously the goddesses and demons were balanced, neither able to get the upper hand, but in one fell swoop almost a third (if not more than a third given who the traitor was) of the ten commandment's strength was removed with the very heir to the throne of the demon clan showing willingness to fight his own people.
The goddesses allied with the humans, giants and fairies because they wanted to genocide the demons completely (and then rule over the other 3 clans)
Why did the other clans fight the demons?
Past antagonism and incitement by the goddesses.
I think it's probably fair to say that the demons could likely have riled them against the goddesses in a mirror match
It deserves a higher budget anime than it got
Demons and goddesses were the top dogs, everyone was fighting for magic power. Demons were starting to beat the goddesses and going to dominate everyone because of Meliodas but Meliodas fell for Eli and tried to stop the war. The goddesses used Meliodas's absence to unify the other clans in order to crush the demon clan and that's how Stigma is born..
Stop calling Elizabeth Eli. Eli is a man's name.
When will humans and holy knights be relevant?
>Eli is a man's name.
In what language?
I thought they would be when Denzel appeared, but that didnĀ“t end well.
Hebrew I guess.