Who is the least likable anime protagonist?

who is the least likable anime protagonist?
pic related


99% of all harem MCs

they're all equally shit.

OP and his life.

three way tie between kyousuke, subaru and amano yukiteru

you mean MOST likeable MC, right?

you nailed it. fuck this pile of garbage of a show


Pick one

He's one of my most liked for sure.

Fuck off man.

What's unlikeable about 8man?

You're just in denial that he's like the average 4channer.

but that's because you're 14 and don't know any better.

What was the name of the only harem MC that seriously went for the harem ending?

Mangaka's Assistant-san?

Other than him being a blatant self-insert for every anti-social weeb who think they're wittier than they are? He's the personification of Sup Forums, it's awful.

For the love of my life I cant think anyone who is worse than Akko

Just screw Akko, she succeeds while Im cheering for failure. Fuck that sparking star with a spiky steel rod

This literal fucker.

But this is the most likable protagonist.

That's why he's likable.

What part of that is likable?

>Other than him being a blatant self-insert for every anti-social weeb who think they're wittier than they are?
But we're self aware of the fact so that makes it okay.

There is no "we".

Eh nandatte?

being relatable to a character makes you think they're good

>ITT: people thinking that a protagonists are supposed to be perfect
If he was he would be a side character. Having a perfect main character is a clear sign of a Gary Stu.

the "we" doesn't have to include you user

I don't expect my MC to be perfect, I expect him to be entertaining, or at the minimum not infuriating.
Dickless here is neither of those things.

speak for yourself

>le self-insert buzzword

everything this day seems self-insert.

>valid criticism blown off as a buzzword
kill yourself

It's because you can self insert the self insert buzzoword into everything.

Fuck off, Hayama.

it kinda is, if you keep in mind it swallowed the meanings of several others like power fantasy etc
you can call anything self-insert these days

The dickless faggot from Haganai

I don't know about other harem MCs, but the appeal of Hachiman was his internal monologues. It panders to pseudo intellectuals like some posters on Sup Forums and /r9k/ so it's obviously not for everyone to enjoy.

Fucking this times thousand. Garbage character that ruined an otherwise perfect setting.

>Super Kyousuke not being top tier
shit taste

emphasis on pseudo

okay, but what I said isn't uncommon

>valid criticism
okay shirou.

8man is handsome and /fit/ and smart despite being an outcast, how can lowtest fags self-insert to a character beyond them, they are either delusional or mislead. he was never implied as a weeb loser like you fags. st

Being a male=self insert
At least thats why the retards on this board think

They haven't seen an Otome show then.

Self insert to the coolest guy


You're kidding right.
>Something subjective is not valid criticism
Are you really that stupid ?

my problem with 8man is that his personality is a self-insert, not his gender you autist

>8man is handsome and /fit/ and smart despite being an outcast, how can lowtest fags self-insert to a character beyond them,
Not everyone is a 400kg blubber.

>Sup Forumsnons

You would call him self-insert regardless his personality

Only way to solve it is to make him a Hachiwoman

Tomoya Aki is up there.

We already have Tomoko.

just because you're a loser doesn't mean 8man is, drink bleach.
>I'm self-inserting therefore, he's a self-insert character.
okay stickman.

I honestly can't tell if you're baiting me or if you're actually this stupid.

Every single one of them. The fact that they are the protagonist make them shit by default. When will we get anime that doesn't have a protagonist?

>8man unlikable
Hello normalcattle!

Is this Yui posting?

/r9k/ makes the dankest memes.

>muh self insert
Why is this a bad thing again? My old literature teacher said if you can see yourself in a character, it will be better because you can feel like you're a part of the story.

>just because you're a loser doesn't mean 8man is, drink bleach.
What does this have to do with what I said, I like 8man you fucking moron.
I'm sill gonna call you a braindead retard for thinking criticism is objective.


That's empathy. Not self inserting. Self inserting is only possible in interactive medium like Video games and VNs.

Menma and Jintan were really fucking bad.

How is Anohana regarded as good is beyond me

because he's an insert of the author and 14-yo autists

Self insert tends to be bad because it's rarely a realistic self insert. Just ends up being an invincible bland character for the audience to project itself onto.

>there are shit taste faggots on Sup Forums right now that think 8man is a bad MC

Honestly, at first, I thought 8man was cool but over time I sorta found him to be pretty meh.Like he's too try hard although I guess that's the point, to portray an edgy teenager which I could relate to back when I was one as well.

Like, his thought processes are really what you'd find a teenager with no friends would thing which makes him a good self-insert for those in that mindset.

He just overthinks way too much about crap although to be fair he is a teenager.

>/r9k/ boogeyman
/r9k/ are failed nermins

>How is Anohana regarded as good is beyond me
Drama clouds people's judgement.

If Sup Forums is so horrid then feel free to fuck off to anywhere else.

>make a chad
>call him a loser/ outcast
>later he becomes a chad anyways
How can people buy this shit is beyond me.

you ever been to a zoo?



You can still Self-insert into a character.

I mean look at all the garbage 8man harem fanfics out there. Or don't as they're all garbage. They just use 8man as their edgy self-insert.

>I just come here to laugh at the losers!

Oh, so you're a stupid newfag who hates anime, I see now. Can't wait until summer is over.

>Mankoto isn't likeable

>too dumb to read between the lines.
as expected of self-insert buzzword spouters. delusional wanna be 8man.

I'm actually here to laugh at you, specifically.

>as their edgy self-insert.
Does he punch all the bitches? If he doesn't it's not edgy in my opinion.

Issei's an odd one for me. Like, I don't hate his character but I do despise the fanbase and the story when he's meant to be a self-insert power fantasy.

Pretty much like how the Monster Musumefags used to shill the MC as a character when he was clearly a blank self-insert.

Is that a confession?

This cunt

Notice me, senpai.

beat me to it.

Each one that describes themselves as normal and everyday.


Issei is a sperg. You would need to be a sperg to tolerate his character.

/r9k/ are reddit.

And she has a 24/7 general
Im guessing people dont hate self-inserts
They just hate male self-inserts

>worse in every way

He'd go from being a relatable cunt with understandable, if largely self inflicted, issues to a generic, boring cunt.

So the double standard is real even in 2D?

Eh. He's at least somewhat entertaining when they go full on ham mode. The fanservice parts are full cringe though.

Him and DDraig make a fun pair.

No, the one with the student council where the best haremMC actually actively goes for all of them (succesfully)

Describe characters without mentioning appearance or occupation is a good test that 8man passes well enough. (Which for me rules out him as a self-insert) Meaning he had a character that was memorable and defined; which in my experience of chinese cartoons is quite rare and actually a bit much to ask. His relatablity should be a character positive even if it's to Sup Forumsutists. (Just look at well written characters they are all relatable in some sense as a writing tactic to draw on the emotions of the reader.)