Horimiya has been shit lately but this was really good chapter
>Bullying crying Hori
>Manga confirms that they're regularly fucking
>Hori is a pathetic masochistic shit
Horimiya 80
Why is hori so obsessed with Miyamura fucking dudes? She practically views Miyamura fucking girls like a Chad would view their girlfriend fucking girls.
I agree completely. I've been bored by the last few chapters, but this one was fantastic. I like how freaking out because she said she missed her period was treated as just another gag. In other manga it would be a huge source of drama for an entire arc. Or just not brought up because they haven't even kissed yet.
I won't believe they are having sex until have concrete prof. Remember this is the guy who think he could have periods too
That scene were she's topless and bites him on the back of his neck wasn't enough?
I haven't read this in ages but it disturbs me to hear that the manga has apparently been shit for so long that the heroine being a pathetic shit is considered a good thing
I don't remember this being that kind of manga
Not a good thing, just a funny thing. I enjoy it a lot more when Miyamura is in control of the relationship.
The manga hasn't really been awful, but more like stale, and focused on the most vanilla side couple ever.
>focused on the most vanilla side couple ever
Why do romcoms do this every now and then
There is no proof that they were having sex there.
There's no proof that they pee either but that doesn't mean they don't do it.
they had sex in the original webcomic there so I think they probably had sex
>Manga confirms that they're regularly fucking
Explain. Anyway I think this manga went to shit ages ago, it was cute when they grew closer and it's cute with them together but the 'comedy' is atrocious and a lot of the characters should just be cut out. What is this manga trying to do and where is it going? Also I'm tired of reading about meek bitchboys, I don't dislike the MC but every male character in this acts like a girl and it's quite weird.
Hori is mad at him and texts him pic related. His reaction and the context means that it's a situation that is not outside the realm of possibility; ergo, they fuck.
Yeah it's still boring, as much as I hate to say it.
That's quite good, I like it, but I don't see myself picking this up again.
Yeah I wanna see the blind guy x Yuki's christmas cake sister and Miyamura's friend x that Chika girl.
Only, to confirm in the following panel, that she made it up to fuck with him. So again, no concrete evidence of sex. Just a whole lot of indirect implications.
The important thing is his reaction, which is a cold sweat + spit take, rather than a "what the fuck is this bitch saying?".
the kid who thinks guys can have periods
That was clearly a non sequitur.
You're dumb.
He just wanted to walk the period home gently
Hori was always really bland, especially in comparison to Miyamura.
It's because the guy adapting it is using more of the omake chapters from the original web comic rather than the ones which actually advance the plot.
>that one guy that always denies the truth
>no they totally didn't fuck, I swear guys
Her imouto was freaked out because they were fucking.
I mean otouto, fug.
This is what purityfags really believe
Why is she so violent? I mean, it's not due to lack of dickings from him.
He doesn't beat her enough. The art of beating your girlfriend has largely been lost in the 21st century.
Anime when
I thought they fucked only once.
Also, she's fuckin crazy for wanting to be hit.
>she's fuckin crazy for wanting to be hit
This is like babby's first degeneracy.
Didn't they already do a shitty web series?
That doesn't count.
I was kind of upset that the last real big thing to happen was when Miyamura suggested they get married after graduating and so little else has happened since then. I really wish there was an endgame here, or for Hori to actually miss her period so something progresses.
She's a masochist user.
>I thought they fucked only once.
Apparently they've been doing it off screen.
The brother acts like this chapter never happened at all for the rest of the manga so I feel like he's repressed the memory and will inexplicably get aroused by prostitute murder as an adult.
Iirc the webcomic has a closure. Idk how much filler are they gonna put in this manga before they get there tho.
>The brother acts like this chapter never happened at all for the rest of the manga so I feel like he's repressed the memory
They just fucked, why are you demonizing it so much.
>They just fucked, why are you demonizing it so much.
I've heard jokes my entire life about people being scarred because they walked in on their parents fucking, is this not true?
Watching your parents fucking can scar some people, depending on their age, otherwise they just get grossed out or just pretend they didn't see it.
Really depends on the age, or the person, and if they got an explanation on it.
Maybe if the parents were obese 50yos. The worst thing that can happen to him is that he will fap to his sister when the gears click and he discovers masturbation later.
He seemed pretty fucking pre-yandere in during the confrontation. I just assumed it rocked his core. I always just thought seeing your parents fucking was Oedipus stuff about the man you respect claiming sexual ownership over the woman you love. And Hori is basically his surrogate mother.
>it's 21 pages
Finally long chapter again.
Stop responding to purityfags.
Revy is a virgin.
Hori is a bitchi, Hori is a bitchi!
She just really wants him to get mad at her for real so she can cum from all the abuse.
Which do you prefer to see in manga: depictions of casual intimacy or casual BDSM?
anything as long as something happens.
Casual female abuse. We need more revenge for what slapstick tsunderes have done to protagonists over the years.
This is still the pinnacle of this series, closely followed by the chapter Miyamura and Sengoku skip swimming.
I mean this chapter
Really, he just needs to abuse her too. She'd like it anyway
I like this one better. You can almost hear her pussy juice spilling onto the floor.
He's just too nice for that. The only way that'll ever happen is if they're doing a play again, but then he'd feel like shit. That, or someone pisses him off for messing with her.
I had forgotten how fun this started out.
>Hori became a dfc
>Miyamura's tats are still ignored
Well at least I can headcanon that he used to frequent punk-rock cocaine orgies.
>Miyamura bullying Hori
>Hori pregnant with his baby
This is some impressive amount of foreshadowing, from 76 chapters ago.
They definitely could have done more with the punk look. He's just too nice to be actually rebellious.
Dang poor kid. No one wants to see their sister getting fucked
>Is he the kid that can't do math?
>Yeah, that's him.
I didn't know those kinds of nips even existed.
>implying he won't try to re-create the scenraio with his girl friend
I just miss Miyamura's lovely silky hair
>recreates the scenario with his girlfriend
>watches her get fucked by Miyamura
This is totally what you meant, right?
Are you autistic or retarded
Merely pretending.