You now remember the thrill of discovering that ulquiorra was only the 4th ranked espada

>you now remember the thrill of discovering that ulquiorra was only the 4th ranked espada
>you subsequently remember how flawed the ranking system was and how disappointing espada 1-3 and 0 were

OP is a faggot as always

Compared to Ulquiorra they were..

Don't remember any of that because Bleach was never watchable after the soul society arc.

Stark beats Ulquiorra in every aspect.

>not disappointing
He was entertaining personality-wise, but he didn't deliver at all.

He was sacrificed in order to hype Shuinsui and Ukitake even more. They also failed to delivered, sadly.

well that's because he didn't enjoy life. for him life didn't have any value- not even his own. he was probably one of the strongest one of all but never wanted to fight in the first place. uli may be stronger but that's because uli had an intention to grow stronger. that's the irony in Starks personality. Ichigo was in the same spot as him when he fought against Aizen. He normally enjoyed fighting, saving people, getting stronger and so on but in the end he just overpowered Aizen and it had no value for him. That's the whole plot in Ichigos character development when he fought against his inner hollow to obtain his final form. the difference between Stark and Ichigo is, that Ichigo had to fight for the sake of everyone who died and all the people who backed him up till that day.
correct me if I'm wrong.


Nig, of all of them, she lived. On top of that, Icefag with all his massive power ups and plot armor, still couldn't kill her.

He's right, Starkk lasted like 3 minutes dude.
Barragon got beat by le obvious nuke

Wasn't it kind of implied that the whole ranking system was just sort of arbitrary as a way to fuck with the arrancar and promote infighting and rivalries

I mean we're talking about Aizen here

That made me hate Shunsui, fuck that guy.

Such a shame she wasn't relevant in the last arc considering her similar personality and motives as Ichigo.

Kubo is amazing at designing characters/powers but he's a horrible writer and world builder.

Didn't him having a second release mean that he was secretly the strongest espada?


no one knew he could power up like that he WAS the strongest espada

In hindsight, what does a second release mean? The whole point of their swords is that it's their powers sealed there. They become alike their original forms with Barragan looking identical to his original self. Does the second release mean even closer to original or what?

It's literally bankai for hollows.

Ulquiorra and Yammy vs Stark and Barragan

So it's a bankai 2.0?

I am absolutely certain Aizen, mr. keikaku doori himself, knew.

Ulquiorra was his right hand man. He sent him to do everything and keep people in line.

2.0 implies upgrades from original which it's not.
It's just the same concept applied for different species.
Just like Sonido, Shunpo and Hirenkyaku.

Grimmjow was sitting on his right hand and Ukulele on his left. Explain this.

Ulquiorra has stronger hierro and more reiatsu in his segunda etapa. Stark only has stronger ceros

Fuck you my lord baragan was alpha as fuck

lel no, starrk was cool personality wise but his fight wasn't half as good




>horrible writer
>read the full manga

Bleach ran for 15 years.
Most of us were in our early teens, or found it a few years later while in our early teens. You grow up and realize the writing's shit, but by that point you've already invested 5 or 6 years into this shit so you feel like it's a waste to not see the end.

nah,the same happened to me with one piece but i dopped

It's poetic because in Japan, 4 is the number of death and Ichigo is a Shinigami.

It's picking up steam again now in the current arc, you should check back sometime if you have the time.

He never revealed his second form to the other espada

Fortunately, reading one chapter took about 20 seconds once a week, so it wasn't exactly a terrible waste of life.

Didn't he get beat by that one guys fucking severed hand?

>Starrk managed to fight 4 captains
>exhausted 3 of them before losing his will to fight because of Lily's death
>he was character wise the best espada who never got fleshed out
fuck you Kubo

Probably. Doesn't really matter though.


You could literally read a whole Bleach chapter in between two shitposts.

Serves him right.

but lets bring back grimmjow

I love bleach!

And then people complain that nothing made sense, because they speedread.

There are no satisfying Ichigo fights, but the ones where he only wins by being possessed are the absolute worst.

He got beat by a dude teleporting his own power into him.


Still disappointed as fuck. You would think Byakuya and Kenpachi both fighting the strongest espada would be guaranteed to be one of the better fights, but of course it may as well have not even happened.

Well it barely did - he was defeated off screen for fuck's sake.

yeah the plot was so deep amirite

It did give us some fun times.

I'm still mad.

Don't say we didn't warn you. But we're living in an age were people expect the sister's friend to win over the sister when the sister is the only one in the title.

Post more

I cannot understand how people can possibly get mad at shipping bullshit.

Furthermore my assumption was always that whenever people have arguments over which girl will "win" then they're actually having an argument about "my favorite girl is better than your favorite girl" instead, but somehow that doesn't actually seem to be the case. Why are people so invested in this?

I'm not actually really mad, just kind of disappointed. Rukia and Ichigo didn't really have much to do with each other after the SS arc ended anyway.

People like this must have been seriously delutional. It was pretty clear that Ichigo and Orihime was the intended pairing.
I understand why many wanted Rukia to win, but they really shouldn't have been supriced that Orihime won.

Barragan was the strongest Espada

actually this. I didn't even realize.
4 is yon or shi in japanese. shi means death or dying. that's why people don't gift someone 4 kinds of something and avoid a total count of 4 because it's supposed to bring bad luck/karma or death upon you.

Also, hack writing, keikaku recursion and a fuckton of unnecessary characters aside, Kubo had some pretty funky designs and generally good art for the characters.
The manga is a long chain of hype and disappointment but every once in a while the hype was justified and you kept reading because you're a dumb fucking optimist like the rest of us.
Most Bleach fans basically played roulette with the hype and lost hard at the end.

That's way more inconvenient than say, thirteen.

A good deal of it stems from people having unfulfilling lives particularly in the romantic relationships department. Taking a look at the screenshots in the "hall of anal devestation", it's clear there were many Ichirukifags who self-inserted as Rukia, fooling themselves into believing Ichiruki was a romantic pairing and fantasising about being in a relationship with a fictional character as "Queen Rukia".

People who go on the internet to publicly announce things like "I hate Orihime because she reminds me of a big boobed girl from my high-school who got all the attention so I despised her", "when I saw the Ichihime won I felt sick, I actually threw up, I was crying and my mom had to comfort me and take the internet away for a little while", "I'm so salty right now I'm going to destroy my merch and post it online later".

These people are the epitome of autism. It's no wonder they were so devestated over something as small as shipping.

Doesnt matter now
Jump killed it, instead of letting him do his thing we got a rushed half assed jumbled shit soup.
Fuck jump. Fuck those gooks to hell and back. 2 nukes werent enough.

>projecting this fucking hard

Ever seen a single episode of bachelorette? Wonder what demographic that is targeted at? moms Wonder what they talk about when they watch it? you guessed it who they think should be paired

same thing with that big brother shit

13 is called an unlucky number because of Christianity. bleach is more of a traditional anime with some nuances of external traditions like the spanish naming of the espada or the bounto saga with the german summoning spells. 4 is a rather traditional thing embedded into their language than having some religious faggots pretending 13 is unlucky because some retard on crack wrote 2000 years ago a story about a guy called Jesus.

>13 is called an unlucky number because of Christianity.
I have never heard this, ever. Source?

because there was 12 apostles +Jesus which made a total of 13 and one of them was Judas the betrayer. never heard of the story of Judas? he was the one who got Jesus crucified.

Barragan was the best one of them.

All I wanted was more Aizen and Ichigo talks.

Ulquiorras entire fight was different from the other Espadas.

Them fighting on top of the dome where its always night while Ulq and Ichigo both looked like hell demons was way different than fighting in air above fake cities and shit.

His looked like some final villain shit.

I've heard the story, but never that it was why 13 was considered unlucky. Do you have a source for that?

Not same user, but can confirm that's common knowledge around where I live in rural bumfuck part of UK. Couldn't source it for you, it's that obvious sort of thing, just like never going down a road if a black cat crosses it in front of you, or a house with a leek growing on the roof can't be hit by lightning.

Just common sense, basically.

the way he was defeated was so retarded

I was never thrilled during that arc. It was fucking boring as shit.

Yeah but she still got beaten by Icefag, of all people. And he beat her by himself.

None of that is common sense most of that is fucking retarded

OP knows what's up

>rural bumfuck area
>obviously stupid superstitions
>its fucking retarded
No shit. You really opened my eyes up there.

Kubo should have shown us the rest of the Vasto Lordes instead of the fucking Quincy.

what kind of source do you expect? just read the Wikipedia article about Judas. I'm not gonna read the bible for you user just to paraphrase it.
I'm from Germany and most people here are either Christians or well educated when it comes to religion bc you know, Hitler and stuff. that's why it's common sense here. there are also other theories on why 13 is unlucky but the Judas one is the most popular one... at least speaking for Germany.

And not the october 13th,1307 massacre?

Barragan had a personality so shit I can't even remember him at all. And his ability was intimidating, sure, but pretty uninteresting since a lot of chapters were wasted on characters trying stuff on him only for him to passively shrug it off because of his ability.
Stark had a cool personality but that's it. Shisui absolutely shat on him in their fight, so any claim to power or combat prowess that Stark had wasn't conveyed properly to the reader at all. Stark was a perfect example of "disappointing".

This. The "why did you read all of a manga that's terrible" complaint will become more valid as time goes on now that it's finished publishing, but everyone complaining about Bleach's quality only had to invest a few minutes at most each week.

What the fuck did Barragan even do really? I only remember what he looked like in released form and that's it

>but by that point you've already invested 5 or 6 years into this shit so you feel like it's a waste to not see the end.
Fuck that. I dropped Bleach (and Naruto on that note) when I stopped liking it which was around when Aizen got beat. Never went back. Only read what happened occasionally but had no real incentive to check it out again. People who clearly do not like thing but "I can't stop reading it because I grew up with it" are only reading it so they can keep talking about it on internet forums or something

Barragan a shit

Stop falseflagging Grimmjowfag. Even Starkfans know he got shat on.


I regret reading the manga. Kubo really fucked things up after the Soul Society arc. This ranking BS was just one of many things wrong with it.

Such a cancerous character. Him Deidara and Hidan are fucking obnoxious shonen villains.

So, Barragan, the supreme ruler of Hueco Mundo, the land of all Hollows, is introduced as some minion to a Shinigami and is not even THE strongest minion.

What kind of shit is this? You would think a character like Barragan would the be main villain of a Hueco Mundo arc.

Barragan is stupid af

Still surprised that with all the dead Espadas with corpses somewhat intact like Starrk & Nnoitra, Mayuri decided to revive Luppi who had half his body blown off & the Privatons.


You didn't like Shunsui's bankai?

What was Ukitake's Bankai?

Her powers were boring, her fight was lame and she jobbies.

Like every single female character and nearly every element of Bleach, Halle Berry was wasted potential.

>Starks strongest attack can't even blow up buildings
>Ulquiorra had a lance that caused city wide damage

>People were hyped over Halibel being #3 and that we'd finally see a girl who isn't Yoruichi and her gay hanger-on wreck shit.
>She's actually shit tier

Still mad.

Sacrificing himself to make Yhwach stronger.

Hes shitposting

probably something water based. his shikai was breathing. inhale the enemies attack and exhale it with his own force.

>shikai - breathing

>bankai - stopping enemy from breathing

Also he used a few water similes. he said yamas sword gave him fear that felt like the weight of the ocean